I honestley believe half life 2 is gonna be the greatest gaming experiance ever.


Jun 23, 2004
Reaction score
I never doubted it for one minute,but after watching the e3 vid again and examining it really closely i am just astounded,a game that actually feels like effort has been put into it,this game literally defines a perfect game already,and i think valve are due a very very very big pat on the back,once this game is released and i believe valve will stick to their guns this time and deliver it when they say they will,it will be the most awesome game ever created,doom 3 looks good,i wouldent doubt that for a second either,but as far as story,ai interaction,and graphics (yes many of you doubt hl2`s graphics,i wouldent if i were you) i think this game is gonna simply destroy everything on the market,this is another classic in the making im telling you guys,in 4 years from now,we are still gonna be talking about that time in hl2 when.....

yes belive it,its so close we can smell it 2 months guys 2 MONTHS AND WE WILL BE PLAYING THIS GAME ON OUR PCS LOCKED IN OUR ROOMS AWAY FROM LIFE!!!!!

once we complete it (or take breaks but who wants them? :cheers: ) we will come here for id say 5 mins,then its TO CS SOURCE OR DOD OR TF2 TO DO SOME OWNING!!!!

then we will have pictures of ragdoll deaths all over the boards,and then after all the dust has settled and we have literally experianced perfection on a disc,we will be anticipating hl3

god i love valve.

god i love you guys


Watching the Doom 3 trailer has reassured me, Half-Life 2 is going to be way better than any game coming out this year.
Brothers in Arms and HL2 are evenly tied up... they both look extremely cool and fun.
hmmm, i think the hype is well and trully back for some people :p

And yeah... not long now! :)
I honestley believe half life 2 is gonna be the greatest gaming experiance ever too.
yeah definatley,its all the little things in it too,i think the first time i play it,i will literally take months to complete it,just cos i wanna see all the little things in the enviroment,dont get me wrong,farcry had me playing with a lot,but it was so limited,were as half life 2 i feel like i could just play with that manipulator gun for years,its like one of them baby boomer things,no matter how many times you bounce,you just cant get enough.

like duke said

"its time to kick ass and chew bubblegum"
its number !1111! , always has been in my eyes.

cant wait 2 multiplayer it with you guys, its gonna be one fat laugh :D

*me drops box on foxtrots head from ontop of a crane with the manipulator* :LOL:
oh yeah,not knocking brothers in arms,god that looks amazing too,but i gotta say i love war games so im kinda biast to any of them lol,dod source will just be amazing though,especially if they give it the cs source treatment
clarky003 said:
its number !1111! , always has been in my eyes.

cant wait 2 multiplayer it with you guys, its gonna be one fat laugh :D

*me drops box on foxtrots head from ontop of a crane with the manipulator* :LOL:

LOL can u imagine the aim maps people will make?

box throwing only servers hahaha.

crane killing only HAHAHA

or better yet,they could have bird throwing,throw birds at each other till one person dies,can u imagine that? LOLOLOL god it would PWNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!
WOW dude..I'm looking forward to this game as much as you else here and I have literally no complaints about anything valve has showed us, but I wouldn't declare it the greatest game you'll ever play because you havn't played it yet. I know its hard not to, but you have to try not get overhyped about HL2 because( I CANT BELIEVE IM SAYING THIS) it could suck major ass for all we know.
Look on the bright side... you can get Doom3, HL2, Brothers in Arms and STALKER ... I just wish they could release all of them during the summer so I wouldnt have to drop out of school. :\
The only problem I see that could happen to the game is if it is too short. How long is it suppose to be 40 hours? That seems long enough I guess...I just wish it would last longer. Morrowind was good, took me like 80 hours.
brink's said:
WOW dude..I'm looking forward to this game as much as you else here and I have literally no complaints about anything valve has showed us, but I wouldn't declare it the greatest game you'll ever play because you havn't played it yet. I know its hard not to, but you have to try not get overhyped about HL2 because( I CANT BELIEVE IM SAYING THIS) it could suck major ass for all we know.

from literally what i have seen so far,i would call it the greatest game ever,simply because i am really into half life,the story of the first game was amazing,like a movie when it first came out,i was like darn is this a game? lol

i doubt it will suck,if it does i will be very very surprised,and very upset,but that wont happen u know why? i dunno but HL2 RULES!!!!! W00T W000TTTT
I am just going to get HL2 in august to hold me over until my love Rome Total War comes out in october

uziholda said:
from literally what i have seen so far,i would call it the greatest game ever,simply because i am really into half life,the story of the first game was amazing,like a movie when it first came out,i was like darn is this a game? lol

i doubt it will suck,if it does i will be very very surprised,and very upset,but that wont happen u know why? i dunno but HL2 RULES!!!!! W00T W000TTTT
I felt the same way and STILL do(I Mean I bought this $1800 comp for it and am buy an x800 pro), but don't get to high on it, you never know.
:thumbs: I believe Half-Life 2 will be like a cinematic experience, a movie. Unlike other FPS, which fail to do what even Half-Life does, obviously Half Life 2 is times 2 of Half Life.

yup^ me also,gonna be great,god two months,not long,seems like years though LOL
Hmmm dont hold your breath sally... they might get their "source code stolen" agian :\.
this might be spamming, but....


spanny? LOL,

Let out all your blooming HL2 fanboy desires...


and doom 3 will have bunnies with flowers.
I think the hype symbol fits perfectly here!!!
:afro: :bounce: :afro:
Yeah Half-Life 2 is really going to be something, but what I think has kept Half-Life and WILL keep Half-Life 2 alive are the mods, I personally find Half-Life online rather boring and dull, CS and DoD and other mods are really the ''Half-Life Multiplayer'' but you can count on Valve to give us a hell of a single-player experience, since they don't have to worry about making the mods (CS:S, DoD:S, etc) they can fully concentrate on giving us a single-player experience like never before done. My $0.2
blindvomit said:
Yeah Half-Life 2 is really going to be something, but what I think has kept Half-Life and WILL keep Half-Life 2 alive are the mods, I personally find Half-Life online rather boring and dull, CS and DoD and other mods are really the ''Half-Life Multiplayer'' but you can count on Valve to give us a hell of a single-player experience, since they don't have to worry about making the mods (CS:S, DoD:S, etc) they can fully concentrate on giving us a single-player experience like never before done. My $0.2

Yeah so true,valve are the kings of single player experiance in my books,they made fps what they today with hl1,but the modding community is so dedicated,so u knwo for a fact we will see some fantastic mods,i think they went the right way about porting all current mods to source,fantastic idea,i also think it will help modders understand how its done a lot more also
Quite frankly,

I really can't wait for the release date... I mean think about how many people will be in a joyous mood the day HL2 hits the shelves...

I mean that day.. will be... well i dont know what it will be but it will surely go down in the gaming history books... I mean really. what other game has been hyped this much?

The day the game his shelves will be a GREAT day for thousands if not millions of people around the world! :)
kidrock450 said:
I am just going to get HL2 in august to hold me over until my love Rome Total War comes out in october

I concur.

check the sig.
Evil^Milk said:
lol... I saw this one coming.

Me too.Someone has to post something like that in a totally biased fanboy thread to piss them off.Oh the joys of unfanboyism...
This thread needs to be left open so we can all let off steam because frankly it's at boiling point and my sides are splitting due to anticipation. I played Blue Shift through today purely so that i could hum with happiness at how damn good the game is, in fact i played it through on hard just so it would last longer..

HL2 will be the greatest bestest most amazing thing to happen in my gaming life. i will spend hours enjoying myself purely because we need esca[ism in our lives and this is it in its purest form. I will give up drink, drugs, cigarettes and sex with cheap women for at least a month purely on the basis that i can have MORE fun sat in fron tof the computer i intend to buy. God it's a great time to be alive.

P.S. the above comments may well turn out to be lies...on the whole lifestyle thing. BUT I'LL TRY DAMMIT.
well i think this thread has been very positive,aside from the one comment but the mature people outweigh the idiot here,so it does not really matter does it? lol

anyway i think its good for people to let out there feelings for hl2,and share with the community what they look forward to doing,it allows this whole,i want a release date i want info thing,to be forgotton about for the moment,and just focus on how good the game will be between each other,very positive thing u see?


yes i said it

I think some of you need to be instutionalized....I don't doubt the game will be good....but wow....I guarantee one of you is will commit suicide if the game gets delayed a week....

When you have over 1000 posts in a forum about a game that is months away from being released, I think that's a good time to step back and think about your life and how much time you've spent here that could have been spent trying to achieve non-virgin status :)O yep i said it).

Anyways...have fun!
dugly said:
I think some of you need to be instutionalized....I don't doubt the game will be good....but wow....I guarantee one of you is will commit suicide if the game gets delayed a week....

When you have over 1000 posts in a forum about a game that is months away from being released, I think that's a good time to step back and think about your life and how much time you've spent here that could have been spent trying to achieve non-virgin status :)O yep i said it).

Anyways...have fun!

HAH I don't fall into that category!!!! HAHA
dugly said:
I think some of you need to be instutionalized....I don't doubt the game will be good....but wow....I guarantee one of you is will commit suicide if the game gets delayed a week....

When you have over 1000 posts in a forum about a game that is months away from being released, I think that's a good time to step back and think about your life and how much time you've spent here that could have been spent trying to achieve non-virgin status :)O yep i said it).

Anyways...have fun!

I love it when people mutter about 'non virgin status'

a) it scares me to think what kind of cheap whore sent you the wrong side of that concept.

b) i can guarentee, swear on whatever you want i am more successful at said goddamn concept than you are, i can think of no way of saying that in a non braggy way but the sad truth is it's true. I have over a thousand posts in no time at all because i like this forum and i like contributing to it.

c) some people choose not to go the whole nine yards before they're ready and who gives a flying ****i if they do, it doesn't change who you are and only lame wankers and no dick abuse artists give a shit. Plus pubescents.
HL1 is to spiderman as HL2 is to spiderman 2, Just a little comparison to how good it will be, nad how much better it will be compared to the first one.
the people that say stuff like dugly says are infact probably the only people who cannot get laid,for your info also dugly i have a fiance,so i dont tend to have the non-virgin status thing happening,i lost my virginity before you even knew what the internet was,so before you flame people on a board for having fun about a game they want to play,and are looking forward to,think about how pathetic you are and how useless you exsistance is to us.

ask yourself a question whats worse

us talking about a game,or you signing up on a hl2 messaging board just to talk crap to people..

now that is pathetic.

your just upset that the little gamey isnt out yet,awwww does little dugly pampers baby need a diaper change?

:sniper: *duglys head* NOW SHUT YA PIEHOLE MAGGOT