I laugh at everyone...



All you people worrying that Half-Life 2 wont come out, that steam might crash when your uploading, or that you wont get to play it the first millionbillionths second it comes out and that your collecters box was crumpled by the Fed X man, just makes me laugh.

Like seriously, the world WON'T end, it WILL come out, you WILL play it and you WON'T die if you didn't the millionbillionths of a second it comes out. So just sit back, chillax on your far better PC's then mine, and wait for the dust to settle and the blood to dry. I have to wait till January before I'll be able to play as I need to buy a new tower. So calm down and think before you post something paranoid like 'OMFGWTF!!?!?!11/!1?? HL2 didnt com out 4t +h3 eXac+ time its 54id it w00d OMG like thats a scam 3y3 paid s000 much OMGWTF!??!

Anyone else think the people around here are getting a lil over reactive?
yeah there are a few people who have gone crazy over this,but i mean come on...its just a game.
No shit rofl.

No patience at all. ANd to read that people are gunna ditch school to play is just, well, wow. rofl.
No...HL2 is awesome..so don't complain that they do that..I would be mad if my box was smashed up..It's called a collector's box..and you do COLLECT it.
Omg end of the world, end yourself. Your l33t box with graphical art all over might be delivered with a scatch what a frEAKINg disaster!!
It wasn't nice knowing you..bye! Lol, Just kidding. :p

SPUD EDIT : Removed Quote, and yes, hes gone.
yah the box is kinda pussing it, like i bought the Plantnum Edition awhile back and sure the box was nice but honestly? Its a piece of cardboard covered in ink, but if its your 'fetish' to air seal it and put it where your grandmas ashes used to sit then by all means...
they noticed how the shadows suck... so they canceled everything.
Here's my observation....all the people with low post rates like say around 30 to 50 don't care if there "Box is crumpled" or they don't get to play it right away....All the people with like ****ing 2342734236947 posts are the ones that are like "Omg my box! no!" ahahaha that makes me laugh.
anti-elf you have to be the most annoying person on this forum, could you please keep the double posting, spamming, and qouting to a minimum
about the damaged CE box...what if it was something YOU liked to collect?

wouldn't you be pissed if your comic book/trading card/whatever you may or may not collect was damaged on arrival?

granted it isn't the end of the world,but it is upsetting...

and She,in the strategy guide the shadows look fine..

no more missing shadows/funky overlaps like in the trainstation bink...at least as far as I have dared look
People do get a little bit out of control when it comes to just this game. As for the collectors edition being damaged on shipment, I wouldn't blame them. If I spent $80 for a game package (and I don't think I ever will), I would be pissed if it was damaged too.
seriously where are the mods when someone needs to get banned. what makes you so brutally annoying. why cant you just act normal? would that be to much to ask?
I am now banned because my intelligence and decency level is sub-par.
Ahem.... Children, let this be a lesson to you... DONT DO DRUGS--THEY F**K WITH YOUR BRAIN. And especially don't drink and POST!!! It scares little timmy.

That is all

SPUD EDIT: Removed quote :D
travisneary said:
seriously where are the mods when someone needs to get banned. what makes you so brutally annoying. why cant you just act normal? would that be to much to ask?
here and done.
Thank you SpuD he was getting really bad, heck he derailed this thread and was working on another.
SpuD said:
here and done.

Thank you spud. I especially like the "I am now banned because my intelligence and decency level is sub-par" Tagline that has replaced all of his posts. A fitting memorial!
Ahhahhaa what a derailed thread... thanks Spud now what wer we talking about?
so, i think that a lot of people are getting a little paranoid about the whole release thing because lots of us have been around here for a long time. and eh after so much waiting, things as simple as a release date REALLY get blown out of proportion in the minds of the people that wait for so long. i personally can wait however long is needed, although would be dissappointed if anything goes awry. oh well. :) :cheers: