I just saw a custom map listed!


Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
Does anyone know where to download custom CS:S maps? I saw one listed as cf_asteroidmine_b1 in the server list. Anyone played this one?
One clever individual has discovered how to make cs:s maps.

pm me for a link
umm, he just had to download the cracked version and open up the map editor...
Cheta said:
despite what your preconceptions might be, it was pretty hard for him to do.

Awww, bless. I feel so sorry for him.

The really funny thing about is that someone spent all this time modifying the compile tools to make them work, and then completely ruined the effect by making quite possibly the worst map I've ever seen in my life.

Still, what can you expect from such people?
Its not as simple as just opening up the new hammer.

Any way the reason i posted this because some people might actually want to play this, as indicated by the thread poster.
Then they'll have to go elsewhere for the information.

We neither condone nor support anything created using the material from the stolen build. That's why your original post was deleted.
Try another site - you won't find that information here.
Well, I did download it...and crappy gfx aside, it's a nice map...a welcome relief from de_dust :D Though I still probably won't play it online. Huge map though...great for 64 players.
SubKamran said:
I'd rather play a official map then a crappy map. :D

Most of the official CS maps started of as community maps. I would just like to point that out :p

Infact, without community maps CS would have never become as popular as it did.
Dude, that's common knowledge. Just like the fact that its illegal and people can officially start making maps when Valve releases the SDK.
Can someone tell me were to download this map !!
cf_asteroidmine_b1 !!!!
pixartist said:
edit:LOL i thought that you posted the real link^^

haha yeh me too it was "Are you really that stupid" aka EbaumsWorld lol . :p
From what I understand, unless he's made that in a hex editor (which is what someone cleverly did to make the test maps playable), then that map was built using the leaked version of Hammer and tools that was included in the stolen build of the game.
In any case. Even if he did use a hex editor.
It doesn't matter, becouse we have the beta to beta test.
We can't do that unless were playing with relatively normal settings on an official map.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Try another site - you won't find that information here.

why exactly, I dont think its illegal to have a custom map, and its also linked on the steam forums so I dont think they mind
now planetHL has it listed on the frontpage as news, you guys should loosen up on the old rules
mbrithoms said:
now planetHL has it listed on the frontpage as news, you guys should loosen up on the old rules

*poof* that news article has gone now lol D:
mbrithoms said:
why exactly, I dont think its illegal to have a custom map, and its also linked on the steam forums so I dont think they mind

Because the map we are discussing was made with illegally obtained software, thus making the product illegal, thus the owners of this site do not want links to it on the site.
I have found it !!
THX to Estevan :)

go to hl²wolrd !!!

i was dissapointed in how water acted in it...in the aztec video it looks great because the water spashed with each footstep....yes this water is up to your neck yet you still see the same footstep splashes
Get ready to see all your favourite maps start too appear in your CS:S server browser over today and tomorrow :)
Well, it was hardly the height of good level design...
Cheta: don't bother coming over here and advertising them in any way. We don't condone it.
do anyone know about dancing_dust ??? is thi snew map or shit like IV_DE_DUST ???
dancing_dust is ****ing same map with a dancing cs !!! nobody need this