I need help with my mod!

crackhead said:
let me make this sarcasticly clear for you.

that wasnt where he was rude that was where he was beeing hypocritical and telling others not to be rude.


There you will find definitions for rude, hypocritical, sarcastic and moron. When you've finally discovered the true meaning of these words, have a quick peek in the mirror.
ook this is a little embarrasing i thought ennui had posted something that sixthree did whoops.

There you will find definitions for rude, hypocritical, sarcastic and moron. When you've finally discovered the true meaning of these words, have a quick peek in the mirror.

yeah while im at it ill look up "you are a shi.te weasel
Lol, Crackhead never posted anywhere except this little subforum and the coding ones.

I got to like 1,500 posts without knowing he existed, he was like a little sun forum gnome, who wouldn't come out of his cave.

Anyway, the whole cyber wolves thing.... :/
Maybe work on your presentation, and offer some ideas on gameplay, I'm a tad confused as to what the mod is supposed to be.
You know what's really funny about crackhead's pointless and puerile vendetta? I didn't even ban him. Talk about laugh.
And then he tried to pawn it off on me.
Let's party!
Yes I would love a map based in carthage that would make DM pretty hard. Whats your e-mail and do you have msn messenger
sorry my post is late, i've been preoccupied. i've been soaking my feet in hot water to soften the calises. anyway... you know what i mean about carthage? right now i'm assuming you've seen/watch Code: LYOKO (the BEST show in the world!- and i'm 22!!!). have you found my email address? i can give it to you if you don't know what it is.
XANA said:
sorry my post is late, i've been preoccupied. i've been soaking my feet in hot water to soften the calises. anyway... you know what i mean about carthage? right now i'm assuming you've seen/watch Code: LYOKO (the BEST show in the world!- and i'm 22!!!). have you found my email address? i can give it to you if you don't know what it is.
yeah i have seen that show i watch it with my little brother al the time so i've seen carthage so yeah carthage would be great BTW yeah i would like your e-mail and mine is [email protected] or use [email protected]
Carthage... home of a barbarian nation? OR A SECRET ANIME CONSPIRACY?
gunner wolf - a bit of advice
most of the posters in this thread were having a laugh at your expense and while it was quite entertaining for me it has run its course
now you're clearly still quite young so you have much to learn but if you really want to get the ball rolling on this project as a learning experience, you will be the one doing 90% of the work most of the time - harsh but true
so stop posting about this project for a month or 2 and then come back and impress us with your hard work - if you have nothing to show by then, well this mod was dead in the water from the start
if you do have alot of great work done then you will find you won't have to ask people to join you - they will ask
i disagree i'm looking foward to gouvernment cyber wolves. wolves are awesome
alex, drop it please, it's really rather mean and you've had more than enough fun by this point.

gunner wolf, i'd say the same as john. drop under the radar for a while, come back in a few months with whatever models, maps, concept etc you've made. as exciting as it is to start a project with public knowledge and support, you're young and have a lot to learn about modding, so it'd be best if you kept it quiet, making posts here and there to ask for help when you can't find it in tutorials, etc.

edit: alex has been banned, an IP match shows that he's Pesmerga.
this really seems to have attracted some baaaaaaad members. Samon, i used to be freaked out about posting certain things whenever you were around, but now that you've sileced crackhead, i worship you... you partially complete me....... oh and my email is (you probly saw this coming) "[email protected]". [sarcasm] you guys never would've guessed my email address was anything like that [/sarcasm].
on a side note, carthage is neither a home of a barbarian nation or anime conspiracy. it's a gigantic sphere shaped area made out of geometrical shapes and consists of deadly traps and clever puzzles and the home to monsters appropriately named "creepers". so there.... PUNK!!!
that guy had 238 posts so you shouldnt just ban him cause he has another username. Maybe its him and his brother?
He was banned and then signed up with two other usernames, both used to make abusive posts. Get the facts before going off half-cocked.
Well i suspected crackhead wanted to get banned lol too bad he was very valuable anyway you guys should lock this topic cause it is not going anywhere. Also whoever owns this site needs to look at the moderators he/she has and well make " Changes " cause well the moderators suck no offense but cmon guy do a better job!
If you have a problem with specific moderators, then take it up with Munro, HotSoup or Starmonkey.
Don't like the site, Arman? Don't come back, then. Nobody's forcing you to come here.

-Angry Lawyer
What does the his dislike of the moderators have to do on whether he likes the site? Don't hate him it's only an opinion, although not exactly a constructive comment.
The moderators run the site. Therefore, the site is an expression of their will.

-Angry Lawyer
I hated that AlexFish guy.
Was he persemaga or crackhead?
Solaris said:
I hated that AlexFish guy.
Was he persemaga or crackhead?


armanguy said:
Well i suspected crackhead wanted to get banned lol too bad he was very valuable anyway you guys should lock this topic cause it is not going anywhere. Also whoever owns this site needs to look at the moderators he/she has and well make " Changes " cause well the moderators suck no offense but cmon guy do a better job!

List some improvements, and we'll see where it goes from there. crackheads gone, so clearly we've taken a step in the right direction. But if you don't trust in the power of the moderation, then please, feel free to leave.
Angry Lawyer said:
Don't like the site, Arman? Don't come back, then. Nobody's forcing you to come here.

-Angry Lawyer

Never said i hated the site not all the mods are bad just a few i ownt list them.
the people on this site are cool its just some of the mods get on my nerves somtimes :| its just an opinion and you dont really need to listen to it.


...close this thread....

....before it turns into an oprah show...

CyberWolfDM Story said:
The year is:3046 The Gouvernment wanted invinceble super solders. no one would agree to being ripped apart by people so the Gouvernment captured wolves. one day Iraq tried to have another war with us so they thought they could win this time....They were defeated again but after the war the cyberwolves malfunctioned and started fighting each other. The Gouvernemt wanted money so they captured them again. Put them in arenas tofight and for people to watch. This is how Cyber Wolf DM bacame to be!

Uhh...Why would the Iraqi's start another war in 1000 years? :borg:
Yeah, I'm sorry but that story makes no sense.
:rolling: its so hard to find help :rolling:

As suggested before...let the topic rest for a while. Go off and do some stuff on your own or with a very small team of people you know. When you have work to show and details ironed out and things like that (so you can answer questions and criticisms) then it is better to come back.

People dont want to put time into someone else's idea if that person isnt willing to.
'one day Iraq tried to have another war with us'

that's rather silly.