I preordered Half-Life 2 CE!!!

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This is why I never preorder . . . the retailers lie about release dates, and there is NO real great advantage to getting a game as a preorder unless you want a keychain or T-shirt or something. More often than not, regular customers can buy the game off the shelf at the same time as preorder customers.

And sometimes, people with preorders get screwed because the store already has their money, so they sell all the copies of a game they have to other people to make more money before fulfilling your order.
Why dont you sell your old geforce for a little cash and you'll be that much closer to a new one. lol. it might work ;)

Yeah if you are going to preorder dont do it on the net. Go down to a store and do it. If you have the preorder box you are gauranteed the game.
Why don't you save up all your money then about a week before HL2s CONFIRMED release date (There is no real date yet) you buy a video card. No need to buy one now when HL2 could still be a couple months away and you could save up to get a really nice ATI card.
Drizz said:
Why dont you sell your old geforce for a little cash and you'll be that much closer to a new one. lol. it might work ;)

well im not linked to any sites where i could sell it maybe I could trick my neihbors in to buy my peice of total crap... i could sell it for um 30$
or i could give it to igor and he could sell it over the net (But who would want a geforce 2 mx 200/400 with craptacular peformance?

that gives me 70$ if it works...
ok so what could I get for 70$ im gona look up some video cards brb!
I found one ... that might be great

GigaByte Radeon 9600 SE Video Card
(128MB, AGP 8X, DVI, 2D/3D w/ TV-Out)

Type of Video Card: 2D/3D Video w/TV Support
AGP Support: AGP 1X, AGP 2X, AGP 4X, AGP 8X
Color Depth at Maximum Resolution: 16.7 Million Colors (24-bit)
Interface Type: Video - 4 pin mini-DIN (S-Video), Video - DVI (Digital Flat Panel)
Refresh Rate at Max Resolution: 75 Hz
Resolution: 2048 x 1536
Slot/Port Type: AGP
System Type: PC
Video Chipset: ATI RADEON 9600
Video Standard Supported: NTSC (analog)
Installed Video Memory: 128 MB
Memory Technology: DDR-SDRAM (DDRRAM)

do you guys think this is a good deal?

75$ with 5 dollar rebate...

heres a screenshot of it...
Do you really have to buy a graphics card right now? Do you get allowance or anything a week or a month? If I were you, I would save up a while until you know when HL2 will be out and use the money you have to buy a good card so you won't be disappointed. It's good to wait until we know the real release date because what if you bought this card now, HL2 gets delayed, then by the time it comes out you'll be having to buy another card. I think it's best to just wait.
Moron_Mouth said:
well im not linked to any sites where i could sell it maybe I could trick my neihbors in to buy my peice of total crap... i could sell it for um 30$
or i could give it to igor and he could sell it over the net (But who would want a geforce 2 mx 200/400 with craptacular peformance?

that gives me 70$ if it works...
ok so what could I get for 70$ im gona look up some video cards brb!

u won't be any better off with a GeForce4 than the card u have.. yeah sure u might be able to play the game but its gonna look so crappy that it may not be worth getting that card.

best solution: save up (u do have time since there is no real release date yet) and once HL2 is confirmed, way ur options.. u should have more than $50 by that time, right? hmm..

anyway good luck!
Dr. Freeman said:
u won't be any better off with a GeForce4 than the card u have.. yeah sure u might be able to play the game but its gonna look so crappy that it may not be worth getting that card.

best solution: save up (u do have time since there is no real release date yet) and once HL2 is confirmed, way ur options.. u should have more than $50 by that time, right? hmm..

anyway good luck!

Wow thanks guys im way more relaxed now... :x
Just go out and get a job. And when you have enough cash just quit so you have more time to play HL2. haha
And try to go ATI if you can. It seems VALVe are biased towards ATI with HL2.

PS: MM, no-one here knows the release date...for all they know EB could be right...we just don't know for sure - simple as that.
Moron_Mouth said:
Wow thanks guys im way more relaxed now... :x

im telling u the truth.
HL2 will not look too pretty on a GeForce4.
i guess if u can live with it, then go ahead and get the card.

besides i am not the only one suggesting to wait and see when HL2 is released.. obviously its a smart thing to do..especially if u don't have much cash right now.
Drizz said:
Just go out and get a job. And when you have enough cash just quit so you have more time to play HL2. haha

umm.. I dont think I could get a job when im forthteen!!!

I know what your saying...
what could a forthteen year old kid do with half - life 2 ?
I played half-life for six years and played games sence I was three!
And nothing is more refreshing then wupping a** in a Lan Club...

I have a question for you guys about CE...
You know how you get HL2 T-shirt..
what size are they???
when I preordered form EBgames I dident get an option about t-shirt sizes!!!
Dr. Freeman said:
im telling u the truth.
HL2 will not look too pretty on a GeForce4.
i guess if u can live with it, then go ahead and get the card.

besides i am not the only one suggesting to wait and see when HL2 is released.. obviously its a smart thing to do..especially if u don't have much cash right now.

I belive you man .. i was just being sarcastic with the dead smile :)
Don't get anything with 'SE' tagged at the end :(
I think he was talking about your choice of video card - the Radeon 9600SE. Though for the price I wouldn't think it's too bad...

Though if you can manage to get up to $120 or so, you can get a Radeon 9800SE. I know what you're thinking: still an SE, right? Well due to some vagaries that are pretty technical in nature (manufacturing defects in graphics pipelines, essentially) a 9800SE is just like a 9800 Pro, except with four of the eight graphics pipelines turned off. Normally this is a fairly major hit on performance. You can think of it like carrying water in buckets. If you just have your two buckets, it will take you a lot more trips than if you have a wagon full of buckets (or something >_>). However, if you are able to find a 256-bit card, there is a software fix on the net that has a chance of re-enabling those pipelines, essentially giving you a 9800 Pro for the price of a 9800SE. Even attempting this will void your warranty though, and apparently is has a chance of frying the card, so it's a risk.

Here's a helpful site on the subject: http://softmod.ocfaq.com/faq.php

Best of luck!
Cool link, Thanks!

Maui said:
I think he was talking about your choice of video card - the Radeon 9600SE. Though for the price I wouldn't think it's too bad...

Though if you can manage to get up to $120 or so, you can get a Radeon 9800SE. I know what you're thinking: still an SE, right? Well due to some vagaries that are pretty technical in nature (manufacturing defects in graphics pipelines, essentially) a 9800SE is just like a 9800 Pro, except with four of the eight graphics pipelines turned off. Normally this is a fairly major hit on performance. You can think of it like carrying water in buckets. If you just have your two buckets, it will take you a lot more trips than if you have a wagon full of buckets (or something >_>). However, if you are able to find a 256-bit card, there is a software fix on the net that has a chance of re-enabling those pipelines, essentially giving you a 9800 Pro for the price of a 9800SE. Even attempting this will void your warranty though, and apparently is has a chance of frying the card, so it's a risk.

Here's a helpful site on the subject: http://softmod.ocfaq.com/faq.php

Best of luck!
TheOriginalEvil said:
No NO No get a Geforce 4 !! they blow the midranged cards away!!!

They blow today's midrange cards away? or a bazillion days ago's midrange cards?
I just preordered my HL2 (Standard Edition, I do like my money), and when the EB guy told me they would be getting it on Sept, 2, I left the store laughing uncontrollably (-the $5 deposit) :)
here i think this is the screenshot of the HL2CE fornt box art in tin metal... i found it on thiw website...
hmmm that does look metalic. I like the other one you posted better though.

Pozdrav od Mareta
G_Thang said:
hmmm that does look metalic. I like the other one you posted better though.

Pozdrav od Mareta

hey mare ... looks like you joined the forum too.. nice to have you here man... btw tell igor to make more of those punk rock cds..

also My rank just turned to Zombie yey!
Welcome Moron_Moth and T_Thang! Are you two still able to speak russian by the way?
omfgs maeanss i was liek looking on da intornet and i saw... I think i had nothing good to say in this post so.

WELCOME TO THE FORUMS and dont get to much....
Okay... I have a GeForce4 MX420 in my computer downstairs. I use this computer to run all my games at the moment, until I get my new computer with a Asus Radeon 9800xt (still comes w/ HL2) ... Here's the prob w/ the geforce4s...

No pixel/vertex shaders = Not good.

Example, most up coming games should have pixel shaders and vertex shaders to look any good at all. Dynamic lighting, anyone? Half-Life 2 is capable of dynamic lighting so I've heard, yet I don't know if it's going to be in the final game.

Compared to your GeForce2, a GeForce4 will seem semi-impressive (although, in short it's just a sped up version of the GF2), however, compared to most video cards being sold these days. It's definately low-end.

Here's another problem with with the gf4... NO BUMP MAPPING... I don't feel like writing an essay on bump mapping either, so, if you want some info bout that, check here:



Overall, GF4 isn't a card you should be buying to run GAMES. It can deal with applications perfectly fine, however games, no.

I've also heard that it doesn't even support DirectX 8.0! Which, I guess leaves it w/ DirectX 7.0... One of HL2's minimum requirements, which you get with a GF2 anyway.

SO, my advice is... SAVE YOUR MONEY, just a lil longer... And take some advice from the other guyz on this thread, they know what they're talkin' about.

I'd say that the Radeon 9800SE is a good choice for you... Just do your research, and good luck, man.

(I'm not 100% sure on all of my information, but I own a GF4 MX420, and you can take it from me, that it's not a very good card at all... I know where you're coming from with the money prob, too. I'm only 15 and don't a have job either...)
Im worried now... I want the colectors eddition.. but the guy at eb games wasint sure if they made a colecters edition so he pre orderd me the regular one and if they have the ce i can change it
Dude, get your lazy ass of that couch and WORK!!! .. Mow the lawn or something, I am sure a intelligent man as yourself can find some way to make more money, you have a full month time, Sure you are able to get $100 in one month with a little bit of effort.
But he's only 14. It's not that easy to find a job. I'm 15 and cannot find one.
Exactly... Once we're 16 ... We'll be pullin' in the dough...

Not really... Minimum wage isn't that great.
Minimum wage is even greater if you're under 21 and live in a state without its own minimum wage, so you get the lower federal set - something like $4.80 an hour, before taxes or anything else :x
A GeForce 4 can do bump mapping.

Nvidia first came out with dot3 bump mapping on the Geforce 3. In fact the XBOX currently uses a Geforce 3.

Its just that a Geforce 3 is slow as Sh*t, and can't run the advanced shaders that are going to be used in games today.

Same thing with the 4, neither are DX9 compliant (I beleive).
Holy moley!! 90$ for the CE?

Oh crap..I was thinking of getting CE, but if its 90$, then forget that..

What other special things do you get with it?
I have a nice patch of land in Florida for ya.. :naughty:
TST_Devgru Seal said:
Holy moley!! 90$ for the CE?

Oh crap..I was thinking of getting CE, but if its 90$, then forget that..

What other special things do you get with it?
The price and its contents are 100% unconfirmed.
my suggestion to Mr. Moron:

Cancel your pre-order/change it to the regular edition. One or the other.

The game will be the exact same game, and as Chris D just said, nobody outside of Valve knows exactly what will be coming in that CE box. You might not even get a t-shirt. It might be very, very cool, but it might not be. It might end up being 65 dollars instead of 90, and it might end up being 130, too. We just have zero idea at this point.

The reason I say you should cancel that pre-order is this: You can get a LOT better experience if you move up from a 50-70 dollar card to a 100-130 dollar card. You'll enjoy the regular version of HL2 much more on a 9600 Pro than you will the CE on a GF4MX. No doubts or questions about it.

One question for you that nobody here has thought to ask, though...what kind of computer is this that has a GF2MX in it? I'm guessing that at best its in the 1ghz range...this will be an issue for your gaming pleausure, as well...it may not be worth it for you to try and play HL2 on this machine..the game will almost certainly run, and be playable, but you probably won't be able to turn the settings up very high...You might not be able to pull off a slideshow performance at the quality levels that you've been seeing on the net...

Just giving you fair warning.
First off, That 9600 SE you looked at only has a DVI connector, and unless it supplys you with some form of adapter, you won't be able to use it anyway. Secondly, For a game like Half-Life 2, A Gefore 4 just wont cut it, Save your money and buy a watered down version of the 9800 AT LEAST. Remember that video card isnt the only dependant in Half-Life 2's performance. Most modern games are heavily reliant on ram so make sure you have atleast 512. Thirdly, No concrete details have been released about the Collectors Edition. And last, The release date could be anything, So don't count on anything. I've found the best way to deal with game release dates is to set the release date in your mind atleast 2 or 3 years ahead of the planned release, so if it does in fact come out when its supposed to *laugh*, then its all the more exciting.

*EDIT* After thinking about your video card problem, Your mother board may not support any of the newer cards, are you sure its AGP? If so, is it 8x? These are all things that you need to consider/find out before you make your final purchase.
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