My name is Yam levi i live in israel and im 13 years old.
i realy want to tell something to gabe.
i saw game comment to the beta "dont judge the game by the beta" (sorry for type mistakes) i just wanna say if u go to irc chat or anyone who played the beta he will tell u the beta was one of the best games he plyaed just yester day my fraind that download the leak and i mean this:
"This Ownz"
pirates know they are doing something ileagel but i guess they think they are like robin hos steal from big companys and give to ths small and poor user (me
when pirates riping a game they are actully buying him in the leak case they hacked ur puter...
the point is even if u deley this game more 4 monthes it dosent say it wont happen again shit hapenz and we cant do anything about it.
i`m not a hl1 fan i dident liked anything but the mods...
i before i played tha ling i was thinking im gonna download it when it will come out but i saw the game so i decided to give the devlopers my money because the job they did is amazing and this is gonna be the first game i buy from 6-7 years...
about the tracking... its possible that he sends my ip there but still this is not some kind of p2p network and tell me u wanna be the riaa? i love ur games but i wont buy something that wil erase my right for beeing annonymus on the net...
so if it will come out in septmber 30th ill spen 300 nis
on this mother ****ing good shit game! (sorry for the curse this game really ownz!)
im gonna delete the leak beause it a viloatin to ur copy rights and i belive that ull know what to do...
sorry for mistakes im from israel...
My name is Yam levi i live in israel and im 13 years old.
i realy want to tell something to gabe.
i saw game comment to the beta "dont judge the game by the beta" (sorry for type mistakes) i just wanna say if u go to irc chat or anyone who played the beta he will tell u the beta was one of the best games he plyaed just yester day my fraind that download the leak and i mean this:
"This Ownz"
pirates know they are doing something ileagel but i guess they think they are like robin hos steal from big companys and give to ths small and poor user (me
when pirates riping a game they are actully buying him in the leak case they hacked ur puter...
the point is even if u deley this game more 4 monthes it dosent say it wont happen again shit hapenz and we cant do anything about it.
i`m not a hl1 fan i dident liked anything but the mods...
i before i played tha ling i was thinking im gonna download it when it will come out but i saw the game so i decided to give the devlopers my money because the job they did is amazing and this is gonna be the first game i buy from 6-7 years...
about the tracking... its possible that he sends my ip there but still this is not some kind of p2p network and tell me u wanna be the riaa? i love ur games but i wont buy something that wil erase my right for beeing annonymus on the net...
so if it will come out in septmber 30th ill spen 300 nis
im gonna delete the leak beause it a viloatin to ur copy rights and i belive that ull know what to do...
sorry for mistakes im from israel...