I love japanese culture...

I wanna marry that chubby one...we'd make a nice couple, don't you think?
OMG taht is teh funneh!!!!!! I want to live in Japan just so i can do some crazy singing like that!!!

so do i, my avatar is a testament to that. the only thing i don't get is that game show, takeshi's castle. anyone seen that. weird beyond belief.
If I lived in Japan I would never have to worry about being bored...
Frank, No, but if you lived in Tokyo you'd have to worry about dying, Tokyo is the second most polluted and overcrowded city in the world, some people even wear those 'masks' like those people wore to protect themselfs from teh dust 01/9/11.
Those ppl are not Japs (no offence to any japanese ppl). They are Korean, i should know. i'm korean too.
GeJoMasta, I thought so myself, korea has TONS of Karaoke machines :D
GeJoMasta said:
Those ppl are not Japs (no offence to any japanese ppl). They are Korean, i should know. i'm korean too.

May I marry you? Pleeaaasseeee!!
How can you not get Takeshi's castle?? :) There's nothing to get - best tv show ever btw \o/

I like alot of Japanese movies/games/anime etc but as a friend of mine who lives in Japan pointed out - what most westerns percieve as 'Japanese cluture' couldn't be further from the truth.
Bah, Zeta Gundam owns all Japanese shows ass, but that's no suprise as it was voted one of the best animes ever in Japanese NewType.:p

I have about 6 friends who lives in Japan, all of'em are natives.

So I know the real culture, I own several Japanese books and I'll be studying in Japan next year, I'll also be traveling there for Summer again, just a tip tho, if you're going to Japan, STAY THE **** OUT OF TOKYO.:p
Meh, Japan is alright i suppose. I wouldnt mind visiting it but im not really into all the anime and stuff. I quite like thier willingness to display "role-playing"attitudes though.
Now it you want a place that isn't as polluted or over crowded as Tokyo go to Mexico City. The cleanest city in the world. Not only that but the people are friendly. Enjoy!
good god chubbs there seems to be posessed by gene simmons' dead twin
GeJoMasta said:
Those ppl are not Japs (no offence to any japanese ppl). They are Korean, i should know. i'm korean too.

Thank god someone pointed that out.

It's pretty easy to tell if you know what the languages look like when written out.

ontopic: I saw this video a while ago, god I almost pissed myself laughing, one of the funniest things I had seen in a while.
Yeah, they reminded me of the "letters" in The Isle and since it's korean...
i absolutely adore japanese history and find the myths and legends amazing, plus in a major contrast to that i love technology and therefore i love old AND new japan. I thought this was gonna be a post about culture etc. but seems its about too dancing fat ladies screaming bout money. sigh. fun, tho.
Suicide, silleh, 1. Those're ordinary Korean Girls. 2. They're singing a song on a common Korean Karaoke Machine.
Maaaan..... Scarred for life now... :bonce:

Err.. I recently watched "Donnie Darko"....

Frank freaks me out...... :|

*cowers in corner*
Sorze said:
Maaaan..... Scarred for life now... :bonce:

Err.. I recently watched "Donnie Darko"....

Frank freaks me out...... :|

*cowers in corner*

I am here to suck your blood, blargh!
Can't we change the meaning of the title now? :stare: I'll start off. I love the old Japanese culture, its not like i have anything against new cultures but the old ones i mean like samurai days were kewl. Have you guys seen "the last samurai"? I would love to live in that small village, it was so peaceful. PLus i'd want to become a samurai :afro:
slider3005 said:
Can't we change the meaning of the title now? :stare: I'll start off. I love the old Japanese culture, its not like i have anything against new cultures but the old ones i mean like samurai days were kewl. Have you guys seen "the last samurai"? I would love to live in that small village, it was so peaceful. PLus i'd want to become a samurai :afro:

Yes, I would love to live in a village like that too, but the movie is sooooo typical american! WE FIGHT FOR OUR HONOR! WHO'S WITH ME! ATTAAAAAAAACK!!!!
Frank said:
Yes, I would love to live in a village like that too, but the movie is sooooo typical american! WE FIGHT FOR OUR HONOR! WHO'S WITH ME! ATTAAAAAAAACK!!!!

yes the waft of cheese was immense.

wanna see a samurai film? watch Yojimbo. top stuff.

anyone know how to speak/write/read japanese? tried learning it but it's bastard hard.
Dedalus said:
yes the waft of cheese was immense.

wanna see a samurai film? watch Yojimbo. top stuff.

anyone know how to speak/write/read japanese? tried learning it but it's bastard hard.

I can say a few japanese words

Origato = Thanks
Otaku = Nerd
Futurara (or something like that) = big dick
Kutabara = **** you
Hay = yes
Makudonarudo = McDonalds
Frank said:
I can say a few japanese words

Origato = Thanks
Otaku = Nerd
Futurara (or something like that) = big dick
Kutabara = **** you
Hay = yes
Makudonarudo = McDonalds

Hai - yes
gomen - sorry
ohayou - good morning
ohayou-gozaimasu - good morning (polite)
Arigatou - thanks
Iie - no

I know lots more but I'm too lazy to type them out.
Sackapoopoo - nappy

Yes!!!!1 my japanese is great!

The oriental languages have always interested me (from a learning point), it must be so hard to become fluent in them
Looks aside, I think that fat chic would be a lot of fun on a date.
heh, would be fun if I wrote all the attacks and defences I know in Japanese...

But I'm too lazy... :p

It's a shame I know so much more Japanese than the average westerner (thank you Shorinji Kempo), but it's totally useless in any application other than starting a fight..


Japanese guy: Onegaishimasu. (Greeting)

Me: Err... Sashi komi ashi jun kagi zuki ...? (step forward, swing with your most forward hand)

Japanese guy thinks I'm threatening him, and starts screaming!

Me: Err... Kinteki geri...? (kick to the crutch)

Japanese guy screams some more, and a fight to the death ensues...................

hmm.. Maybe I should rethink my trip to Tokyo..?
The only Japanese I know is YATTA!

:D Nah I picked up a bit from anime, but I still refer to the subs alot.

And YOJIMBO RUUUUUUULES!!! Although I liked Sanjuro (sequel) alot better.

Dad and I are trying to see every major Akira Kurosawa movie, we've already watched a bunch. He's into the directing/cinematography and the artsy side of things, I just like the samurais :D

He even watches anime with me sometimes, as long as it doesn't drag on, he especially likes the weird stuff (though he didn't get into Lain), and anime with really cool/buzzy animation. He has the same sorta tastes as me, although I have a higher tolerance for the more shoujo stuff ^.^
Frank, many of those're incorrect, I'm in JP classes so I know :p
Arigatou(NOT Origatou) = Thanks

Otaku = NOT NERD but being REALLY OBSESSED WITH SOEMTHING, meaning that you'd sacrifice anything for it, your family, money, anything.

It's hard to write real JP on a computer tho, you see, you do it in a very different way, you push the keyboard button for the words first letter, then you hvae to press space over and over til you get to the word you want ._.*Curses*
GeJoMasta said:
Those ppl are not Japs (no offence to any japanese ppl). They are Korean, i should know. i'm korean too.

I thought so, lol @ everyone saying "I wanna be Japanese!!" hehe. Is that your final answer?
No. I'm fine atm. Might consider it later in life though.

:¬ /
I like the japanes culture to

I will love learn to fight whit a Katana(samurai sword)