i just failed organic chemistry

i think organic chem 3 is just an advanced organic chem, where things get really complicated and shit. orgo was one of my two favorite classes in undergrad(the other being Art/Architecture of Rome, while i was studying in Rome), and I aced the class, but it was definitely because i loved that class so much. It was interesting how about half the class was gone before the end of the course. it's definitely tough. I think i succeeded by studying with a partner, and we would come up with different types of problems ourselves. for instance, we would write out some random structure and then figure out how to make it. That class really requires some definite study time. If you want to succeed you have to put the effort into it. It is highly suggestive you some a little time everyday working on organic. That's probably the reason why it's stressed by medical schools when looking at applicants. Fortunately physical chemistry wasn't stressed, else i wouldn't be in med school now.
Sheikah42 said:
well i had a C in the class
Sheikah42 said:
i just failed organic chemistry
lol :D

Anyway, I'm ****ed at Religion Class.

"What are the ethics of Sartre?"
"Isn't Sartre a philosopher?"
"So you want me to give the ethics of a philosophy?"
Sheikah42 said:
Fishlore I didn't know there was an Organic Chemistry 3. I thought it was just 1 and 2?

I don't think it was technically called Organic Chem 3. It had some other name like Advanced Principals of Organic Chemistry or something to that effect. It was only able to taken when you passed the other two. I worked hard in Organic 1 and then slacked off in Organic 2. If you wanted to read between the lines you might see words like "cheated" and "copied" a few times. That made part 3 next to impossible for me.

Are you going to try to become a chemist of some sort or is this class a science requirement for another major?
just failed circuit analysis never gonna use that one anyways
Espionage said:
I got my politics exam in jan, going to have to get my head down over xmas!

Yeah, know how ya feel, got one of mine in Jan too, EDEXEL?

Really gotta get a pass in this, the teachers we have think most of us will fail as we haven't put the effort in :|
Failed my second Calculus course last year (university level) by about 2%, they bumped it up to a pass though because they screwed up on the marking of my mid term. I felt really shitty about it anyway though since I really did work hard and I needed a 70% average out of two math courses to continue in my program. The marks in that course just dropped my average by way too much.

I did feel really stupid at first but then I found out that over half the class failed it. In fact the average on the mid term for my class in particular was a 41%. This year I have retaken my other Calculus course to get a higher mark in it (72% last year) and I am taking a different geometry course as well starting next semester.

Failing at the university level is not nearly so bad when it comes to the future and marks. Instead it is simply bad because of the extra money you have to spend.