I`m new and want valvu to read this...


Oct 9, 2003
Reaction score

My name is Yam levi i live in israel and im 13 years old.
i realy want to tell something to gabe.
i saw game comment to the beta "dont judge the game by the beta" (sorry for type mistakes) i just wanna say if u go to irc chat or anyone who played the beta he will tell u the beta was one of the best games he plyaed just yester day my fraind that download the leak and i mean this:
"This Ownz"

pirates know they are doing something ileagel but i guess they think they are like robin hos steal from big companys and give to ths small and poor user (me :().

when pirates riping a game they are actully buying him in the leak case they hacked ur puter...

the point is even if u deley this game more 4 monthes it dosent say it wont happen again shit hapenz and we cant do anything about it.

i`m not a hl1 fan i dident liked anything but the mods...
i before i played tha ling i was thinking im gonna download it when it will come out but i saw the game so i decided to give the devlopers my money because the job they did is amazing and this is gonna be the first game i buy from 6-7 years...

about the tracking... its possible that he sends my ip there but still this is not some kind of p2p network and tell me u wanna be the riaa? i love ur games but i wont buy something that wil erase my right for beeing annonymus on the net...

so if it will come out in septmber 30th ill spen 300 nis :( on this mother ****ing good shit game! (sorry for the curse this game really ownz!)

im gonna delete the leak beause it a viloatin to ur copy rights and i belive that ull know what to do...


sorry for mistakes im from israel...
well, i think this is a good post :)
Gabe will be happy, and you just keep on playing and try not to use lame, noob, haxor, cheater to much in the future

i never cheated i like to play the way it came game the beta rule and im gonna buy the game this is the bottom line...
gabe u cant do nothing in 4 months thats gonna make the game better its perfect right now...
one thing: Half-Life2 isn't delayed just because the game got leaked/stolen, it's now delayed because they have a lot of work to do, rewriting parts of the code so that it's not possible to write cheats and abuse it. It's not some sort of punishment because someone stole the game.

...and RIAA deal in music, not software...

...and it most definitely won't be out sept 30:th, because sept 30:th has already passed...

...and it's great that you decided to delete the stolen beta. Even one single person makes a difference. I'd rather see no one downloaded it in the first place though...

(lots of edits, hence the dots :D)
i know riaa dealing music but still they are suwing ppl in the age of 12 just last wekk a 12 years old girl got sued...

u cant stop ppl to download one of the most excpted games in the kast few years...
what the RIAA is doing is plain stupid. It's not stopping anyone from downloading music, it just makes them stop using Kazaa and other spyware programs to do it.

That's probably true, you can't... but I haven't downloaded it, I haven't even watched any screenshots because I don't want any spoilers. What many do not realize, is that what they're downloading is indeed stolen, and probably a bit more serious than an MP3.
sure its more then a mp3 but still if valve is gonna be like the riaa im not gonna anything from theyre products...
Valve is NOT going to go RIAA on our asses, I promise you that. First of all, the game WILL be released (sometime), and when it does, the beta's not going to matter anymore. anyone who wants to play Half-Life 2 without bugs, with full effects and everything will buy the game. Not to mention the Multiplayer part.

Even if Valve do start suing people blindly, I'll still buy half-Life 2. They have worked hard on it, and the people who have downloaded the game in advance only have themselves to blame. Just as I would have myself to blame if anyone dragged me into court for downloading MP3's. Thankfully, I don't think it's even illegal here in Sweden, at least not to download. distributing music is very illegal over here as well.
touching :)

Go on! tkato, I will drink a beer tonight for u and your country :)
I as well, my young friend. Israel rocks.
No HL2 for you Palestine. :cool: (Don't think I'm stereotyping ALL Palestininians as terrorists. You people take things way too literal on these boards.)
Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
I as well, my young friend. Israel rocks.
No HL2 for you Palestine. :cool: (Don't think I'm stereotyping ALL Palestininians as terrorists. You people take things way too literal on these boards.)

dident know there where other israelis do u know gamer fourm?
I think he's talking about the beta. Probably, Hl2 = beta pwns.
Not sure though.
If we are having a drink to Israel, why don't we make a toast to South Africa under aparthied and Nazi Germany while we are at it?