I put up a huge American flag to show my patriotism and manliness

RakuraiTenjin said:
Ah well, nationalism is good for the culture anyhow. The more, the better, it should be informed though.

I've been to many countries all over the globe and I've never encountered the same level of "nationalism" anywhere else like I have in the US ...it's a little stifling and somewhat disturbing IMHO
CptStern said:
I've been to many countries all over the globe and I've never encountered the same level of "nationalism" anywhere else like I have in the US ...it's a little stifling and somewhat disturbing
God bless the United States of America!
RakuraiTenjin said:
Ah well, nationalism is good for the culture anyhow. The more, the better, it should be informed though.
A small portion of nationalism can be good, especially in times of war etc. However, too much of it leads to intolerance and arrogance. And I agree with Stern; the US is the most nationalistic country I've ever been to.
RakuraiTenjin said:
God bless the United States of America!

heh which is the typical response I get from patriots ...but not what I would hear anywhere else in the world ..americans praise their country most patriots I've met the world around praise their culture first their land second
CptStern said:
heh which is the typical response I get from patriots ...but not what I would hear anywhere else in the world ..americans praise their country most patriots I've met the world around praise their culture first their land second

American's don't have any culture, it's all burgers and fries. :p
oh come on even I know better than that ...there's elvis, trailer parks and cowboys


no, I'm kidding but there is culture in america ...even an identifiable one
How do you define culture?

I define it by language, religion, history, society structure etc.

And if you look at it that way, the US has a very clear and and identifiable one.
Oh yeah, hehe. I took pictures of my family's 3 vehicles to make a spinoff thread on the "Bought my first car!" "Bought my second car!" threads, but I was too lazy to write it up after taking the picture. But here's a fun filled nationalistic picture of our truck that I'd taken for the thread ;]

you dont live in one of those "militia communities" do you?
am i the only one that doesnt "support" our country? i have no trace of a flag in my anywhere on my property, i just see it as a setback of money to buy one, i think that everyone just all of the sudden received patriotism after 9/11. is there any people putting up flags in the UK, Spain, or Egypt. i just think that the US is a little too patriotic.
CptStern said:
you dont live in one of those "militia communities" do you?
I live in the meth producing capital of the nation, it's dangerous here. Not to say, walk out on the street, even at night, simply because it's so desolate and open, but you have a high probability of people breaking into stuff (usually garages or sheds though, they're afraid to go in houses because they get shot a lot.)

For real, read up on Golden Valley, for as unknown as it is, it's a place that affects some things.

Just up the road about 20 miles is Kingman (we're a 'suburb' of it.. don't think of your traditional suburb when you hear that though. lmao, think desert neighbor town simply for water) and Kingman is your typical small city outgrowing 'town' of about maybe even ~50,000 now, no idea on current population estimates
RakuraiTenjin said:
I live in the meth producing capital of the nation, it's dangerous here. Not to say, walk out on the street, even at night, simply because it's so desolate and open, but you have a high probability of people breaking into stuff (usually garages or sheds though, they're afraid to go in houses because they get shot a lot.)

For real, read up on Golden Valley, for as unknown as it is, it's a place that affects some things.

it's just that pic you posted looks like a compound ..if you get my meaning
CptStern said:
it's just that pic you posted looks like a compound ..if you get my meaning
Um nope, it's not a compound (please don't say that again or other keywords in relation to this city/me either it comes up on records)
what are you talking about!?!!!?! stop being so cryptic man, spit it out! you're just leading me to jump to conclusions
CptStern said:
what are you talking about!?!!!?! stop being so cryptic man, spit it out! you're just leading me to jump to conclusions
For the record it's just not a "compound."

edit: it's a barn let's talk about something else.
I just flipped a finger to the president on tv and the american flag across the street to show how much this goverment can kiss my white southern ass.
i just think that the US is a little too patriotic.
very true
whats with standing for the national anthem every morning in school annd saluting the flag and having one hanging outside your house.
do americans swear an oath to their country as well???

scarily nationalistic tendencies -where have we seen those in the 20th century
Tr0n said:
I just flipped a finger to the president on tv and the american flag across the street to show how much this goverment can kiss my white southern ass.
To the flag is offensive. Do it to the man however much you like, but the flag is representative of much, much more than just who or what group is in power at the time.

However you flipped it off so that's just dumb, but that's more of a rant at people who burn them (in an offensive way, not the proper way of disposing of tattered flags)
Ok...well let me go get some lighter fluid and a few bucks to buy a flag.

CptStern said:
I dont get it ...doesnt every american have a flag somewhere in their house?

actual overheard conversation at a Target the last time I was in the US :

wife: Should we pick up some more flags?
husband: we have some in the basement
wife: ya but we dont have the small ones
husband: there's a box of them left over from the 4th of july
wife: ok I'll just buy one to put on the baby's stroller
That is because they are assholes, anyone with a mini flag is an asshole, anyone with a flag on their car is an asshole, and anyone who wears a flag is an asshole (unless it is the Olypmics).
I say we have "burn the american flag" day.

Tr0n said:
I say we have "burn the american flag" day.


That reminds me, here we burn our flag folded when it gets damaged/dirty.

What do you guys do?
America: Land of the free, so long as you do what we tell you to do and think.
I have a flag outside and drive an american gas guzzling car if that counts.

15357.....South Korea, right? =)
I have flag I put up outside on memorial day and the like.

and a copy of the patriot...on dvd...

not really...

Australian Patriotism is so much better than American patriotism.

For America, you have to put the flag up and sing the national anthem to be a patriot.

For Australia, you sit back, have a cold one and go for the Aussies to win the Ashes (which we will). We've got it made.
I drink jews for breakfast!

oh wait, I mean juice

btw, I don't run a flag at my house, mainly because there is too many rules, so **** it.
Sainku said:
I have flag I put up outside on memorial day and the like.

and a copy of the patriot...on dvd...

not really...
Yea well I have both patriot dvd's.The one with Steven Seagal in it and the other with Mel Gibson.