I honestley believe half life 2 is gonna be the greatest gaming experiance ever.

HL2 will rock in a way that makes the moon look like pea shingle... :thumbs:
Kyo said:
The last thing these forums need are more posts about "OMG HL2 is so great"

Trust me, it won't be a thread like that - but it's one that I hope will make you stop and think for a bit.
uziholda said:
I never doubted it for one minute,but after watching the e3 vid again and examining it really closely i am just astounded,a game that actually feels like effort has been put into it,this game literally defines a perfect game already,and i think valve are due a very very very big pat on the back,once this game is released and i believe valve will stick to their guns this time and deliver it when they say they will,it will be the most awesome game ever created,doom 3 looks good,i wouldent doubt that for a second either,but as far as story,ai interaction,and graphics (yes many of you doubt hl2`s graphics,i wouldent if i were you) i think this game is gonna simply destroy everything on the market,this is another classic in the making im telling you guys,in 4 years from now,we are still gonna be talking about that time in hl2 when.....

yes belive it,its so close we can smell it 2 months guys 2 MONTHS AND WE WILL BE PLAYING THIS GAME ON OUR PCS LOCKED IN OUR ROOMS AWAY FROM LIFE!!!!!

once we complete it (or take breaks but who wants them? :cheers: ) we will come here for id say 5 mins,then its TO CS SOURCE OR DOD OR TF2 TO DO SOME OWNING!!!!

then we will have pictures of ragdoll deaths all over the boards,and then after all the dust has settled and we have literally experianced perfection on a disc,we will be anticipating hl3

god i love valve.

god i love you guys



I've also never doubted this for one second, before and after the leak.
Wow this place is starting to creep me out a bit. We are talking about a video game here right? For a second I thought Valve was releasing "Jesus Christ vol. 2" aka JC2.

Sure I'll be happy when it's released, but calling it the best experience ever without even seeing it yet is crazy talk. I have a lot of faith in Valve myself but geesh this is a bit much for me.
why do people have to be so negative?

first you get people saying it sad to enjoy videogames,well to be honest i`ll put it like this,i prefer videogames much more than any other entertainment,i have a fiancee,i am 22,i live a very healthy life,i have a good job,i did well in school,im also a musician,so as far as trying to call me sad for enjoying a computer game,well its just immature and idiotic to be blunt.

people assume they know people because they judge to much,wake up guys,this is real life,me typing here,its me typing,therefore making it real life,and after i turn this computer off and go out,that will also be real life,so dont be stupid,by saying get a life,because this is my life,i enjoy being on and off my computer,just because your stuck in your fortress made out of cardboard and dont have a job a girlfriend etc etc,does not make me the same as you.

and people why be so negative towards valve and hl2 all the time by saying things like "it could be a let down" man you call yourselves fans? i think a lot of you have lost faith in games developers because of the amount of trash thats come out lately,well i am simply saying this game is gonna own,and bring games developing back to life again.
You know, when I watched the E3 video I got the same vibe I did from Half-Life. I was like, yes, this IS the sequel to Half-Life. I mean, not only the same characters, but just the feel of it all.

And I no doubt think HL2 will wipe the floor clean. :thumbs:
I don't think the "negative" people are being negative, rather being grounded in reality. I also don't think they are trying to hurt your feelings. Personally I'm definitely looking forward to it. I'm just not going to call a game I've never played the best experience ever until I play it.

I can't remember how many times I've followed a game's development. Seeing people do nothing but praise a game as being perfect long before they ever get to play it. Then the game comes out, it doesn't match their lofty expectations they have in their head and end up dissapointed and start trashing the game in the forums. Then you have the people who do enjoy it get angry because someone else doesn't like it. Then you get the threads where people give their "review" which just ends up a way for the customer to vent their displeasure.

I have never seen a game get released without this phenomenon happening. All I'm saying is this game will be no different. I won't be trashing it though because like I said this is just a video game. I'm not judging anyone, it's just I don't take video games seriously like some do. That's fine I'd never say something bad about a hardcore gamer. More power to them.
If i'm disappointed with a game i will voice that disappointment in the hope the developers will listen and learn from it.

But yes, expectations are very slowly getting out of hand. I sense a lot of people will be disappointed. Half-Life 1 hit the game world like a bolt of lightning. It came from no where. Now millions of people are ready for Half-Life 2 and are anticipating it every single day of their lives. I have never seen a game that has got as much coverage as Half-Life 2. I've never seen a game marketed so intensely with all this game footage at our disposal.

and people why be so negative towards valve and hl2 all the time by saying things like "it could be a let down" man you call yourselves fans?
There are fans and there are fanboys. Fans look at everything, weigh up the pros and cons, THINK, and make well thought-out conclusions (most of the time). Fanboys only listen to the positive side of things and abuse/taunt anything negative. It's a form of extremism.

Fanboys are the slime of computer game communities. I'm not calling you a fanboy, i'm just sharing my thoughts on that comment.
Let's all try to approach the game as impartial as we can.
You dont want to end up dissappointed ;(
well, ive weighted the cons and pros against each other, and i came to the conclusion this game will ROCK, more then any game did ever before.
One of the MOST important factors to keep a game alive nowadays is the MP.
Look at FC, quite a good SP, sucky MP and everyone will have forgotten the game in 2 months.
Then take CoD, good SP, good and successfull MP, a lot a people still play the game.

So let's assume, that this would work the same way for HL2, a very good SP and...well...what about the MP?

So, my conclusion is, that HL2 will stand or fall, based on it's MP.
It would have been completly mind blowing if it was released on time last year, but now its just going to be the best of alot of good games coming out.
urseus said:
It would have been completly mind blowing if it was released on time last year, but now its just going to be the best of alot of good games coming out.
If you mean that, then you dont know what makes games good or bad.
"So, my conclusion is, that HL2 will stand or fall, based on it's MP.

I must respectfully disagree - most people will regard HL2 as being a primarily single player experience while getting their multiplayer fixes from CS:S, DoD:S, etc.

Far Cary, on the other hand, presented a pretty good single player experience that really didn't motivate anyone (well at least me) to go back and replay - HL2 on the other hand should present an SP experience that will hold up well to repeat playing.

Anyone who will judge HL2 based on MP is missing the point somewhat.
Fanboys are the slime of computer game communities.

And people who call other people slime are creme de la creme, don't you know :D
Half-Life will stand up on Modifications and Multiplayer. If it was solely on MP, HL, UT, and Quake would have never been as popular.
blindvomit said:
But if only they didn't keep delaying the damn thing!

are you kidding the hype is the closest we will ever get to HL2 :rolling:
I don't think it's going to be my number 1 favourite game ever, although it'll be one hell of a game.
^^its going to have to be very good to beat the likes of flashpoint...
i am not a fanboy and i respect your opinion but i have seen the pros and cons,and i think there is a good chance it might dissapoint,but i think it will be the best game ever,in my current mindstate,due to the fact everything i have seen has blown me away
uziholda said:
i am not a fanboy and i respect your opinion but i have seen the pros and cons,and i think there is a good chance it might dissapoint,but i think it will be the best game ever,in my current mindstate,due to the fact everything i have seen has blown me away
What are the cons to this game?
Foxtrot said:
What are the cons to this game?

Possibility of less than amazing fighting (like in HL)

*runs away and hides*
Well the fighting was awesome when I played it. I just played the Max Payne 2 demo...god damn that was fun but it gets kind of repetative.
Foxtrot said:
Well the fighting was awesome when I played it. I just played the Max Payne 2 demo...god damn that was fun but it gets kind of repetative.

Very true, but that was a while ago. GE set a new standard since :)

(I agree about MP2 aswell. I got to the last level and just ran out of momentum, couldn't be bothered to finish it :/)
Golden Eye :) (i'm only talking about fighting here tho, HL is about so much more than just combat - which is why I think we all love it \o/)
The climax of Max Payne 2 left me physically and emotionally drained - it was THAT good.

The last line Max speaks is one of the most haunting I've ever heard in any entertainment medium.
It better be worth all waiting, or else...but yeah, I think it will. It's gonna make all the other games in the market look really old and dumb.
The climax of Max Payne 2 left me physically and emotionally drained - it was THAT good.

The last line Max speaks is one of the most haunting I've ever heard in any entertainment medium.

I beat that game so long ago, what was it that he said?
"Last night I dreamed of my dead wife...but it was all right."

That was how he said it if you beat the game the first time; in other words, Max has finally put (some of) his internal demons to rest.

BUT...if you beat the game on Dead Man Walking, then he says it differently:

"Last night I dreamed of my dead wife...but it was ALL RIGHT."

The reason for the change is because of the alternate ending that you get by beating it on Dead Man Walking.
That was weird, I like the Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty ending on PS2, Solid words from Solid Snake (w00t)
Spoiler tags are worthless, no matter what you do you still end up looking at them...
Blind please remove that sig. I have wasted far too much time highlighting your "spoiler" in EVERY SINGLE THREAD THAT YOU POSTED!!! :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :dozey:
Some_God said:
Blind please remove that sig. I have wasted far too much time highlighting your "spoiler" in EVERY SINGLE THREAD THAT YOU POSTED!!! :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :dozey:

So don't...
Some_God said:
Blind please remove that sig. I have wasted far too much time highlighting your "spoiler" in EVERY SINGLE THREAD THAT YOU POSTED!!! :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :dozey:

Eh...he is not the only one with spoiler tags.
I know but his is the most annoying because he posts more than the other guy. :|