I know it's been done over and over but plz ppl if you would be so kind as to...


Nov 19, 2004
Reaction score
Help me!!!!!!

First my specs:
P4 1.6
256 MB DDR Ram
Gainward 5900XT 128 MB

Now, about directx 9 effects...
I know that my card supports it, i know that the defaults were made by valve so that this card will run in 8.1 for performance reasons, i know that you need to put -dxlevel 90 in launchoptions..... i know everything there is to know.

But I still get 8.1 effects (even though the options menu in the game says both hardware and software is 9.0)!! no reflections onb water (only fake ones like floors that are shiny and such),
no reflections on the revolver gun, and all sorts of dx 9.0 stuff are missing. I treid -mat_dxlevel 9.0, dxlevel 9.0, max_clipz, heapsizeXXXXX both in launch options and in autoexec.cfg.

Can someone plz, i beg you, post the correct codelines that i need to use in order to run hl2 in dx 9.0? (and maybe while not resetting my graphics options everytime the game starts, but thats another poroblem...)

I would really (really!!!) appreciate it!!!!!

p.s: no HDR?
PLz people i'm getting...

LOCO over here!!!!!!
My computer being bad has nothing to do with this issue...
As horrible as it is, it is fully capable of running hl2. In dX 9.
So plz try to be helpful....
the fx series is not fast enough to run direct x9.0 in all its glory.

sorry you have to hear it. Nvidia pride themselves on 3dmark scores

u could always get a radeon . i can play it well on 1.6ghz 9600tx radeon 128mb . 54fps. 1024 x 768 setting all high.
Oh come one...
Will all the people who hate nVidia and wish everyone who has bought an nVidia card would burn in hell - cut it out!!! OK, we get it. Radeon is the best, GeForce is crap, whoever buys a GeForce is a total jerk and he should be sued, ok? You happy now?

Now, can you plz help me solve the problem? I know my card is not fast, but it CAN infact run in full dx9.0 mode, even if it's at 3 FPS it still can. So what should I do??
BRX said:
As horrible as it is, it is fully capable of running hl2. In dX 9.
So plz try to be helpful....

Its not really fully capable of running dx9, sorry. You would be full capable if you had at least a 5950 Ultra, but 5900 cards are iffy themselves.
Yes, I have the same card in my alienware aurora and am running HL2 perfectly in DX9 w/ AA 6x and all setting on high. No lag or choppy graphics are present in any way. It should be just fine...although that processor is a little on the slow side it will run the game. Don't listen to the ati owners who think that nvidia is shit they arent going to help you.
^^that guy knows what he's talking about^^

But my qestion hasn't been answered yet...

P.S: Nova Prospekt - 1 of the 3 best levels ever to be present in a video game
you could possible force it to run in direct x 9. i dont know how but Valve made it that way for u card so u could ask them why!.

sorry i didnt know the 5950 ultra does work with directx9 and halflife 2. i was not trying to slate nvidia having owned geforce 2 mx and fx5200 which i still have.
just stating the facts
BRX said:
^^that guy knows what he's talking about^^

What, just cause he agreed with you. I'd rather people tell me the truth, if your card can't handle it your just gonna ruin the game for yourself by forcing it to do more than its capable of.. It might be able to do DX9, but perhaps not in a game like HL2. Pushing it will just go and make it unplayable.

Either buy a new card that you _know_ can handle it, or live with a few less effects. Just please, for the love of god don't sound like a Mac owner :p
yes i looked at your card for a benchmark on direct 9 and it would be capable of less than 25fps