I need the assistance of the community

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And from what I've seen, no one knows how to compile it anyway, so what's the threat?
To the perpetrator

You have nowhere to hide.

Valve are not stupid.

Right now they are discussing this with the best lawyer in the country. The lawyer will find dozens of angles to attack you from. Copyright violation and theft are the obvious two; you can also expect every law out of the electronic violations book thrown at you.

Track you down they will. You may discount yourself as being not worthy of an FBI investigation, and you aren't you piece of slime, but Valve and the revenue it brings to the country certainly deserve to be protected. The FBI will take Valve's case.

The authorities will track you down. The best lawyer in the country will put you away. You have nowhere to hide.
Sounds like there is a lead already.

Check out this site with a picture of the suspect:


There is also a link to a mesage board with the following post:

"The leaker was [GSM]Grim. That is who posted it on Usenet before anyone on IRC even had it. I did some googling and with the help of Derek (TheAmazingXemo) we figured out who this is. Please see: http://www.cracksmokingmonkeys.net/members.php?m=grim for a picture of the person who either 1) hacked valve or 2) was very close to the people who did. I already emailed valve with all of the information I have."

The board is here:

Hope this gets resolved real soon and the f**ks who did this get strung up!
Well, now to post my 2 bits.

Not to give away any crucial info, I think I have found the source of this. Valve has gotten several emails from me at [email protected], and I hope they use the information, and work with me further.
Well, now to post my 2 bits.

Not to give away any crucial info, I think I have found the source of this. Valve has gotten several emails from me at [email protected], and I hope they use the information, and work with me further.
This is... ugh. I can't put words to it, it makes me sad to know that someone would actually punch you in the face after all of the hard work you have done for the community. Best of luck to resolving the issue, the community will do everything it can.

- omlette
I doubt Valve kept the files on uplinked computer. IMO the attacker managed to get into thier intranet. If he had a custom keystroker running, all he needed was to scout out the intranet passwords. Having that, the rest is pretty easy really.
I doubt Valve kept the files on uplinked computer. IMO the attacker managed to get into the intranet. If he had a custom keystroker running, all he needed was to scout out the intranet passwords. Having that, the rest is pretty easy really.
This sucks.

This is not a fun hack thing. this is disresptful.

I'll help anyway i can.
Originally posted by loque
*cough* hoax *cough*

If this is real then Valve guys yer retarted...you dont connect a pc to the internet wich contains a product you worked 5 years on. Your asking for it then ):

Who ever said the computer with the source files was connected to the internet? Gabe started having weird problems, as far as you or anyone else knows, they got it through VALVe's network via Gabe's computer
How could you even think that it's a hoax? I can understand a little why you can think this way, but with all the hype I am certain that it is real.
LEts hope this guy is found

And that the game im waiting for aint fudged up :cheers:

Gabe- you have my complete support. im terribly sorry to hear about this, and hope that everything works in the end. good luck, ill help in any way i can

people on this forum- i was rather happy to see (most) people on here give gabe the support that everyone did. this really is a great community. as for everyone who is whining about how valve "deserves this" , get a grip . boo-hoo, the game was delayed. its one thing to be disapointed, but christ people, the source code was just stolen. i guess people cant comprehend the seriousness.. you people need to get a f***ing grip.
I doubt this is real because I know a little about network security (hahah) and I have worked with people that have worked at game studio's before. Most of them have heavy security setup and a hell of a lot don't have their workstations / internal servers hooked up to the internet. Also the attack that was described doesn't make since either, I don't understand why and I wouldn't like to guess but either valve doesn't really understand how they where 'hacked' or they are trying to make stuff up. If this really did happen then their network admin should be looking for a new job and a new line of work because even a school admin knows better.

Working with pure network / security experience I can saw I simply can't believe what I am hearing, it doesn't make since. I could see this keylogging program working if it was a one-way thing, like they mailed this keylogger in to everyone who ran it (or it exploited an old exploit) and then it streamed the information that they where typing back to a server somewhere. But then how did the 'hacker' sort it into files, if you have 50 streams of code coming in how would you even hope to do that.

Lots of things unexplained. I have a theory, if this is a joke then maybe this is the half-life 2 they where working on before they switched over to this new engine, because you know they have this new engine.. if they where developing HL2 after HL1 but before they switched over, maybe this is the result of that.. not really HL1 but more but not quiet HL2.
I'll help. But I got nothing ATM. You gotta promise not to delay HL2 if i help! :P
Might as well release Half Life 2 ASAP - before someone else starts posting the game names, places, events, storyline, etc...
HL2 source code

K where do i report someone... I have some info, but I don't know or care who wants it... Its not my problem... I say valve is turning into another Microsoft place, with all there stuff getting leaked now, and you should have better security... I am not trying to bash valve or crap... Just saying they kida are weak :P

:cheers: for Source Code
man i dont know what vlave will do in this situation. but i extremely doubt that it will be released sooner because of this. hopefully valve will be able to find out how the information got out...unfortunitely by then it will be too late, as the source code is spreading rapidly.

but just think, the people that mess with it will just ruin it for themselves
this is one big joke. valve is going to release the game in two weeks, and catch everyone by surprise, people will be like, hey wtf i though it was leaked, and valve will say YOU GOT PUNKED, like the tv, so im assuming mtv is involved because of copyright of the show
You people citing the delay as a reason for not helping need to STFU ...yeah i was a little miffed about confirming the delay 6 days before the 30th but the game is still coming out...By refusing to help you are only helping to delay it even more so grow up please.
Gabe, are you sure you did not leak it on-purpose so you dont have to give more reasons for more delay's?
Originally posted by sPaG
I agree. It IS illegal to download that source code. You WILL serve prison time if caught. You are just as guilty as the guys hacking in to Valve.

Let me put this in to plain english for you idiots out there..

You drive to Valve Software headquarters, you pick up a rock, you throw it through the main door window, you smash the rest of the window and make your way through the building.. you sit down at at Gabe's desk, you go through his email, you make a copy of the SRC directory tree, burn it to a disk, run home, and dodge the cops.

You ****ing dumbasses hear me? Any of you, ANY of you other than valve who downloaded the software just commited the crime above. Believe me, the FBI would nail you with it. Not exactly in those terms, but you WILL serve prison time.

If you want to help Gabe and Valve out.. don't download it. Don't let your curiosity get the best of you. Don't break the law. Don't turn on Valve. If you have it already, do the right thing and delete it and forget about it. You have no idea how helpful this will be to Valve. As futile as this all sounds.. it's the only thing YOU can do.

Again, good luck Gabe. I'm truly sorry this happened.

whoa, people here need to grip reality a bit. I realise that this may seem like a massive deal to you (it does to me too) but spurting out stuff like that is just plain funny. The thing is, as important as it may be to you and I, I doubt the FBI have the same passion about a computer games as we do. Sure, I hope the people responsible have whats coming to them but I read some of these posts and cringe...
That sounds like conspiracy talk.

*Gets pitchforks and torches*


Anyways, Gabe should pay us a visit once in a while over at the Sierra HL2 forums. We deserve as much.

i wouldn't even be surprised!!! and honestly, if they found out about it on the 19th of september, y is it just getting to us today??? i mean, almost a month to leak something? that's sad, and if valve knew that early, y didn't they stop it? some sort of hoax or underlying crap here. someone's lying and lying big!!!!
Originally posted by Manip
I doubt this is real because I know a little about network security (hahah) and I have worked with people that have worked at game studio's before. Most of them have heavy security setup and a hell of a lot don't have their workstations / internal servers hooked up to the internet. Also the attack that was described doesn't make since either, I don't understand why and I wouldn't like to guess but either valve doesn't really understand how they where 'hacked' or they are trying to make stuff up. If this really did happen then their network admin should be looking for a new job and a new line of work because even a school admin knows better.

Working with pure network / security experience I can saw I simply can't believe what I am hearing, it doesn't make since. I could see this keylogging program working if it was a one-way thing, like they mailed this keylogger in to everyone who ran it (or it exploited an old exploit) and then it streamed the information that they where typing back to a server somewhere. But then how did the 'hacker' sort it into files, if you have 50 streams of code coming in how would you even hope to do that.

Lots of things unexplained. I have a theory, if this is a joke then maybe this is the half-life 2 they where working on before they switched over to this new engine, because you know they have this new engine.. if they where developing HL2 after HL1 but before they switched over, maybe this is the result of that.. not really HL1 but more but not quiet HL2.

If you have 50 streams of "code" coming into your PC surely you would sort them into individual files using the IP address of each PC or if it's behind a router or whatever then each burst of code could have a prefix attached to identify which machine it belongs too. I'm no networking genious but that would make sense to me..... :x
Guys I don't think its fake cause
1. It was posted under gabes forum name, you cant fake that.
2. It can't be a joke, this is something too serioues to joke about. Like the boy who cried wolf.
Originally posted by Gabe Newell
Ever have one of those weeks? This has just not been the best couple of days for me or for Valve.

Yes, the source code that has been posted is the HL-2 source code.

Here is what we know:

1) Starting around 9/11 of this year, someone other than me was accessing my email account. This has been determined by looking at traffic on our email server versus my travel schedule.

2) Shortly afterwards my machine started acting weird (right-clicking on executables would crash explorer). I was unable to find a virus or trojan on my machine, I reformatted my hard drive, and reinstalled.

3) For the next week, there appears to have been suspicious activity on my webmail account.

4) Around 9/19 someone made a copy of the HL-2 source tree.

5) At some point, keystroke recorders got installed on several machines at Valve. Our speculation is that these were done via a buffer overflow in Outlook's preview pane. This recorder is apparently a customized version of RemoteAnywhere created to infect Valve (at least it hasn't been seen anywhere else, and isn't detected by normal virus scanning tools).

6) Periodically for the last year we've been the subject of a variety of denial of service attacks targetted at our webservers and at Steam. We don't know if these are related or independent.

Well, this sucks.

What I'd appreciate is the assistance of the community in tracking this down. I have a special email address for people to send information to, [email protected]. If you have information about the denial of service attacks or the infiltration of our network, please send the details. There are some pretty obvious places to start with the posts and records in IRC, so if you can point us in the right direction, that would be great.

We at Valve have always thought of ourselves as being part of a community, and I can't imagine a better group of people to help us take care of these problems than this community.


Will there be a delay for the game because of the low life? Death to linux. What are you going to do about the aimbots and the losers that are making them right now? Plz fix it so the aimbots don't work. And the version of HL2 that comes with the ATI XT card is it a full version with mp or without?
They definatly would have known earlier, but were trying to investigate it in private i would assume. I dont think it would have been a good thing for the information to get public, like it has now. I hope this mess gets cleaned up quickly and the perpotrators get round up and charged.

people here need to lighten up and grip reality, who cares, the game get delayed more, valve will figure things out and it will all be fine, in the meantime have your mommy change your diapers and go outside and do something other than sitting here, go shoot a slingshot, ride a donkey, or catch a butterfly, its just a computer game, computer game computer game computer game computer game computer game computer game compiter game, understand???
Originally posted by Hatte
Did any of you sheep stop to think that maybe this is a hoax by valve themselves?

Lets look at the facts:

There is obvious code that doesnt belong, IE openGL code, quake header files. etc.
now that might be explainable IF they built the source engine from the old hl/modified quake 1 engine, but they used the havok engine

many fanboys(you know who u are) are upset over the release delay, now with gabe's plea many ppl are sympathetic with valve, its like giving a dog a bone so it stops barking.

With this source code out, there will be ppl looking to understand the code, some for their own education, more for the creation of various cheats that have become standard to the CS world, and im sure all the cheat makers will be looking for the chance to release the first hl2 hack. this fake code would put these cheat designers through a lot of work to try to understand algorithms that wont even be used in the game.

Hmm don't get me wrong but nowadays we do not knowwtf is going on, all of a sudden a hacker leaked the game after the delay? i aint saying Gabe's lying but there is the possiblity, but i mean im hoping it was a lie because its worse if a bunch of 15 year olds with no lives are making cheats, i wanted the stuff to be a surprise and now we know tf2 will be out wit hl2?! **** i wanted the damn game to be a surprise!

im ****ing pissed at these assholes that do thisshit, these no life people need to ****in get laid and stop doing shit like this!

i really do hope this is just a hoax from valve its worse if people actually got a hold of the game and exploit it.
LMAO at the dude who apparently sold copies to his mates, go troll somewhere else :cheese:

awe lost the code.....

good cause you lost my reg key to, it doesn't werk!
it was fine befor, 1.3 till a few weeks ago.
and reporting my prob didn't help!

kinda makes me feel better, cause im not buying the game again!
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