I just watched the E3 movies of D3 and HL2..

May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Right, I can say that they both left me with different impressions.

Doom 3's came across as a very slick, well produced movie that intended to show the game at it's very best, scary things happening all the time, very cool. I lapped up the demons and zombies and the action sequences. It came across as very professional. I want to buy this game :)

Half Life 2's came across as though Gabe was just trying to explain what they had here, it was very very cool looking, but his (very quiet) voiceover and the journalist's 'wisecracks' kinda ruined it for me, I would have preferred a proper voiceover and the journalist's laughs and 'wow's edited out, as far as E3 demos go.

I want to buy both of these games, and I think that the difference between the E3 presentations highlights the difference between the developers. id are at the top of their game, treating this game like a very high-budget FPS, the old kings of the gere returning for their crown, pushing it like a first-person survival horror and a very high-class one at that. Doom 3's polish is very evident in each second of graphical glory. Valve are new to the game development buisnees as a company, but not as individuals, and that showed... however the pure quality that oozed from every section not broken by guffaws shone through, a bit rough around the edges, but the use of all FPS gameplay all the way through highlighted the origanal's strengths, and the sense of immersion that Valve are very good at. The hints about City 17 left me wanting a lot more..

Anyway, like I've said before, I want both of these games, and in the war between Half Life 2 and Doom 3, the biggest winners are gamers
I personally found the reporters comments and wise cracks to add to the movies. Made things more interesting to experience it with other people for the first time. Gave that feeling of wow and awe you know. but thats just my opinion.
wendle said:
I personally found the reporters comments and wise cracks to add to the movies. Made things more interesting to experience it with other people for the first time. Gave that feeling of wow and awe you know. but thats just my opinion.

its my opinion too.

Both games have diffrent aspects of technologies and gameplay, and I both going to buy. ;)
yeah, i see what you mean, but i also thought that the casual setup of the video just goes to show how hl2 dosnt need to try so hard to put its best foot forward. they gave a "real" presentation, as it is. and when i watch those videos the only thing i think of is "wow, that game isnt even finished." i cant wait to see this years e3 video, and see what theyve been working on and their progress thus far.
I agree, I could have done without the tards ruining it.
me too
I will bought the both games
but one thing is I dont need see the video of the E3 of this year,cuz I will bought HL2 even if I never look any video or any screemshot,cuz I love that game :)
It's really not fair to compare a slickly edited video with tons of action scenes 1 after the other, to a real plugged in running demo of the game walking through levels.

The difference is that id software played through the game a bit to some action sequences (some perhaps were scripted) and they edited out any in between moments and got right to the action in every cut. Valve was showing the audience the running game with the action coming as it would to a real player, not just big battles from different levels stuck together.

Valve could have easily run through a couple of levels and got highlights: a shot of a strider blowing up a wall CUT TO a zombie getting sliced by the fan CUT TO the g-man grinning CUT TO the buggy driving through the glass window CUT TO flying robot things chasing you, etc.

Doom III had a trailer, Half Life 2 had an early screening.
Totally agree with you gooball.

They are completely different ways to show something off. Valve went one way, id went another. You can't really compare them. HL2 was a presentation with live narration that was picked up in the video. D3 was a trailer that was meant to be flashy and action packed!

Personally, I would rather see real, in game sequences. It shows that Valve is confident in thier product, and it's ability to entice people through simple gameplay sequences. Id felt the need sift through thier game and put together a sequence that makes the game come across the way they want it to.

Both games look great however, and I will most likely buy them both!
I know, I wasn't flaming either of them, I liked both of them, I was just commenting on the differing styles :)
I just watched the E3 movies of D3 and HL2..

Already? :x


But I agree with gooball, there's just no comparison. Maybe that's the difference between the two companies, no comparison possible.
I'm currently reading "Masters of Doom" which is about Carmack and the formation of id as a company. It's really interesting but it only makes me want Doom 3 even more! (By the way, did you guys know that id stands for "Ideas from the Deep"? That was their original name until they shortened it to id) Just thought that was a cool fact.
MrBadger: you could download high quality of them in BINK format without the voiceover and so.
heh i always thought id referred to id as part of the psychological mind along with Superego, Ego etc that Freud identified. But yeah, cool. I'm definitely gonna get them both, they turn me on in completely different ways. I'm also considering Far Cry after seeing the latest uber tailer. Although I'm not sure whether I'll buy Far Cry or Battlefield Vietnam yet though.
Nicely said mrBadger those were my thoughts as well i thought Id came off as proffesional and the Valve presentation was sort of ruined for me with the giggling in the background. I am buying both games can never have to many ;)

Im also looking forward to more then just quality im looking for a good story and with Hl2 it seems as if you will be working alot with npc's and i like that kind of interaction, d3 seems to be finding key cards and they got some nav com thingy like a pipboy so if the guy is dead by the time you get there you can read his log file so that appears to me more of you are a solo player type game and not much interaction. Both are top knotch so i dont think they can dissapoint anyone..

And Moppe how would he have known to change the video /? not like he was expecting them to giggle in the background and his first impression is already had.
I liked hearing the comments... and that was actually Gabe talkin'?
Letters said:
I liked hearing the comments... and that was actually Gabe talkin'?

No. I'd recognize his voice, and it's not Gabe.
Hey Mr. Badger...

How is it that you, a supermod here at halflife2.net, had not seen the e3 videos for those games until now?

Seems like you'd a been one of the first. But I dont know so im askin.
PvtRyan said:
No. I'd recognize his voice, and it's not Gabe.

Doug Lombardi confirmed it was gabe doing the talking for me some time back, he probably sounds weird because of the acoustics of the room is all.
My take on the way the two vids were presented. They were presented much like the way the games play.
D3: You are in the action, but you aren't really there. The game is trying to sell itself to you. Everything is happening all at once. Its not really there. Right from the start you are in a thick of action.

HL2: You are part of the group. It all grabs you at a more personal level. Like for instance the reporter. You wanted to slap him and tell him "SHUT UP!" There are periods where you are glued to your screen looking for something else. Then other times when something shocks you. Like HL you spend time not being able to do anything, but run away. You were brought into the presentation.
tommycat said:
My take on the way the two vids were presented. They were presented much like the way the games play.
D3: You are in the action, but you aren't really there. The game is trying to sell itself to you. Everything is happening all at once. Its not really there. Right from the start you are in a thick of action.
If you think D3 will be an all out action game you're in for a huge disappointment.

Wouldn't be very interesting to show the quiet, tension building game elements in a short trailer now would it?
Kadayi Polokov said:
Doug Lombardi confirmed it was gabe doing the talking for me some time back, he probably sounds weird because of the acoustics of the room is all.

Well... he doesn't sound like him AT ALL... but if you say so, I guess.
Alright...after knocking a bunch of keys out of my keyboards, tossing my mouse and the monitor(now it won't click right) and throwing shit around I am going to ask for help. Does anyone know where I can get a streaming video of the doom 3 trailer? The only place I have found is gamespot but that site pisses me off(see above) so I don't think I will EVER go there again.
I have a quick question, does anyone know how to get rid of a search engine like incredifind? About half the sites I goto(I type in correctly or use my favorites) direct me to incredifind instead AND IT PISSES ME OFF AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I found the folder for it and its program thing but it won't let me delete it WTF?!?!?!!? AHHHHHH!!!!!!! DIE INCREDIFIND!!!!! DIE INCREDIFIND!!!!! DIE INCREDIFIND!!!!! DIE INCREDIFIND!!!!! DIE INCREDIFIND!!!!!
I have to take a break before I explode, I just tried 4 times to goto gamershell and incredifind keeps coming up!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!! DAMN YOU INCREDIFIND!!!! AHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Foxtrot said:
Alright...after knocking a bunch of keys out of my keyboards, tossing my mouse and the monitor(now it won't click right) and throwing shit around I am going to ask for help. Does anyone know where I can get a streaming video of the doom 3 trailer? The only place I have found is gamespot but that site pisses me off(see above) so I don't think I will EVER go there again.

QuickTime Version: http://www.gametrailers.com/gt_vault/t_doom3_e3_2k3_pc.html

WMV Version: http://www.gametrailers.com/gt_vault/t_doom3_e3_2k3_pc.wmv

I got them from http://www.gametrailers.com.

The one you can download (Doom3_E3_Hires.mov) is MUCH better quality though.
Foxtrot -- sounds like SpyWare.

Download SpyBot Search and Destroy, update it, then run a full check.

Following that, download and run AdAware 6, update it, and run a full check.

Should be safe to kill off all the detected spyware
Shuzer I have both of those and I run them daily, neither will get it :(
Foxtrot said:
Shuzer I have both of those and I run them daily, neither will get it :(

Ah, hm. Check for any weird programs booting with your system?
You mean stuff that pops up when I log in? Or is there a list of programs that start up when I log in?
Foxtrot said:
You mean stuff that pops up when I log in? Or is there a list of programs that start up when I log in?

Start > Run > msconfig

This is getting horribly off-topic :)
Alright, there were about 30 things I didnt recognize that were on the list, so I got rid of them all. Thanks for the help :)
Back on topic, the doom 3 video is very cool but I think the HL2 videos is much more informative.
it's all a matter of taste, do you prefer the hollywood style voice overed slickly produced perfectly budgeted and planned peice that is Doom III, or do you prefer the natural and organic feel of a Valve game. it's like comparing Yojimbo to The Last Samurai. they're both good, but i know i prefer Yojimbo because it's so much more instinctive than the hollywood choreographed piece. geddit?
I remember watching the E3 hand held video and being totally blown away, the atmosphere didn't bother me one bit, and I actually liked the voice over (not so much the comments from the crowd). However, once the bink videos came out, I was a bit disappointed. They were of a much lower quality than what I was used to seeing from the shaky cam stuff. I mean with the lack of AA, and the small details that looked a bit off. Anyways, it doesn't really matter now. The DX9 video was beautiful and made me very happy, too bad that was seven freaking months ago. Seven months without so much as a screen from Valve.....the pain!!!

Now id took the Hollywood, action movie trailer approach, which I can't stand. The trailer made the game look like any old FPS with pretty graphics. However, from what I have heard about the actual game play I am excited.
qckbeam said:
I remember watching the E3 hand held video and being totally blown away, the atmosphere didn't bother me one bit, and I actually liked the voice over (not so much the comments from the crowd). However, once the bink videos came out, I was a bit disappointed. They were of a much lower quality than what I was used to seeing from the shaky cam stuff. I mean with the lack of AA, and the small details that looked a bit off. Anyways, it doesn't really matter now. The DX9 video was beautiful and made me very happy, too bad that was seven freaking months ago. Seven months without so much as a screen from Valve.....the pain!!!

Now id took the Hollywood, action movie trailer approach, which I can't stand. The trailer made the game look like any old FPS with pretty graphics. However, from what I have heard about the actual game play I am excited.

Yeah I agree with you, I bet that trailer was fun to make though.