I just got...


May 29, 2003
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Im getting radio transmitions through my speakers... they arent plugged in but they are on.... this is sweet :D
That happened to my friend's TV. It was really creepy. It was really faint, but we just noticed it in a short moment of silence. The TV was off and everything.
Cool what you picking up? any thing interesting?

Also i have a problem with the time on this site on my user cp i've set the time to the correct timezone (GMT -london etc) but its an hour slow, why is that?

AmishSlayer said:
That happened to my friend's TV. It was really creepy. It was really faint, but we just noticed it in a short moment of silence. The TV was off and everything.

A simlar thing used to happen to my old t.v, were i'd be watching something and sound from another channel coming though faintly.
I cant make out most of it, but i think its police radio
:O I think thats ill eagle spud, you better silence it before the man gets on your back!
Ten four urgent assistance required! I'm going to need a clean up crew now! i've spit my coffee all over me and my car now it looks like i've pissed myself! lol :laugh:
its the aliens...they are coming...they are close...AHHH!H!!
Did you stand on your car and build a chain of 4 people while Mel Gibson held you up? Did ya?
SpuD said:
Im getting radio transmitions through my speakers... they arent plugged in but they are on.... this is sweet :D

That is way too cool.

You must have possesed speakers. I recommend finding an exorcist.
You need a young priest and an old priest.

The power of SpuD compels you!
I got this weird static noise out of my left speaker not too long ago that didn't even go away when I turned it off. It was annoying.
If I kick the subwoofer under my desk the speakers will all start playing whatever signals they happen to pick up. Also, if I take the bare end of a cable line and touch it to the metal grate over the AC vent, it will shoot out blue sparks and play the radio using the vents themselves as a speaker. I hear voices in the water pipes too.
qckbeam said:
If I kick the subwoofer under my desk the speakers will all start playing whatever signals they happen to pick up. Also, if I take the bare end of a cable line and touch it to the metal grate over the AC vent, it will shoot out blue sparks and play the radio using the vents themselves as a speaker. I hear voices in the water pipes too.
radio has taken over the world hasn't it :X
My TV is sort of life that, except somtimes the volume on it turns all the way up or it will randomally turn on while I am sleeping and the volume will turn all the way to max and I cant mute it or anything, I have to unplug it, and even when I do it takes about 10 seconds to turn off.
I've heard of that happening with metal toilets (really clear, the bowl acts like a resonator) and even dental braces.

Weirdest thing, though, was when we were just setting up our stuff in the house we live in now. I'd just plugged in and switched on my Amiga 500 (up to the old Hand-With-A-Disk screen), and my grandfather was setting up the TV, when I heard him call from the lounge.

I went in, and lo and behold, there was a fuzzy but discernable picture on the untuned TV screen, which on closer inspection turned out to be the exact same pic currently displaying on my Amiga. Somehow, without any plugged-in aerials or wires, the TV was picking up what the Amiga was showing...
Yeah that happened to me when the fire brigade and the police were outside my house since there was a barn on fire over the road, I was listening to music through headphones attached to the speakers and suddenly the fire/police radio blasted through my headphone and i had to rip them out of my ears :\ I was enjoying the track as well :P
I used to pick up taxi calls...Just one time though, I had just turned the computer and lights off and (This is when they were in the hallway, which is dark and has creaky floorboards) suddenly this guy with a gravelly voice just says "Yeah I'm just coming round to grab him now" I was like..."AHHHHHHH" and then he just said something about going down some random road. Still, I was freaked out for short while :)

Ever get the weird noise from your mobile phone picking up signals near speakers?
Yeah...Something like that :)

Although I'd say it was more Bup-bup-di-bup-bup. Bup-bup-ba-bup-bup
Yeah I have a 5.1 speaker set sitting next to me, I remember one time where I picked up some military transmit, I was scared to shit cause I didn't know where it was coming from..

Was kinda cool though :P they said something about Iraq and weapons of mass destruction or something..
my speakers are off and im still getting them :D
I remember once my brother's guitar was picking up a french radio station. We could hear it through his amplifier, it was crazy.
I get the same sort of thing, only I can hear other people's conversations (not people on my house's phone line :) ) on one of my telephones. It's weird, because it only happens on one of my phones, and the other people can't hear me. And it's always between a guy and a girl who sound about my age, and I don't recognise either of them. Kind of freaky.

I also have moths in the vent beneath my computer, but they're dead now.
synth said:
is it coming in clearly?
some come in clear, its getting annoying now, i was trying to take a nap and stuff kept coming through.

WTF - as i was typing this some oldies song just came on.....
It happens to me as well, though I don't get them through TV's or Radio's or anything, I pick them up in my head!! They tell me to burn things.
i just heard "you just dont want to mess with a big f***in dummy"
haha, he keeps saying it.

"leave the retard alone!"
Keep listening for accidents then get there quickly and rob corpses!!1111

On a similar transmission topic, i once played my N64 without connecting the RF cable thingy to my TV :o the picture was a bit fuzzy but it was playable
SpuD said:
i just heard "you just dont want to mess with a big f***in dummy"
haha, he keeps saying it.

"leave the retard alone!"

Is it all oldies?Cause it might be the radio waves are being reflected back off something.Check for sunspot activity and what not and if all else fails a dash of holy water should do the trick(Be it by excorsism or by shorting out the speakers)
I have radio signals come through my wireless headphones sometimes,
one time it was some exercise instructions for pregnant women. Other than that nothing interesting :(

Oh and I get that wierd noise from my phone about 6-7 times a day aswell as it disrupting my TV and monitor picture, i dont know what its checking for or whatever its doing randomly.