i need your input

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Dec 10, 2005
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this is a goodbye letter to my girlfreind, i changed her name but other than that it's the same. we have to break up because we're going travelling and to uni.

i know it's cheesy, but it had to be really. i just need your advise. grammar, spelling and also just if i've missed anything. is it overdone? is it crap? should i say anything else?

Dear Megan with the plane ticket,
As you read this you’re on your way to another country, I know you’re nervous, but I hope you’re excited too, I know you won’t regret going. I can picture you rising above the clouds away from all this like Harper in the end of Angels in America. God Megan, I’m so envious of you.

Know that I’m no good at this, I’d prefer to tell you all this in person, it would come out better, it would come out with more feeling, but no doubt I’d ramble on and the point of what I was trying to say would be lost. So here I give you the points, the meaning you’ll have to imagine for yourself. As you read this imagine you’re sitting on your own on a bench somewhere in the city. Maybe in a remote corner of the barbican in a little enclosed square, or on the South bank, or in Leicester square. It’s night, very late or very early, maybe four in the morning, and there’s no one around. It’s warm, you only have a t-shirt on, but the air’s fresh. I’ll sit here with you and try and explain how I feel, but inevitably, I’ll fail miserably. Oh well, at least it’s a nice night.

Actually as I write this Jane is making music in her studio, it’s sad, the kind of ambient music that’s making me feel melancholy and sounds like the soundtrack to a film. It keeps cutting out when she stops it to make a change, adjusting volumes or adding loops and samples. It’s what made me want to write this actually. It reminded me of our relationship, how it’s not finished but must come to an end regardless.

I think about all the nights we spent together, all the nights we walked back to your flat in the cool heat of the summer evenings. They were my favourite times, walking back from pizza express all those months ago to the flat in London bridge, having prawns in that restaurant near the market and then going to after-school. I love that flat Megan, there we can be in our own little world. It all started there, do you remember? The first night we were together? We had a bath and fell together onto your bed, afterwards we sat together on the balcony in the night air looking towards the south bank, the Tate modern, the place we sat with chorizo sandwiches and I made up stupid names for the buildings. Then we went inside and watched that crap TV programme, ‘Sugar Rush’, do you remember that?

And then in the morning having coffee on the balcony of the Tate overlooking the river.

Dear Megan with the chocolate brownies, Megan with so many pairs of underwear and far too many tubes of lipgloss.
I hope you know how much I appreciated all the little things you did, bringing me Starbucks lemon juicy water while I was working, saving me a brownie. I know I didn’t show it very well, in my own strange way acting like I took it all for granted was my way of showing affection, I felt like in acting so casually about everything I was showing that I was comfortable with you, and that I didn’t need to show my affection so publicly. I know now this was the wrong idea to have. But I always appreciated it every time you bought me a drink, or paid for dinner, or wore matching underwear! And in all those little ways you thought about me.

Dear Megan with the lazy eyes,
I’m just sorry I’ve been such a terrible girlfriend over the months. I think I’ve probably bought you more headaches than happiness. I’m sorry I behaved so badly around your friends, embarrassed you, tainted days and weeks and our whole relationship by doing so many stupid things that I should have known not to do. You deserve better than to be with an idiot like me.

Dear Megan the patient listener,
You listened so often to my ranting, and I’m sorry I couldn’t write you the story you wanted me to write, I tried so many times to sit down and do it, but nothing was good enough, too clichéd, too boring, too obvious. Scripts aren’t good presents and stories about knights come out sounding like children’s books. So I decided to write you this letter instead, I spent my whole relationship rambling, why stop now?

I am writing a story for you now though Megan, as melodramatic and ridiculous as only the writings of a self-obsessed film-geek can be. Keep in contact, when it’s done, I’ll send it to you. I hope I’ve shown you what inspires me, I hope I can tell you. All those films we watched, Oldboy, Angels in America. The South bank, the NFT. One day I’ll be a better writer Megan, maybe then I’ll be able to give you your knight.

I hope you remember all the good times we had and not all the times I let you down. I know I’ll always think back on this year and remember all the fun we had. All those memories, Fuerzabruta, Konditor and Cook, borough market, the South bank, DarrallMacqueen, massage oil, hot baths together.

I once told you that true beauty only existed on celluloid. Do you remember? Hung over from speed and feeling emotional I decided to punish your good deed by ranting cynical bullshit at you while you tried to look after me. But I was wrong, there were girls before you, but they didn’t mean anything, all they did was make me cynical and bitter about people. What we had meant so much to me Megan, for me the memories are like a film. Hazy love scenes, druggy and slurred, I won’t remember all the time we argued, I hope you don’t either. If you remember one thing, just remember those warm summer nights, walking back to your flat together.

We’re starting new chapters in our life now, and I’m sad that I can’t be there to write it with you. But I’m excited for you, I look forward to seeing who greets me at the door at your new flat in Belsize park.

“Nothing's lost forever. In this world, there's a kind of painful progress. Longing for what we've left behind, and dreaming ahead. At least I think that's so.”
All my love,

Molly x x x
Just write what you want, unchanged by other peoples opinions. It is not their letter, it is yours.

So just send it with confidence knowing that it came from your heart... even if it has alot of grammar problems. It is not a business letter, it is a letter to a friend/loved one. Doesn't have to be perfect.
Tell her in person. Screw letters.

also- needs more pregnancy, and incest.
Dear Megan: I dont respect you enough to keep our relationship between the two of us so I'm posting this letter on a gaming website full of guys somewhere on the internet

love, your-supposedly-loving-girlfriend Molly

ps: I am a lesbian

pps: dont tell anyone

ppps: unless you want to post it at Halflife2.net/forums ...
Dear Megan: I dont respect you enough to keep our relationship between the two of us so I'm posting this letter on a gaming website full of guys somewhere on the internet

love, your-supposedly-loving-girlfriend Molly

ps: I am a lesbian

pps: dont tell anyone

ppps: unless you want to post it at Halflife2.net/forums

Top notch post if I do say so myself, Stern. Hilarious. :thumbs:
I don't even get why you posted this.
For a spelling and grammar checker, use Microsoft Word. Also, we can't see if you've missed something, because we are not you. Hell, the majority of us isn't even homosexual (I can't even think of one member being so :|), so we can't advise you either :p
Just what you wanted


anyway, the final one was better, but essentially the same. anyway, she's gone now. it's pretty sad, i won't see her for three months. i really don't know what to do with most of my days. sucks. my flatemates are cheering me up, or trying to.

i keep listening to 'lights go down' by basement jaxx and feeling sorry for myself.

you should download it, it's not like their other stuff.

'I want your input'

heres a clue


And at the risk of sounding gay.
It's a beautiful letter.
Theres a ton of stuff to do, just now i got a popsicle and loving every minute of it.
heres a clue


And at the risk of sounding gay.
It's a beautiful letter.

that's reallt nice of you to say so, that genuinely made me happy. though the final letter has a bit more content and a little less cheese.

we are planning to get back together, but three months is a long time to go on a break for. it's hard, it'll be great when i see her again though.
I could see her keeping it for years.
I would.
Question - why write a letter? It's a pretty callous way of splitting with someone. Saying it in person means a lot more.

-Angry Lawyer
Question - why write a letter? It's a pretty callous way of splitting with someone. Saying it in person means a lot more.

-Angry Lawyer

firstly, it's irritating how you sign yourslef off, like you think everything you write is a quote from your own book. we can read your name just fine.

also, it wasn't a break up note, if you actually read the first post youd see it's a letter i gave her because she's going travelling and i'm going to uni.

also i think letters mean alot, it means youve taken the time to write down your thoughts. you can't re-read a conversation, but you can treasure a letter. i thought it would be nice for her to have something of mine while she's travelling.
firstly, it's irritating how you sign yourslef off, like you think everything you write is a quote from your own book. we can read your name just fine.

also, it wasn't a break up note, if you actually read the first post youd see it's a letter i gave her because she's going travelling and i'm going to uni.

also i think letters mean alot, it means youve taken the time to write down your thoughts. you can't re-read a conversation, but you can treasure a letter. i thought it would be nice for her to have something of mine while she's travelling.

It's AL's thing that he does. Like your thing is that you tell everybody you're a lesbian all the time.
firstly, it's irritating how you sign yourslef off, like you think everything you write is a quote from your own book.

Angry Lawyer should write a book. I can think of well over a thousand people who would buy it.
alright alright it's his thing. sorry lawyer no offence meant or anything. also i would like to point out i've never told anyone i was gay, except inadvertantly, for example it would have been hard to hide it here. and why should i anyway? and if you remember at the beginning of my stay at these forums i always referred to my girlfriend as 'my partner' or 'my significant other' so as to not make a big deal about it.
thanks, it was yesterday actually, i took her to the airport, the que was SOOOO long. literally took us 10 minutes to walk past it just to get to the back and start queing. took about 3 hours to get to the front. now that's a long goodbye.
Must have been awkward if you made the goodbye speech before queueing.

"Well, this is goodbye".

*hour interval*

"Yeah. Gonna miss you"

*hour interval*

"Gonna be tough not having you around."

-Angry Lawyer
Honestly, a letter is pretty lame. If I was in a serious mature relationship and my significant other tried breaking up with me via a letter, I would burn it or something.

Its pretty insulting to the relationship and person if you don't even take the effort to break up with them in person. It seems to me that if you want a mutual, respectful, and memorable break-up, then it should be by doing it in person and explaining your feelings and why you believe its for the best.
Hence the reason you need some dude standing behind her with cue-cards.

-Angry Lawyer
Honestly, a letter is pretty lame. If I was in a serious mature relationship and my significant other tried breaking up with me via a letter, I would burn it or something.

Its pretty insulting to the relationship and person if you don't even take the effort to break up with them in person. It seems to me that if you want a mutual, respectful, and memorable break-up, then it should be by doing it in person and explaining your feelings and why you believe its for the best.

you don't know what your talking about, have you thought this through?

firstly: IT WASN'T A BREAK UP LETTER!!!!!!

secondly did you think i threw it at her and then ran away? no, we talked about it for months, it was looming for quite a while, and as i said i took her to the airport, i was with her every step of the way, and guess what? I WASN'T A MUTE!! the letter was an extra, some 'i'm missing you' thoughts to read on the plane.

your post clearly shows you haven't read the opening post in this thread, or any of the others.
firstly, it's irritating how you sign yourslef off, like you think everything you write is a quote from your own book. we can read your name just fine.

You know I once asked the same thing, Angry Lawyer was eating a sandwhich at the time.

I asked him "Angry Lawyer, why do you sign your name off after every post?" and his eyes caught fire and the room was filled with pure hatred, the floors cracked open and I was stuck in a freefall as Angry Laywer's floating head did laps around me asking me the same question.

The fall seemed to go for an eternity and a half, and every I saw changed colours rapidly, it was a rainbow of ****ing pain and confusion. And finally it ended, I fell on cold, solid, concrete. Three monks were standing infront of me. One green, one blue and one red, each were holding a different species of flower. They were soflty chanting something I could not hear, I tried to talk to them but whenever I tried their chanting got louder and louder.

Everything around me and the three monks was pitch black, it was just me, three monks and three flowers. Out of fear and confusion I grabbed the red monk's rose to try and grab his attention, but it was too late when I realised the stupid action. The rose's stem grew and grew and wrapped around me like a string on a yo-yo, the monk then lifted his face and unveiled himself to be a clown with a wicked smile, I was then put once more into freefall and I was free from the wraps of the red rose! The darkness turned to sky and I was flying next to a plane, filled with snakes!

Mother****ing snakes!

The plane itself then resembled a snake, it's wings folded into it's body and the cockpit grew eyes, I was flying next to a giant snake filled with little snakes. The plane-snake turned to me and hissed, and we were once more in the same room where Angry Lawyer was eating the sandwhich (I think it was a peanutbutter and jelly sandwhich, but it was hard to tell when you have a giant ****ing snake infront of you.)

Angry Lawyer was behind the snake, innocently munching away as the snake gave me a lecture on why not to ask him, the lecture contained lore spoken by the ancient of the ancient and the lords of old. If I asked him once more I would join the army of snake men destined to take over the internet for their own monitorious greed. The snake grinned with a bone-chilling smile after the lecture, his eyes split like bacteria around his face, his head was littered countless tiny eyes darting around randomly.

The snake then coiled itself around me, and lips grew from it's mouth. It kissed me. It kissed me 138 times before uncoiling itself and digging a hole in the ground to go back to the confusing abyss at which it once came.

Angry Lawyer than turned to me, and signed his name.
You know I once asked the same thing, Angry Lawyer was eating a sandwhich at the time.

I asked him "Angry Lawyer, why do you sign your name off after every post?" and his eyes caught fire and the room was filled with pure hatred, the floors cracked open and I was stuck in a freefall as Angry Laywer's floating head did laps around me asking me the same question.

The fall seemed to go for an eternity and a half, and every I saw changed colours rapidly, it was a rainbow of ****ing pain and confusion. And finally it ended, I fell on cold, solid, concrete. Three monks were standing infront of me. One green, one blue and one red, each were holding a different species of flower. They were soflty chanting something I could not hear, I tried to talk to them but whenever I tried their chanting got louder and louder.

Everything around me and the three monks was pitch black, it was just me, three monks and three flowers. Out of fear and confusion I grabbed the red monk's rose to try and grab his attention, but it was too late when I realised the stupid action. The rose's stem grew and grew and wrapped around me like a string on a yo-yo, the monk then lifted his face and unveiled himself to be a clown with a wicked smile, I was then put once more into freefall and I was free from the wraps of the red rose! The darkness turned to sky and I was flying next to a plane, filled with snakes!

Mother****ing snakes!

The plane itself then resembled a snake, it's wings folded into it's body and the cockpit grew eyes, I was flying next to a giant snake filled with little snakes. The plane-snake turned to me and hissed, and we were once more in the same room where Angry Lawyer was eating the sandwhich (I think it was a peanutbutter and jelly sandwhich, but it was hard to tell when you have a giant ****ing snake infront of you.)

Angry Lawyer was behind the snake, innocently munching away as the snake gave me a lecture on why not to ask him, the lecture contained lore spoken by the ancient of the ancient and the lords of old. If I asked him once more I would join the army of snake men destined to take over the internet for their own monitorious greed. The snake grinned with a bone-chilling smile after the lecture, his eyes split like bacteria around his face, his head was littered countless tiny eyes darting around randomly.

The snake then coiled itself around me, and lips grew from it's mouth. It kissed me. It kissed me 138 times before uncoiling itself and digging a hole in the ground to go back to the confusing abyss at which it once came.

Angry Lawyer than turned to me, and signed his name.

That post didn't even register on the Shens scale. You fail.
I wasn't registering myself on the Shens scale.
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