I just saw Snakes on a Plane.

ace ! Slacker[LOL!]: best
ace ! Slacker[LOL!]: movie
ace ! Slacker[LOL!]: ever

i got that too

ace ! Slacker[LOL!]: best
ace ! Slacker[LOL!]: movie
ace ! Slacker[LOL!]: ever

That was the best movie ever. I loved the twist ending.
Greatest Movie Ever Made.... 'nuff said.

I saw it Tuesday night ... not worth the hype but it was pretty funny in places.
I think that honestly it's the best "so bad it's good" movie ever made. It's good, campy fun, and it has some great laughs.

Not only did the whole theater clap in the credits, it got a standing ovation, and I've never seen that before.
I saw it 2 nights ago. If you go into the movie realizing it isn't a serious movie, but instead a satirical piece then you will appreciate the power that is Snakes On A Plane.
The Movie Was the Shit!

Man, I'm hopefully going this mother****in' weekend to see some mother****in' snakes on a mother****in' plane! **** I'm pumped!
I think that honestly it's the best "so bad it's good" movie ever made. It's good, campy fun, and it has some great laughs.

Have you seen Hercules in New York? If SoaP really beats HiNY I just gotta see it.
I personally thought Broke Back Moutain was better.

I'm joking!!!!
Quite frankly, I'm shocked.

I thought was going to be an incredibly over-hyped piece of shit, and I was right!
I still haven't seen/read anything to convince me to even rob movie tickets to see it, let alone buy some myself.
It didn't get released to critics for viewing, which, in short, means it's shit.

I think that is genius on the part of the producers. Think about it. If the critics can't see it before it opens, they have to see it opening night. So they end up seeing the movie with all the crazy fans from the internets. Half the fun of the entire movie was the audience laughing their asses off every time a girl's tits got bitten by a snake, or the applause and cheering that could be heard when you hear the "Mother f*ckin snakes on this mother f*ckin plane!" monologue.

The movie was the dumbest movie released this year, which makes it, in its own special way, the best movie released this year.
I didn't even think it was dumb in the "so bad it was good way." Well, ok, it was, but seriously, it's just one of the most fun movies I've ever seen.
Rawr, it has a Fresh rating on Rottentomaotes.

Take THAT.
I can't wait for them to release this mother****in' movie in this mother****in' country!
I want to see it, but I don't want to shell out $2 short of $10 for one ticket, so I'll wait for the DVD and rent it for $3 like I do with every movie.
Me and my mother ****in' cousin and some mother ****in' friends are gonna see this mother ****in' movie Saturday mother ****in' night!

Edit: MOTHER ****ER!
It got a 62 on metacritic, so at the critics aren't exactly mauling it.
I just sat in the theatre for seven hours and watched it three times.