I saved someone's life this weekend... I guess

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May 24, 2003
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Okay, before you start reading, I must say that this is a long post, so people with low attention span, don't bother.

Let’s start with some background. I had a friend, a girl, in high school. Well, we were good friends, my parents knew her parents, and so on. She was a good girl, you know, just a regular person. She loved to shop, go out and party, she knew how to enjoy life. Anyway, here comes college. I go to the Academy of Art School, she went to some other college. But hey, our high school group of friends still meets every weekend, we didn’t forget about each other just because we went different ways. Well, I guess college for her was a much different experience, she became a goth. I don’t have anything against goths, old fashioned goths at least, who don’t sit all day on their asses and complain about how everything sucks in this life. Anyway, she started to skip our meetings. I mean, it’s okay, nothing to worry about, everybody has their problems in life. Well, when she did come, it was miserable to look at her. She was always bitching, wore all black, and was talking about how these meetings are pointless. She even started to talk shit about us, you know, slowly loosing her friends one by one. Well, after awhile, she stopped showing all together. I got a little worried.

She still lives with her parents, because dorms are too expensive. So I called to her parents’ house, nobody picked up. I don’t know why, but I just decided to drive up there, something told me to (no, not a God). When I came up to her house, eh well, I saw her car. She must be home, right? I used a doorbell, nobody responded. I got even more worried, so I just tried to open door. Wow, to my surprise it wasn’t locked. So I come into her house, and started to scream her name, no answer. Well, I ran up to her room (which now is full of posters of Splinkton crap, or whatever you call these idiotic clowns). No one in her room, next stop is her bathroom. Well, to my ****ing surprise, there she is, in bathtub (no, not naked), with a ****ing razor blade in her hands. First thing comes to my mind “ there is no blood yet…”. Ah, so I wasn’t too late. She is pretty much surprised to see me (didn’t she hear doorbell and me calling her name?), but I am not wasting my time on greetings. I ran up to her, take a ****ing razor blade out her hand and flash it down the toilet. Yeah, flashing it down wasn’t a smartest idea, but when you under pressure, you can’t think straight very well. At least I couldn’t. She still has nothing to say, maybe I did it too fast or something. I take her out the bathtub and into her room. That’s where real fun begins.

“What the **** were you doing with a ****ing razor blade?” heh, I started to scream, what a stupid question. Maybe she was shaving her legs?

“**** you, you don’t know shit about my life. It ****ing sucks, I ****ing hate you! Everything is ****ing pointless,” well yeah, she cursed a lot.

You know, there are a lot of things in this life, which can piss me off, but there is only one thing that sets me into RAGE mode. I hate people who want to commit suicide, ****ing weaklings. When I heard her talking like that, I slapped her. Yeah, I slapped a girl, sue me. She again had that WTF expression on her face, but it was gone in the next second and she started to bitch even more. I slapped her again and started to scream at her. I am bad in speeches, that’s because I have a little confidence in my English abilities, you know, having accent and all. I guess it didn’t stop me from giving one at that moment. I started to go on about why she throws her life away because of some dump shit. She tried to say something about how her parents hate her, they are not letting her hanging out with her new “friends”, how everything is miserable and some other crap. **** that, I reminded her that these parents raised her, gave a roof, gave her food, gave her everything. Wow, they are trying to protect her from idiots who will waste their lifes away. Anyway, I told her about a lot of things, many of them she didn’t want to hear, but you can’t live in a denial all the time. So she ended up crying and asking me to help her somehow. Oh and I did just that.

First thing, I tore down all those ugly poster from her room. The next thing is, I took all her cloths (most of it was black now) and trashed it, same thing with CDs and other goth crap. She was just watching how I broke everything in her room. After that I said “we are going shopping”, and we did just that. I took her to the mall, in Macys, Gap, etc., so at least she will dress like a normal person. I spend about $1500 on her that day. Hey, we even got her hair color back (she was blond before she went goth).

Shopping took us all day long, so we got back home in the evening. I made her apologize to her parents, and to our friends afterwards. I don’t really regret spending tons of money on her, at least I got friend back.

Does it count as life-saving experience?
Well you know, I think it does. I think you earned some points with her.
wow thats crazy. hopefully she doesnt go back to how she was before
most definately does mate, way to go. :D

I've helped a friend though suicidle times myself, but never *THAT* close.
MaxiKana said:
Well you know, I think it does. I think you earned some points with her.
Indeed you did.

Although a smiley on a message board can hardley convey the complexities of human emotion: :)
Well, being a suicidal tendencies person myself, I must say that was one that I hope you did.

Normally, I would give a speech about "weaklings" and how our society is making more and more of them.

I'm just not going to.

Be surprised, and surprise others.
Man this is awsome.

You should let her do it.
mrBadger said:
Although a smiley on a message board can hardley convey the complexities of human emotion: :)

True, very true.
Good job man, you definitely did a good thing.

As for people who want to commit suicide being "weaklings" depends totally on the situation dude. Take for example a person who has alot of physical health problems, and other issues (like myself) compared to someone who just has a general problem with life, those are two totally different situations. In some cases, a person could be hopeless and doesn't wish to prolong their misery, its common sense, not weakness.
Max35 said:
Good job man, you definitely did a good thing.

As for people who want to commit suicide being "weaklings" depends totally on the situation dude. Take for example a person who has alot of physical health problems, and other issues (like myself) compared to someone who just has a general problem with life, those are two totally different situations. In some cases, a person could be hopeless and doesn't wish to prolong their misery, its common sense, not weakness.

Bullshit, even if you have weak body, you need to fight for your life. There are children out there who die because they have nothing to eat, there are people out there who fight for their lives, even if they don’t have legs or arms. I knew a guy who died from AIDs, he didn’t put a gun to his head, he suffered to the end. I have a lot of respect for people like him. Yes, I understand it’s tough, but giving up is always a wrong choices, at least when you die, you will know you did everything you could. Common sense.. heh, we are humans after all, common sense can take back sit.

Anyway, here is pic of her (left) in the end of high school.

Second picture I took this Sunday, notice empty walls :D Her first day as a new person :)

Too bad I don’t have any pics of her being goth :(


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Considering her, it's very unplausible she was unhappy.

Anyway, nice thing you did.

Ppl should always help others.

Mr. Reak, if you find that the world is full of "weaklings", PM Ghost Valkyrie and ask him about the "9th power".

Tell him I told you to.
Sprafa said:
Considering her, it's very unplausible she was unhappy.

Anyway, nice thing you did.

Ppl should always help others.

Mr. Reak, if you find that the world is full of "weaklings", PM Ghost Valkyrie and ask him about the "9th power".

Tell him I told you to.

Oh no no no, there is no way I am going to join your cult :)
It is no cult

ask GV

There is a necessity of several PMs before you get it, so I'm just too tired to write that much today, if you wish, maybe tomorrow something can be done.
How does someone that beautiful ever want to cover it up with black makeup and eye shadow and horrible black clothes.

A bunch of people on the internet saying you did good is good, but i hope she knows that you had her interests at heart and she tells you how great you are and thanks you.
wow.....u did something special.....great job.....very good....touching story...
You did a good job, Reak...good job...

PS. and for once I'm not being sarcastic...
Well thank you guys, you made me feel proud :)
Yes, she thanked me alright…

Sprafa, can you tell me more about 9th power before I sign in, or is it a secret?
I'll Pm you in a few mins.

Anyway, theres no signing in.
Just contribution.
good job man!
(although when i 1st read the part about a razor i though she was shaving her legs)

Hope everything turns out all right.
Hah! That's nothing! I battled zombies with my bare hands and saved my teacher from a disgruntled groundsman! ;-)
Ookay, maybe not. That was the right thing to do, Reak. It was a good call to be sure. :cheers:
As for goths, I can't say I object to the clothes...or the black...or the music...just the suicide is the bad thing. Life is what you make it...
Mr. Reak

Just a little advice: Follow up(not in the romantic sense). Invite her to do stuff with you & your friends. Give her a call every once in a while, not 5 times a day, but make sure she's all right & make sure to encourage her. You got her in the right direction and she'll stay that way if you make sure she stabalizes. I don't imagine you droppign out after $1500....but I thought it would be best if I said it anyways.

something told me to (no, not a God).

Don't be too quick to credit or discredit God.
Heh, I wear black, and makeup and the like, but thats just because I like to.

OT: Good thing you did man, I've been on both sides of that road and its hard to take charge like you did.
Yea I agree with the whole people who try to commit suicide are weak. My mom tried to kill herself in front of me twice, both with her ending up in the hospital and my dad tried also. It seems your friend fell pretty deep into nihilism, which is the POV that everything is meaningless/worthless. Alot of the goth bands play off of nihilism, but I hope noone has the impression that all goths do that. Im somewhat goth and have alot of goth friends, and they dont fall that deep into nihilism.
That was a impressive thing, Reak.

More people like you should be in this world.
I wish I had a friend who tried to commit suicide... :(

No, but really that was an interesting story, nice deed you did.
Mr.Reak said:
Bullshit, even if you have weak body, you need to fight for your life. There are children out there who die because they have nothing to eat, there are people out there who fight for their lives, even if they don’t have legs or arms. I knew a guy who died from AIDs, he didn’t put a gun to his head, he suffered to the end. I have a lot of respect for people like him. Yes, I understand it’s tough, but giving up is always a wrong choices, at least when you die, you will know you did everything you could. Common sense.. heh, we are humans after all, common sense can take back sit.

That is your opinion, everyone is entitled to their opinion I guess. But the actions of others aren't for you to judge, and there is much suffering even beyond the physical part for some people, mind you.

Anyway, I find it hard to imagine a girl as beatiful as that would want to commit suicide.
Max35 said:
Anyway, I find it hard to imagine a girl as beatiful as that would want to commit suicide.

Just out of curiosity, are you now saying he's lying? Or.. what does this statement mean?

Good job Reak.. sounds like you did everything right. My ex-girlfriend who I dated for 3 years is slipping further and further down the road of depression.. I wish I could help her, but she lives in NJ, and I live in VA now.
I've tried to have a few heart to hearts with her, but, the last time resulted in her not saying anything back to me, and I didn't talk to her til the next day, and she acted like nothing happened.

Ah well, gj :thumbs:
Very good job Mr. Reak, I've had nearly the same thing happen to me and I know how scary it is.
Again, very good job!

/me slaps Mr. Reak on the back.
Great Job man. I really don't know what to say. You did something good.
Six Three said:
Great Job man. I really don't know what to say. You did something good.

/me acts like a cave and echoes the sentiment

Murray_H said:
/me acts like a cave and echoes the sentiment


Reak Rocks Reak Rocks Reak Rocks Reak Rocks Reak Rocks Reak Rocks Reak Rocks
yeah pretty good job, hope that gets you a green card. shes pretty hot too.
interesting story.

a bit off-topic, but i just want to say that i support max35 POV. don't judge other peoples actions until you walk in their shoes. besides, there can be many reasons for suicide, not just to end suffering (not that that can't be plenty of reason in it's own right).

also, i'm just curious, does this girl know that you've posted her picture on a public internet forum? you may want to clear that if you haven't already.
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