I presumed this would be the last Half Life....


Apr 20, 2004
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By the way the story is set up (what we know of it) I presumed this would be the last Half Life.... but no Half Life 3 confirmed. I wonder what gonna happen at the end of Half Life 2. What do you guys think?
Moved to Rumours and Speculation.


Time for this 'helpful moderation assistant' go to bed. nn folks :)
Valve has already confirmed that HL3 is planned.

"Expect another cliff-hanger ending"
Er, are you looking for serious answers, cos without knowing *forbidden* knowledge (i.e. from the source code), I don't think anyone could know.
One thing I think could be cool would be Freeman and his allies forcing whoever the enemy is this time off Earth, then the third game being an all-out Human invasion of the enemy's home planet, with armies, big hardware etc...
Didn't he ask wether or not Hl2 was the last in the Hl series? Gabe has said that HL3 is planned so we can expect another "cliff hanger ending."
Also, HL2 Expansion has been in the works.
Look on planet half-life if u want to make sure.
So expect it soon.(Hopefully)
Hmmm, I think that maybe Gordon (with the human resistance) will return to the Black Mesa Ruins with the objective of ending the resonance cascade that he caused.
Black Mesa was wiped out by a nuke in Op Forces. I don't think there will be anything left to go back to. And I think the resonance cascade was a one-off thing, just at the start of HL, rather than a continuing process
Well, I'm completely baffled as to how they could end it at all. I mean as far as I'm aware it's supposed to be a trilogy, but seeing as the situation has gone from bad to worse and will continue to get worse over the course of HL2, how can they end it?

Oooh, the mind boggles, dudn'it?
Regarding the G-man's nuke (which I thought was out of character- a shady government official actually getting his hands dirty and rearming a device "his" operatives had planted?) it could well be a neutron weapon, doing little damage to the structure but ruining electronics and any biological lifeforms. Even it was a couple of megatonnes of radioactive death, Black Mesa is a huge, sprawling complex of concrete and metal, even possessing radiation-proof bunkers in its depths if some signs are anything to go by. So I'm sure something would've survived.

And yeah, I can't help thinking how they'll finish HL2. Another choice? Another tramride? Another meeting with the G-man...?
Black Mesa is a huge, sprawling complex of concrete and metal, even possessing radiation-proof bunkers in its depths if some signs are anything to go by. So I'm sure something would've survived

I know what you're saying, and I've given it some thought previously. But I think that, even if some places weren't vapourised by the blast/fireball itself, the shockwave/tremor from the explosion would easily make everything in the area collapse. Especially given that it's underground - any substantial tremor and bang, several hundred tonnes of Mesa destablises and crushes everything. Even nuclear bunkers aren't designed to protect from an internal nuclear blast.
But I DO like the idea of a neutron bomb - very clean way of dealing with the Incident. But the attitude of the G-Man at the end of Op For kinda suggested to me that it was being nuked. But of course we really can't know exactly how big BMRF is...if Valve wanted for some of it to survive, it's feasible.

which I thought was out of character- a shady government official actually getting his hands dirty and rearming a device "his" operatives had planted
True, but think about it - Shepard disarmed the bomb and was very happily wiping out all the operatives. Best to deal with problem very quickly. Easy way to do this, rather than having more Black Ops slog all the way to the bomb, is for the G-Man to use his teleporter (whatever form that takes) to zap there, lock the gate (!) hit the big red button, and zap back.
some guy had comfirmed that half life 3 will come.
It was in an interview in a magazine.
I will look it up who it was, but I'm sure you can trust on this guy.

(first post :p )
The black ops that armed the bomb said that it was enough to take out the entire base. I'd guess that they know their stuff.

Also, it wasn't really just one bomb, technically.
Given that you couldn't walk for a few steps without encountering some sort nuclear reactor in Black Mesa, I'd bet the one nuke could have set off a huge chain-reaction of constant explosions, throughout the base.

Even the (relatively small) resonance cascade caused half the base to start crumbling. The structure was 50-plus years old, after all. A nuclear bomb in the middle of a cluster of atomic reactors would easily take out the whole base, IMO.