I know what CS:S needs...

its needs put down...seriously.

edit: cs:s has already failed. Nobody who plays competetive cs wants to play source. It will still be played but by nowhere near the same numbers as 1.6 now or in the future.

1.6 will continue to be the #1 fps multiplayer until something better comes along.
ukfluke said:
its needs put down...seriously.

edit: cs:s has already failed. Nobody who plays competetive cs wants to play source. It will still be played but by nowhere near the same numbers as 1.6 now or in the future.

1.6 will continue to be the #1 fps multiplayer until something better comes along.

Explain. Can't make statements like that without further backing it up.
look at the comments in these threads about cs:s. Even allowing for some complete retards who post most of the feedback is negative.




Its pretty representative of what i hear all the time from players about cs:s. I used to be angry at how bad cs:s is but now im all cool becuase most peeps think the same. :) Its heading to be a minority mp fps.
Probably because it's not polished up. I didn't like the way they released Counter Strike: Source before Half-Life 2. It kind of didn't go right. If it doesn't become the #1 mp game, oh well, I don't care.
Some of the people who posted on those forums never even have played CSS.
ukfluke said:
look at the comments in these threads about cs:s. Even allowing for some complete retards who post most of the feedback is negative.




Its pretty representative of what i hear all the time from players about cs:s. I used to be angry at how bad cs:s is but now im all cool becuase most peeps think the same. :) Its heading to be a minority mp fps.

Dude, read the comments in there, they thought the same thing about 1.6, and a great deal expect it the bugs to be ironed out, and for CS:S to become the new staple.
im just going to wait for the december update before i make up my mind....
the sole reason CS 1.6 is going to be popular for a long time is because it can run great on crappy machines. thats CS:S's only huge weakness
maps and models are coming in december. CS:S will grow over time. just like 1.6 did. I still remember the "OMGZ I'm Sticking with 1.5. 1.6 is teh sux0rz! **** U Valve"-threads.
anyone who comapares the change from 1.5 to 1.6 and 1.6 to cs:s is a ****ing retard
ukfluke said:
anyone who comapares the change from 1.5 to 1.6 and 1.6 to cs:s is a ****ing retard

Nobody have been comparing changes from 1.5-1.6 with 1.6-cs:s here. It's the everpresent whining from people like you that has been compared.

lol the nade hitbox was a JOKE

btw Ecthe|ioN plz gimme ur pc
