I know this is annoying to ask but? Will my Pc stand up to HL2



Well im considering buying it But a few questions to the Community First

1. how well would it run ive recenlty shell out a lot on a new gfx im sure youll be able to tell from my specs and id like it mainly on high's with 1076x800 i can do it on far cry abet in opengl mode (hell)

Amd Xp 2600+ @ 2.06 ghz (my weakest point?)
1026mb ddr ram
gfx4 6800 GT 256mb (had to kill a man for this)

Have i gone abit overboard with the gfx card i think my processors slowing it up a fair bit allready having trouble with things.

2. Are things like Counter Strike source and DOD soucre Gonna be free to download from my reserch it appears not.

If so thats a bit riduculas move my valve + co considering the only reason such a community sprang up was due to the goodwill and transprent nature of the mod community just giving stuff out, i know theres that well they worked on it argument but its still a bt stupid.

Cheers for helping me if i get the right ansers ill buy it tommorw :p
O yeah i physically need to play DOD or NS , but ive heard things about people buying it in shops basically being shafted on that front, no way iam i forking out money on the net to pay for a mod that should and has in the past been free. Is this all actually true?
That should run it easily.

I have:

AMD XP 1800+
512Mb RAM
GF 5900XT

Running at 1280x1024
All settings on High (No AA or AF)
Everything runs fine. Just the stuttering every now and again, but this appears to be a common problem.
Don't worry, My system is worst than yours(except for the Ghz), and I'm doing fine. Buy this game, you don't want to miss it, trust me.
cheers, so my processor wont cause too much of a hold up then.
btw ive heard about a fix for the stuttering something to do with chaning the autoexec.cfg file might wanna serch for it sure there is one.

I just allwas get disconcerted when then mention ghz cos amd's suck at that and there 2600+ ratings are a bit hard to belive. Some games such as theif 3 have started to give 2.6ghz or 2600+ ratings for specs it be nice if others did, besides ghz isunt a great indicator from what ive heard.

now can anyone anser my other question
If you buy retail Collectors Edition, CS: S comes with HL2. If you buy Bronze Steam package you get CS: S with HL2. If you buy Steam's Silver package you get CS: S and DoD: S. At the moment, no one knows if DoD: S is going to be distributed through Steam only. If it is going to be sold through retail, I assume it will no more then £15.
that angers me greatly quite frankly. What made dod great was the fact it was free they odviously have forgot that £15 quid for a mod that only was great for emulation the multi player of other ww2 games for free, what a freaking joke if this starts happening for all the big mods its going to be a disaster for the community.As for buy the game steam is out of the question (im a student cant get it to work via firewall at collage) . I was planning to pop dwn to pc world tommorw will they have both or just one copy.
The retail copies that are out now are:

Normal Edition includes:
- Half-Life 2
- Counter-Strike: Source.

Collector's Edition includes:
- Half-Life 2
- Counter-Strike: Source
- Half-Life: Source
- XL Half-Life T-Shirt
- Hybrid of Prima guide

If it was me, I would go with the normal edition unless you want the 'hybrid' of the prima guide or T-Shirt. Half-Life: Source is a joke, its virtually the same with few minor differences. Half-Life 2 itself is worth £35. Also, if you live in the UK, Collector's Edition won't be out until December 11th.
So are you saying if i want to play games like DOD:S and NS:S (assuming that happens) im going to have to buy them over steam, if so thats ridiculas some marketing manager has really lost his mind.
Natural Selection Source version will be free. Day of Defeat: Source is likely to cost. Valve mods might cost (no one knows yet). Other non-Valve mods such as Sven Co-op: Source, NS: S etc will be free.
thank you for your help, but that really is annoying about dod:S they must really have some delusions of dradure is they think theyll have anything like the players numbers they did when it was free, i mean i could just fork out 5 quid more and get a dedicated ww2 shooter or bf1942 tut tut tut.
Your processor is quite a bit of a bottleneck for the video card. You'll get fluid gameplay, but you're only utilizing around 50% of the 6800.

If you look at some of the 4000+/FX-53 reviews where they include an XP in the benchmarks, you'll notice that anything below a 64 3200+ really drags an X800 or 6800.