The PS3 might be the target of countless criticism, but lets look at some good things

Are we trying to convince others not to buy it? How do we know what they want to play or can afford?
Are we trying to convince others not to buy it? How do we know what they want to play or can afford?
This is the internet where everyone can read minds.. you're saying you can't ? :O
Are we trying to convince others not to buy it? How do we know what they want to play or can afford?
Doesn't matter. We(but besides me! I dun really hate them but don't recommend them) hate sony and don't want there products being sold!! Thats all that matters not the consumer!!!! Die Sony Die!!!!

Look how far everyones sunk, they are as bad as hardcore fanboys. To bad if this was a party i'd be on the balcony over the swimming pool telling everyone to rock on with a beer in my hand.

note: To all people who read this post, this may\may not actually apply to you but I really don't care.
The PS3 is almost four times by monthly food budged. I won't be eating for a month once I get the Wii, but Zelda's worth it :P
The PS3 is almost four times by monthly food budged. I won't be eating for a month once I get the Wii, but Zelda's worth it :P
lol, I thought of you on your deathbed.

"Just... *cough* tell my parents... that.... *hack* Zelda was totally worth it" *dies*
This post isn't a bash but just speaking the truth

#1) If you got the physical disk, sweet all is good. However, if you want to get a new title for the PS1 to play on your PS3 and are going to download it, too bad. Downloaded PS1 titles are only playable on the PSP until they come out with a firmware upgrade to put in the emulation software (no ETA).

Also, there will not be ANY enhancements to older titles. Not even resolution enhancements (which the Xbox360 does as example of Halo2).

#2) Erm reliability? Performance perhaps, but don't use the term reliability. This is brand new technology and god knows how well it will hold up. For all we know, these things may break down two years after they are produced. Only time will tell. It's what we get for getting "new unproven technology"

#3) With the "free gaming" comes a non-unified service. You know the "friends code" which everyone HATES for the DS? Well, you get pretty much the same thing with the PS3 where each game has it's own buddy list. It's also up to each game dev to decide how and what communication features go into their game. For example, Resistance is not implementing any video chat support. They also don't allow you to check messages while in-game but you must go out of the game to check your messages.

The only solution is to get everyone to use XFire, but that costs publishers more money on top of the huge next-gen game development costs.

Also, like you said the built-in WiFi is only available in the high-end version... If you get the low-end version you have to buy an adaptor.

To be honest, the only good thing left on the PS3 for me are some of the games coming out... But hey, that may even change.


If MGS4 loses exclusivity, say goodbye to a LOT of PS3 sales. I bet Sony will give them so much money to keep it exclusive though.
Isn't MGS4 developed by Sony? Why would they sell their own game if they know that it will be the death of them?
Oh my...

For me, the PS3 is a 'meh' until it actually has something out that I want to play.

1. Controllers- The button placement is fine, but the thumbstick placement sucks cock. As far as controllers go, the 360 controller is perfect. Can't say much about the Wii, but it looks like it'll be easy and comfortable to use.

2. Online gaming- even if Sony says online service is free, it doesn't mean that game developers won't have a 'premium' service that will cost money. Nothing is ever free.

3. It's overly expensive. Don't try to justify the price. Period.

4. Games. So far, the only games that interest me on the PS3 is FFXIII. I could give a shit about MGS.

1. To each their own, but to the majority of the world, the controller is perfect aside from being a bit too small.

2. The developers would be insane to charge a monthly rate (non-MMO) on a lobby that Sony is hosting. The only company I could see doing this is EA, and that's assuming we're going to use their servers, which to be honest I don't know their strategy with PS3.

It will remain free for almost every game aside from MMO's, just look at the PC market. When was the last time a non-MMO charged you to use a freaking Lobby system (EA being exception, but we all know how greedy they are...). To this date I still find it ridiculous MS is charging you $50 to use a lobby system, I just can't see the justification in that.

3. You realize they are LOSING money with each console sold right? The consumer is actually getting MORE value than what they pay for. What the hell do you want more from them?

"FREE PS3'S FOR EVERYONE!" :rolling:

4. Whether you like the game's really depend on each person, but you can't deny there's still a lot of talent behind the PS3 . Hell just thinking about what the Shadow of the Collosus / Ico team can do with a PS3 makes me salivate.

Oh and you're really missing out with MGS, easily some of the best games ever made...

edit: To above

MGS is developed by Kojima Productions, part of Konami but not exclusive to Sony.

Previous MGS have been ported over to Xbox and PC, except they're always years late and half-assed.
About the free Sony online service. I can bet a lot of money that EA will start charging very soon. They've been on a role with ass raping the gamer any chance they get and Sony's service is just a rape waiting to happen.
It's possible, but I would rather place my money on in-game ads within their games to counter the "free" PS3 gaming.

Oh, and no it is not developed by Sony but like someone said, Kojima Productions and being published by Konami. Sony is just hugely supporting it cause they feel it would show off the PS3 hardware nicely.

Backwards compatibility - +1 Sony. If only because 360 didn't have it (much) and that was a big minus in my book. That said, I'm more interested in Wii for this, as there were more Gamecube titles I missed and want to play than PS2 (not to mention all their previous platforms on virtual console). And THAT said, you can always get a PS2 cheap second-hand if you wanna play older titles (which I've considered doing somewhere down the track too).

As for the controller - no vibraton, no recharge, much suckness. Don't really have much of a problem with the design though. It's pretty legendary in my books and one of the most comfortable controller designs I've yet come across. 360's is great and I prefer the analog sticks, but I don't think anyone will argue the D-pad is a piece of shit, so there's no clear winner for me. Wii is looking like it'll dethrone both for ease of control, but that's a whole different ballpark (lets see how well the virtual console controller works in comparison though - looks pretty cool to me).

Oh, and Xbox Live is $100 for a year's subscription here. That's a bit more than $8 per month. A month's subscription to World of Warcraft, comparitively, is $25. Yeah, I realise it's a bit unfair to compare it to the cost of MMO, but effectively you're paying a fraction of that for access to play the entire 360 catalog online (except for MMOs, lol :P). When compared to the possibility of devs charging individually for games on PS3s service (not sure how real the possibility is, but whatever), and not knowing the stability or reliability of said service either, I'd say it's worth it.

Oh, and I'm not holding out for a 360 port of MGS4. I mean, it'd be GREAT, seeing as it's the one thing I'll really miss from PS3. But considering they've been pimping it so much on the superior performance of the PS3, releasing a port would be tantamount to admitting the cell processer was actually useless - unless it was stripped down considerably, which would suck aswell. So, unless the PS3 falls flat on it's face (as some of us have predicted :P) and Kojima feels the need to jump platforms entirely, I won't be holding my breath.
About the graphical prowess: I think that, somewhere down the Crysis line, I read that the API for the PS3 can't be updated or something? This would make it unable to use the full power of DirectX 10.
Don't quote me on this, though.
It doesn't use DirectX anyway. Remember that the original X-BOX used a GF3 card and it managed to run Chaos Theory very well, which was a pretty strong DX9 game. You can't apply the same restrictions of PCs to consoles.
About the graphical prowess: I think that, somewhere down the Crysis line, I read that the API for the PS3 can't be updated or something? This would make it unable to use the full power of DirectX 10.
Don't quote me on this, though.
I'm quoting you!
PS3 uses an Open GL variation. If they used a Dx9/almost'd be paying royalties to who? Microsoft. Hmm smart decision! Sorry I know Sony is retarded, but there not that retarded.....yet...
I'm quoting you!
PS3 uses an Open GL variation. If they used a Dx9/almost'd be paying royalties to who? Microsoft. Hmm smart decision! Sorry I know Sony is retarded, but there not that retarded.....yet...
D: D: D: D: D: D:

Then it was the Xbox 360 :O
Or the Wii. Or the Dreamcast :p
Then it was the Xbox 360
Or the Wii. Or the Dreamcast
Press sure it was the SNES. I remember reading an article about it not being able to upgrade to the full Dx10 API because they couldn't upgrade it.
Press sure it was the SNES. I remember reading an article about it not being able to upgrade to the full Dx10 API because they couldn't upgrade it.
Way to ****ing go, Nintendo. A little forwards compatibility too much to ask for, huh?
Way to ****ing go, Nintendo. A little forwards compatibility too much to ask for, huh?
Agreed. According to my sources, Atari's even updating all old Atari systems with the Dx10 api. Gonna be sweet.
Agreed. According to my sources, Atari's even updating all old Atari systems with the Dx10 api. Gonna be sweet.
Okay, that's IT. It's one thing when none of your consoles support DVD playback, but it's just inexcusable when a console that you developed, what, not even two decades ago, can't even ****ing support DX10? Yeah, no freakin' way I'm getting an SNES this Christmas.
Hehe, if the PS3 was a reasonable price everyone saying that the console sucks would be saying "omfg ps3 rocks lol omfg i cant wait"
Hehe, if the PS3 was a reasonable price everyone saying that the console sucks would be saying "omfg ps3 rocks lol omfg i cant wait"
Nope they would say it's bloated and to big and makes to much heat. Then they'd say they don't want any games for it. Trust me, you can find a billion reasons to hate Sony.

Plus your risking your life even playing a Ps3...those batteries might explode!
Eh, I've not seen anything but the price that makes me want to never buy the PS3.
Eh, I've not seen anything but the price that makes me want to never buy the PS3.
Likewise. Which is why I said earlier in the thread, people aren't going to buy it because of the price and thats it!

Though, I'm still getting it. Probably next year. Maybe Wii for Christmas.
i dont see why everyone wants sony to fail at the ps3. if they fail at the ps3, there prolly will be no ps4, or even no more sony. whats really going to be competition for ms? i don't know if nintendo will be much of a mover for high end seeing as thay are going for innovation. and if ms gets the high end console market monopolized what prices do you think they will start charging, hell look at the price of their operating system.
Who will compete with MS? Why the Phantom of course. :D

Aaaanyway....I'm genuinely interested in some PS3 stuff, but I'd definitely need a serious price drop before I buy anything. Especially given Sony's somewhat spotty quality record.
It just needs better games coming out sooner and a lower price.

The controller battery thing is surprising...that's pretty shitty...
I'm in agreement with cyber, gordon and shamrock, other than the price i think it will be another great console from sony. I have a 360, may well get a wii, pretty excited about the innovations and top notch games, and will eventually get a PS3 once i am no longer poor from buying everything else, and maybe the console has dropped in price (although i won't be holding my breath for that one) !!
Agreed. According to my sources, Atari's even updating all old Atari systems with the Dx10 api. Gonna be sweet.
God-DAMN I can't wait to compare screenshots of all my favourite Atari games to photos of real world locations.
I'm in agreement with cyber, gordon and shamrock, other than the price i think it will be another great console from sony. I have a 360, may well get a wii, pretty excited about the innovations and top notch games, and will eventually get a PS3 once i am no longer poor from buying everything else, and maybe the console has dropped in price (although i won't be holding my breath for that one) !!

Yeah, I'm not even sure I'm going to be getting ANY Next Gen consoles anytime soon, since I have many other expenses, sadly. I mean, sure, look at the price, but I see that equalling out to the raw power that the PS3 has. And wtf at the battery for the controller? Confused...didn't hear about that one.
The PS3 looks awesome, but I would never ever buy it. It is too expensive, I wouldn't buy an x360 either. I might buy4 a Wii, becuase of the price and the controler, and the games will probably be more fun. But over all a PC is better anyway.
At the end of the day if you like the PS3, Xbox360 and Wii your pocket will show for it. Hopfully whatever everyone gets will be what they wanted. Labeling your console as been better than someone elses is stupid. lets face it you get different types of people who play different games, here is my view on things.

PS3: Bad launch titles (no console has ever had good launch titles imo) its expensive and will make sales from having blue-ray in it (this is at release anyway) The launch is targeted at people who have more money than others to spend on the latest gadget, finding themselves not playing it much for a while until good release titles come out.

360: Had some really bad and disapointing launch titles, some games have started to come out to really bring up 360. Yes you have to pay to play online but its only £49 a YEAR! and playing online can extend your games life by a lot. I must admit there have been way to many sports games released and its blatently aimed at an american market. The 360 is starting to become a great console as some of the games everyone wanted as launch titles start to apear.

Wii: Three major launch titles, fresh ideas and fresh gaming. The wii-remote is not as good as you see on adverts but its definatly an enjoying experiance. A lot of the games are targeted at asian culture. It does have some sports games for the american audience but generally a lot of the games are colourful and original. The price is right and the console has modern technology. Its a pitty it hasn't got the power to push that technology but none the less its not simply a gamecube with more polgyons.

Some might say I have been fanboyish to the Wii, but honestly I don't think I have said anything that is a lie. Its not even really a matter of opinion. I simply said it how it is.

I own a 360 and have a pre-order for both PS3 and Wii as I will own each console on release date. I'm a big gamer but honestly I'm looking forward to the Wii the most.
I think the Wii has a pretty poor lineup - especially when you compare it to N64 and SNES launches. I'll still be getting one at launch (have a US and PAL wii on order to make sure :)) for just Zelda, and have no doubt that some great games will be released over the next few years (can't wait for Metroid).

The 360 is really coming into its own now - HD vids of GoW are stunning, R6 demo is great fun, Dead Rising is one of the most fun games i've played this year, and all best is still on the way (Masss Effect!). Live really does set the 360 apart from other consoles - it's excellent and worth any number of AAA titles for the amount of fun it brings (I can't believe people moan about the slight subscription charge, it'd be cheap at twice the price)

Despite the criticisms I think the PS3 is looking better and better closer to launch. It's only the price and the lack of intial games that puts me off preordering. If Blu Ray was matching, or even beating, current HD DVD players i'd have ordered a PS3. At the momnent it's not, and i'm not paying a premium for something which is second place in visual quality.

Now there's the pc, which is going through a serious game drought again. For the amount it costs to keep a gaming rig up with modern games there really is very little that tempts me to part with my hard earned cash. It seems that each time I upgrade it's for 2 or 3 decent games :/
Live really does set the 360 apart from other consoles - it's excellent and worth any number of AAA titles for the amount of fun it brings (I can't believe people moan about the slight subscription charge, it'd be cheap at twice the price)

Slight subscription charge... which according to Ichi is £49 a year (I don't know the UK price, just USD). So paying £100 per year just to be able to use a Lobby system is cheap... well I guess you're quite a generous man. :)
It has gone up in price a little. £35 is more accurate - and you can often get 12 months for less (I got mine for £20 a few months back). Either way it's usually less than the price of a game, and far better value.
1. Controllers - Why fix something that's not broken?

2. MMO games - Of course MMO games will cost money to play. They all do. I don't see why your complaining about that.

3. Price - Actually if you think about it, your getting one hell of a deal:

First off, a blu-ray player (an actual blu-ray player) costs more that $1200 US.

The cell chip costs around $800 US

And if you can afford a good Computer you can definatly afford a PS3.

4. Launch titles are not great....but I can definatly wait for MGS4.

1) The controller has the worst analogue sticks known to mankind (Exaggeration). They feel so light that it makes small movements near impossible which is VERY annoying.

3) Your missing the point completely. Consoles are meant for casual gamers, they don't want to spend a hell of a lot of money on something which is pretty much in the back of their mind.
I myself will proboaly not get the PS3. I don't like Metal Gear Solid (to generic and cliched for me), and while Revolution looks good...its from the makers of Ratchet and clank! I'd have to see more. That controller thing is ridiculous also.
As a owner of a 360 and hopefully a Wii soon, I may sound biased but these are the reasons I will not buy PS3. Its not the price that lost me. Its everyhting else.