I just joined the NRA!


Jul 30, 2008
Reaction score
apparently you get one free year and still receive the benefits they have.
Anybody else a member?
if yes did you ever get invited to one of the dinners they have once in a while?
Why would you want to join the NRA?

On these forums we easily have the capacity to pry things from cold dead hands. We can make hands cold and dead.
The National Rehabilitation Association (NRA) is a member organization that promotes ethical and state of the art practice in rehabilitation with the goal of the personal and economic independence of persons with disabilities.

Good on ya mate!
Krynn72, get the **** out of here, you don't even belong to us anymore.
Your like a suicidal that chickened out and is asking for help getting off the bridge. Just jump.
*Gay Lisp*
Heyyy guys, why we gotta be hateful in the world with guns!

Lets all be vegan and not hunt because it's wrong!
Where's my big boy Stern when I need him!
I hope he brings carrots for us to munchhh on! We can be like little cute rabbits!

I heard, that, this one guy joined the NRA, and he killed his brother!
It's why America is dangerous!
One day, I hope I move to Britain or Canada and meet Michael Moore! He's brave and makes great liberal movies!

BTW, we're all invited to a peace party, we have vegan snacks and we're going to talk about Obama, see you there guys!


Cool. I hear the initiation is running 3 laps around Columbine High screaming "cold dead hands!"
Bad^Hat said:
Cool. I hear the initiation is running 3 laps around Columbine High screaming "cold dead hands!"

even I'd become a member if that were true :LOL:
ugh, i used to be a member (never paid them a dime) and I'd always get recorded phone calls with wayne lapierre spewing his bullshit.
apparently you get one free year and still receive the benefits they have.
Anybody else a member?
if yes did you ever get invited to one of the dinners they have once in a while?

Have you been issued with your white hood and pick-up yet?.

Yeah, I went there. :cool:
no but he did recieve his overalls, corncob pipe, 8-track tape of Bubba Slims 10 Greatest Banjo Hits this side of Dixie, a confederate flag and an gen-u-ine coon skin cap decorated with antlers
Weekend special, 1 new rifle with every new membership!
Limited time offer, while supplies last.
Can not be combined with any other offer.
Meh. I disagree with the NRA generally speaking, but the 2nd amendment does exist, fellas. It's not like he joined a nazi pedophile circus.

Actually, that'd be pretty goddamn awesome.
the second amendment does NOT exist in the way the NRA would have you believe:


"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

has been abridged to ONLY mean this:

"the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

That isn't even an independent clause.
Meh. I disagree with the NRA generally speaking, but the 2nd amendment does exist, fellas. It's not like he joined a nazi pedophile circus.
I wasn't interested until "circus." Then it instantaneously became 200% more gross and awesome.
I say who cares, as long as he isn't KKK or a Nazi Zombie I approve
stern, you should just put that in your sig...you always end up having to explain it to people who don't want to understand it.
that's like trying to convince roaches to eat poison ..and as much as the thought of gun nuts eating poison makes me chuckle, it's just too much work ..I mean stuffing envelopes, wearing rubber gloves, compiling mailing lists ...all very taxing