I know the PS3 is a crappy console, but this is pretty cool


Jan 23, 2004
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Imagine games where PS3s link up and share processing power (depending on how many people are playing the game). You could literally boost the graphical detail and processor output by doing this. It sound neat, but you would have to have a crazy fast internet connection...and in the article it doesn't mention putting games to this technology...it could happen later.

The PS3 is getting a lot of attention from computer researchers rather than a lot of attention from the average consumer, which could be good for console...but not for at least 2 to 3 years.
That is pretty nifty. Good to see the cell processor getting some much needed attention. Too bad the consumers aren't all over it like that. :p
you lucky you weren't here when it came out...these forumers are relentless bashers to anything and everything.
You suck Deathmaster and your opinions... suck.
<3 really but I'm proving a point.
Since when was the PS3 bad? Its a good console, just not many games @ launch. But thats the case with them all.
Folding@home was quite different since it is a non-profit project. People pay the power bill (having your PC or PS3 run 100% 24/7 is a lot different than normal) and let them use their unit as a donation. Commercial uses don't strike me as a good idea. Sony possibly making money from using the PS3's that others are paying the power bill for and it isn't a cause you get to pick?
It would be limited by the game, wouldn't matter how many you linked up

Fail it would be limited by network bandwidth. Hence why you really can't do real time things on a super computer.
Sony bashing does not equal PS3 bashing

the PS3 didn't tell Europe they don't mind paying more for inferior product.

etc etc etc

Nowt wrong with the PS3 just been massively miss marketed by an increadably arrogant Sony.

Imagine games where PS3s link up and share processing power (depending on how many people are playing the game). You could literally boost the graphical detail and processor output by doing this. It sound neat, but you would have to have a crazy fast internet connection...and in the article it doesn't mention putting games to this technology...it could happen later.

The PS3 is getting a lot of attention from computer researchers rather than a lot of attention from the average consumer, which could be good for console...but not for at least 2 to 3 years.

#1. The ps3 is an amazing machine. The only problems with it is that it is a tad expensive, and so far there aren't any must-have exclusives for it. Both can be remedied, perhaps they will, perhaps not. While I like the ps3 much more than I like the wii and the xbox360 I don't really care because I'm not a console gamer.

#2. The technology they discuss in the article (distributed computing) has very little application in everyday gaming. It is very difficult to make a game that could benefit from distributed computing because although the processing power supplied is comparable to current-day super computers the latency in the flow of information is huge. Basically a ps3 doing folding@home has a 2day limit to returning the result of a work unit. While that can be reduced to seconds for much smaller work units that is still too slow to find much use in real-time gaming. It may be possible to use it in turn-based games (like chess...) but that really doesn't sound very interesting. Kasparov would get one, if he gets out of jail...

#3. The potential for sony to rent out super computer-style processing power is indeed interesting and exciting. Ofcourse, since the electricity bills also will be distributed sony will need to make a strong incentive-program to reward participants. I think that is possible by offering free downloads (games, music, music videos, movies) that ordinarilly would cost money. Sony should be in an excellent position to do this, since they produce quite a lot of digital content.

All in all I'm very impressed by the ps3's inclusion of folding@home and its awesome performance. If I were MS I would definately think "why didn't we do this, we need to do this, let's call nasa". That said I don't think this should be enough for anyone that didn't previously want a ps3 to start wanting one. It's cool but has limited benefits.


Imagine games where PS3s link up and share processing power (depending on how many people are playing the game). You could literally boost the graphical detail and processor output by doing this. It sound neat, but you would have to have a crazy fast internet connection...and in the article it doesn't mention putting games to this technology...it could happen later.

The PS3 is getting a lot of attention from computer researchers rather than a lot of attention from the average consumer, which could be good for console...but not for at least 2 to 3 years.

That idea has actually been though of before. Network bandwith limitations really start to kick in and you would have visible lag.

Even for a LAN it's too slow to send/receive/process in time to get displayed on your screen 30 times a second.
It's perfectly plausible for a lan game to take advantage of this, if your router supports a fast enough speed (and your not doing it on wireless).
It's perfectly plausible for a lan game to take advantage of this, if your router supports a fast enough speed (and your not doing it on wireless).

Ofcourse, there wont be many lans around with ps3s wired directly to them. Even if there were (and people could obviously do it if they wanted to, maybe even plausible on a university campus) there still is quite a bit of latency involved. Tasks need to be determined by the game, distributed to the network, processed by the peers, returned to sender, sorted, and implemented into the game. This may be possible on a fast wired lan but it is in no way practically possible to implement in real-time games on a scale that justifies the feature.

Distributed supercomputing works because it is not real-time.

maybe we will get an xbox360 version. with achievements. like...

"20gamerscore: cured cancer"
yeah, who ever said the ps3 was a crappy console?
No, people call it that because they don't have $800 to get one, so they say it sucks.

oh. well i have another hobby, photography, and thats a hobby, sorta like videos is another hobby, and that hobby costs a LOT more than my video game hobby. the amount i spent on just the camera with out any lenses i could buy 5 ps3's. granted, i wish i could just blow a wad on 5 ps3's and just have a huge game pad in my room, one ps3 is enough. and honestly, until you play resistance on a 56" tv, you really don't know the power the ps3 has.
$800 is nothing, I paid $950 for mine and that's not including any games.
oh. well i have another hobby, photography, and thats a hobby, sorta like videos is another hobby, and that hobby costs a LOT more than my video game hobby.

I spend all my money on a giant porno machine with lots of spinny things. I call it, "my PC"

the amount i spent on just the camera with out any lenses i could buy 5 ps3's.
I could buy 3 or 4 myself. Keep a couple in the fridge for later.

granted, i wish i could just blow a wad
Me too
on 5 ps3's
oh, you were talking about that? Of course

and just have a huge game pad in my room,
That's what I have. I call it my PC.

one ps3 is too much.

and honestly, until you play resistance on a 56" tv, you really don't know the power the ps3 has.
I've seen this game. Resistance looks like almost as good as your average PC game, except with a choppy framerate. I don't know if it's V-Sync or just missing frames, but it makes me a little sick to look at the screen when it drops frames. Barf

Consoles FTL!
Resistance doesn't look all that great TBH. It's no Gears of War, for sure, and it's not much of a step up from HL2 or the like. I've seen screenshots on my PC monitor at 1080p or whatever, and it looks kind of like ass. I'm sure seeing it blown up to a 56" image would make it look worse, no?
Resistance doesn't look all that great TBH. It's no Gears of War, for sure, and it's not much of a step up from HL2 or the like. I've seen screenshots on my PC monitor at 1080p or whatever, and it looks kind of like ass. I'm sure seeing it blown up to a 56" image would make it look worse, no?

Well, that would depend entirely on the TV you are using. And why the hell are you comparing Gears of war to resisance?? Gears of war came out way after the 360 was released and resistance was the first game ever released for the PS3. For a first release for a new system, it does pretty well.
Resistance looks lovelly in motion. It's certainly a crap load better than your average pc game too. Infact it's better than the vast majority released over the last few years. When will the pc gaming drought end ..... ?
Graphically maybe, but I watched the first level on Youtube (17 minutes) and within the first minute of actual gameplay you were standing in a linear Medal of Honour street and a ton of enemies just appeared from behind a barricade, charing forward gormlessly using the same animations whilst you cut them down with machine gun fired. I honestly couldn't believe I was watching a next gen game. It looked like the first COD but with aliens.
Resistance looks lovelly in motion.

Looks average in screenshots but awesome in motion, yep. With all the stuff that's happening around you, explosions everywhere, guys getting blown up, it's hard to believe how Insomniac got it at a silksmooth 30FPS.

And the snow level is just… Wawaweewa!
True it's an early game, but that's what you get. I didn't play the game, so I can't say if it's any good, but I'm just saying it looked like 2005 PC graphics. Maybe a bit better graphics than half-life2 and Doom3, and it can't keep the framerate up. PS3 needs some Viagra

The style of the game was pretty non-interesting and generic. what about that game The Darkness for 360/ps3? Now that game looks interesting
but I watched the first level on Youtube (17 minutes) and within the first minute of actual gameplay you were standing in a linear Medal of Honour street and a ton of enemies just appeared from behind a barricade, charing forward gormlessly using the same animations whilst you cut them down with machine gun fired.

The first bit of the game is quite unexciting with extremely short levels but that soon changes the more you play and the more you progress into the game. The last levels are just amazingly impressive and freakin' hard.