I preordered Half-Life 2 CE!!!

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Chris_D said:
The price and its contents are 100% unconfirmed.

Actually, the prices are quite confirmed if stores are taking paid pre-orders.

Although different stores are charging different amounts...

I sure hope that wasn't $90 USD :p you paid
TST_Devgru Seal said:
Holy moley!! 90$ for the CE?

Oh crap..I was thinking of getting CE, but if its 90$, then forget that..

What other special things do you get with it?

eb also told me i would get an action figure gordon or an zomibe which are randomly selected.

and kotick we dont speak ruski we speak serbski... cant you see my altvar it has our flag under it.. its kind of small and streached oh well...
Hmm, don't get a GeForce 4 or any video card with an "SE" as part of the name. Get like a 9600 Pro or a GeForce FX 5700 if you can, though an ATI card will work better for HL2.

OtherLight said:
First off, That 9600 SE you looked at only has a DVI connector, and unless it supplys you with some form of adapter, you won't be able to use it anyway. Secondly, For a game like Half-Life 2, A Gefore 4 just wont cut it, Save your money and buy a watered down version of the 9800 AT LEAST. Remember that video card isnt the only dependant in Half-Life 2's performance. Most modern games are heavily reliant on ram so make sure you have atleast 512. Thirdly, No concrete details have been released about the Collectors Edition. And last, The release date could be anything, So don't count on anything. I've found the best way to deal with game release dates is to set the release date in your mind atleast 2 or 3 years ahead of the planned release, so if it does in fact come out when its supposed to *laugh*, then its all the more exciting.

*EDIT* After thinking about your video card problem, Your mother board may not support any of the newer cards, are you sure its AGP? If so, is it 8x? These are all things that you need to consider/find out before you make your final purchase.

well i do have only 256 ram!!!1 so thats another problem...
but what really questions me is your guys system requriement expactations...
when i was watching the gabe newell interview about half life... he said all those movies (bug bait , docks, etc,) were shot with a motherboard with a 2gig proccessor... and im completly sure he said it was on a geforce 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!amazing .... X_X so i dont know what to think anymore... trust me the moment he said that i wrote it down... all i did now is write off the paper!!!!!!!!
Moron_Mouth said:
well i do have only 256 ram!!!1 so thats another problem...
but what really questions me is your guys system requriement expactations...
when i was watching the gabe newell interview about half life... he said all those movies (bug bait , docks, etc,) were shot with a motherboard with a 2gig proccessor... and im completly sure he said it was on a geforce 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!amazing .... X_X so i dont know what to think anymore... trust me the moment he said that i wrote it down... all i did now is write off the paper!!!!!!!!

HL2 was never run on a GF3 for presentations.

Bugbait, etc were run on 9800 Pros.
Shuzer said:
HL2 was never run on a GF3 for presentations.

Bugbait, etc were run on 9800 Pros.

GABE NEWELL IS A LIEING F*T A*S !!!!! whose with me !!!??!?!?? i say crowbar valve smashing frenzy!

you guys look at the interview it was on damand form game spot .... and !!! its about 40 minutes (no game footage)

see for your self!!!!!

not theres two movies that are about the same lenth im gona try shearching for it then ill put up a link
Dangling Meat Syntax

GABE NEWELL IS A LIEING F*T A*S !!!!! whose with me !!!??!?!?? i say crowbar valve smashing frenzy!

you guys look at the interview it was on damand form game spot .... and !!! its about 40 minutes (no game footage)

see for your self!!!!!

not theres two movies that are about the same lenth im gona try shearching for it then ill put up a link

Lets play age guess, my guess is.. oh lets say 13.
If u want a pretty cheap videp card go with a 9600 pro or xt they are running about 100 bucks, mow some lawns for money i would charge 15-25 bucks and get about 6-8 lawns a week = alotta dough.
i seriously believe that this person is just trying to act stupid on purpose......
and dont f*cking insult valve and gabe like that! if u dont like them, dont buy the game.
genocide604 said:
Lets play age guess, my guess is.. oh lets say 13.

I dunno man, maybe 11.


And uh, Mister Moron_Mouth, you are doing nothing special by pre-ordering HL2. I pre-ordered my copy sometime last year for crying out loud. I wouldn't be surprised if I was the first at that store location.
i reserved mine at the local eb games
that was 12 months ago........
Hey Headcrabs, wanna cut it out with the negative comments? This has gotten way off topic and a mod will most likely kill this thread. Yes, it's been established that he was unaware of a release date. THE END
return your ce and get the regular version, that will be 40 more you can put into your computer. paying more for the game than for your graphics card is a bad idea. I'm a moron by the way.....
McFly said:
and dont f*cking insult valve and gabe like that! if u dont like them, dont buy the game.

Im not insolting them.. i love valve and what they did to the gaming market u guy are the one that said hes lieing i was just confurming your opinions...pfff
this topic is getting out of conttrol for now on! no one post any more this thread is officaly over :hmph:
you guys tend to exxagerate how bad the geforce 4 ti is ... geforce 4 ti 4600 performs faster than the 9600pro, the only thing the 9600pro has.. is the dx9 part. ti4600 is a great budget card. 40 - 60 fps constant on doom3 med detail 1024 for me etc.

dont get the 9600se .. didnt read any posts after that cause they started to get dull, also if i were you, i wouldnt get the OEM, since the cards that are not oem are more overclockable thus you can squeeze out more performance.. for 10 dollars more.. ish..

no1 knows the release date for hl2.. not even valve, so how would some random reseller know?
I tried pre-ordering the CE. i don't think it is possible, you just walk in and select your preference?
There's no need for personal insults. Desist or suffer.
Moron_Mouth said:
So I still have 50$ bucks left and I wanna upgrade my geforce 2mx to a geforce 4 for 50$

DONT BUY A GEFORCE 4 AND HOPE FOR GOOD GFX! savne the mone and buy nothing under a RADOEN 9800Pro(or rather, buy it.)
muka3d said:
I dunno man, maybe 11.


And uh, Mister Moron_Mouth, you are doing nothing special by pre-ordering HL2. I pre-ordered my copy sometime last year for crying out loud. I wouldn't be surprised if I was the first at that store location.

14. Yes, 14. He said it earlier in the thread.
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