I preordered Half-Life 2 CE!!!

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Hi... new here this is my first thread and post...
And I just preordered !!! Half - Life 2 yesterday! collectors edition! :naughty:
yep... it going to arrive on september first !!! thats 30 days before the game is out in stores!!!
So I still have 50$ bucks left and I wanna upgrade my geforce 2mx to a geforce 4 for 50$

I just wanted to ask you guys for a opinion if thats a good price?
well the mid range system requirements are 2gigs on a sold geforce 3 or higher.


  • game cover.bmp
    96.7 KB · Views: 802
Moron_Mouth said:
it going to arrive on september first !!! thats 30 days before the game is out in stores!!!

first of all that's not the CE lol. second, there is no set release date. if it does get here on sept 1st, i'd be really shocked..happy, but shocked.
Just a little tip: don't believe retailers, they know no more than we do :thumbs:

63SixThreeSix3 said:
Just a little tip: don't believe retailers, they know no more than we do

Actually, 99% know LESS than we do.
riTuaL said:
first of all that's not the CE lol. second, there is no set release date. if it does get here on sept 1st, i'd be really shocked..happy, but shocked.

what do you mean its not! I payed 90$ (which includes the tax and shiping... )

the game is out september 30 right? so im get my HL2 CE on september first trust me !!! im not lieing... i just preorderd yesterday at 12:## pm and it clearly said it will arrive 9/1/04...

by the way im not a moron mouth!!! dont underestimate me!

ok ok

when my HALF LIFE 2 CE ARRIVES!!! ill fliping scan it and so you sorry a**es can bs talk all you want...

i preordered it form ebgames and i dident want to pay for shiping (i could of payed ten more dollars but I decided to keep it under three dollars) so its 5-10 days of september frist!!!

oh and the cover pic i put up isent the CE one ... i heard it was going to be in tin metal ... and i couldent find a screenshot anywhere!
by the way in the CE you get DVDs insted of plain ol cds :hmph:

has anyone else preordered HL2CE ???
Moron_Mouth said:
what do you mean its not! I payed 90$ (which includes the tax and shiping... )

the game is out september 30 right? so im get my HL2 CE on september first trust me !!! im not lieing... i just preorderd yesterday at 12:## pm and it clearly said it will arrive 9/1/04...

by the way im not a moron mouth!!! dont underestimate me!

The pic you posted is the boxart for the SP+MP version, the CE box has not been released (most likely a metal tin).

HL2 was supposed to be released Sept. 30 of last year. There is no release date, and no, you won't be getting it on the first... :(
err i preordered the CE and they where 100% shure that they would get it in on the 1st...
63SixThreeSix3 said:
The pic you posted is the boxart for the SP+MP version, the CE box has not been released (most likely a metal tin).

HL2 was supposed to be released Sept. 30 of last year. There is no release date, and no, you won't be getting it on the first... :(

so if dont get it on the order date !!! ill sew ebgames ... (well not really) I would go to the nearest store and demand the game now!!! or ill burn there crops , poison there food supply and dismatle there economical estabishment!

btw I have a question...

Is there any way I could have a altvar bigger than 50x50 pixels?
Listen, they are GUESSING the release, or in your case *delivery* date, because they don't know it yet. Look at any retailer, they are all different. Valve hasn't set a release date, so ther eis no way the people you are bying this from can know when it will be out, let alone have it delivered to you.

Rememner it's a "PRE-order" you've paid for it, but that doesn't mean shit.
Moron_Mouth said:
so if dont get it on the order date !!! ill sew ebgames ... (well not really) I would go to the nearest store and demand the game now!!! or ill burn there crops , poison there food supply and dismatle there economical estabishment!

btw I have a question...

Is there any way a could have a altvar bigger than 50x50 pixels?

Good luck..


Talk to StarMonkey :p
we11er said:
Listen, they are GUESSING the release, or in your case *delivery* date, because they don't know it yet. Look at any retailer, they are all different. Valve hasn't set a release date, so ther eis no way the people you are bying this from can know when it will be out, let alone have it delivered to you.

Rememner it's a "PRE-order" you've paid for it, but that doesn't mean shit.

so im basicly screwed??? wtf i thought they were going to give me the game on 9/1/04 !!! thats it im going protesting whose with me?? :flame:
about everything that guy said is wrong\

lol, geforce4... you are so horribly mistaken
Moron_Mouth said:
so im basicly screwed??? wtf i thought they were going to give me the game on 9/1/04 !!! thats it im going protesting whose with me?? :flame:

Cancel the preorder and get Doom 3.
LoL yea dude the retailer is just guessing.... Hell for all we know it's coming out in Christmas.... Doug Lombardi said that they will give the RC to Vivendi this month which means anytime next month (probably middle or end) we will have HL2....

Oh BTW unless EBGames wants a nice 1,000 dollar fine for breaking an embargo (BTW that fine is per copy so think of all the stores that broke the Doom3 embargo! lol sucks for them) so if it gets released let's say Sept. 14 your's will probably ship the 15th or 16th... Sorry to say but it's true that your's WILL ship after the game is out in stores. Why you ask? They are going to spend all the days getting people who ordered Overnight shipping out because they pay a lot... Hell some people's Doom3 preorders haven't come in yet!!!

Bigcheese: They say they are 100% sure because that's what their superiors tell them... They also do that so if you haven't been paying attention you will belive them and buy from them, but they honestly don't have a clue because the game isn't even gold yet. When I see Gamestop yell out OFFICIAL DATE BLAH BLAH right on their front page then I will believe them because even though the game wasn't announced gold they told everyone when it was coming, nobody believed them but they were right :)

BTW people who order it on Steam get it FIRST baby yayyy even before the overnighter's because while their's are still shipping mine will be playing at 12:01am ;)
Moron, please take a moment before you press the reply button to look over your posts for spelling and grammatical errors. For a moment there I thought you were going to sew some clothes or something for EB. (I think you wanted sue)

Please read some of the threads on the supposed release dates propegated by retailers. (god knows they're not hard to find) I'm sure you'll come to the conclusion that the members of this forum have every right to be sceptical of any release dates, especially from forum noobies.

That said, welcome to the forums!
Big avatars are for dorks with glasses.

Squint like the rest of them.
calling him a moron is not called for guys. you can be more mature than that
It's kinda different when that's someone's NAME... :rolleyes:
marty905 said:
y would u get Half-Life 2 CE (cancelled edition)

Because there is no such thing as the Cancelled Edition..
Big Fat Duck said:
about everything that guy said is wrong\

lol, geforce4... you are so horribly mistaken

so your saying I shouldent get a geforce 4 for only 50$?
63SixThreeSix3 : i will not cancel my HL2CE for some crapy doom 3 with gay polygon counts..... have you seen how badly the level poly numbers are outdated.... and plus doom 3 dosent even have a story .... its like hell brakes loose... The End ... ,that is what completly fails to catch my intrest.
Daegon said:
Moron, please take a moment before you press the reply button to look over your posts for spelling and grammatical errors. For a moment there I thought you were going to sew some clothes or something for EB. (I think you wanted sue) QUOTE]

sry for my bad spelling... I am very aware of that... but I do have a reasonable exuse! I am from yugoslavia I dont see that my english is that bad...
Dude, save like 100 more dollars or somthing and get a 9800 pro on newegg. OEM version that is.
Moron_Mouth said:
its not that bad... :( for 50$ bucks what better video card would you get???

u should visit the Hardware & Software section of this forum for help.
there are certainly better cards than the GeForce4...of course thats assuming u have the fund available for em.

anyway, yeah check the Hardware section :)
first off.. if you are getting a card for hl2.. get a freaking ATI ... also you need a dx9 compatible card if you dont want it looking like poop
63SixThreeSix3 said:
Because there is no such thing as the Cancelled Edition..

lolololololol i don't know if you knew what you were saying or not, but that made me LAUGH! :D
Big Fat Duck said:
first off.. if you are getting a card for hl2.. get a freaking ATI ... also you need a dx9 compatible card if you dont want it looking like poop

BIG FAT DUCK HOW ABOUT YOU FIND FIND A FREAKING ATI FOR 50$!!!!!!!!!!!! anyways there all about over 100$ and i only have 50$ dollars

answer this!
Should I play HL2CE with my geforce 2mx 200/400 (peice for shit) or should I get a geforce 4 for 50$..

the real point is can anyone help me find a good video card?that is at most fifty dollars and can run Half-Life smoothly...

cose I know the game wount even run with my geforce 2 MX 200/400
Chances ..... one out of a million!

even though I preordered Half-Life 2 when it arrives im not gona be that happy if i dont upgrade my outdated video card!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It would be realy helpfull if someone gives me a link!!! to a cheap and good video card!!!!!!!!!!!
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