I saved someone's life this weekend... I guess

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Dude, that's an awesome story. Good job helpin' / savin' her... I really respect that.
BWT, is she reading our forums? She should though if she want to avoid any suicidal mood in the future.:D
Loshadka said:
BWT, is she reading our forums? She should though if she want to avoid any suicidal mood in the future.:D

true, whenever I'm down, these forums bring me right back up :)
Wow your a cool guy. too bad everyone in the world isn't as caring for another person like you are. if everyone was then world peace!! hooray
Hondavato said:
Wow your a cool guy. too bad everyone in the world isn't as caring for another person like you are. if everyone was then world peace!! hooray

SATAN SATAN SATAN!! I want to kill everything and everyone!! WOOTY WOOT WOOT!!

/song mode
I am gunna punch in their faces and kick them in teh sides, toss em off a cliff just to watch them die, I'M A MAD MAN!!!

Cock my glock, :devil:

EVIL EVIL EVIL!!! :devil: :devil: :devil:

Then I'll poke them in the eye and then eat all of their insides!! I'M A MAD MAN!!!
/song mode off

O, Peace huh?

:sniper: :x


Btw I already said my gradifactions to him :)
staddydaddy said:
Reak I think max was talk about the euthanasia side of suicide. For those of you who dont know what euthanasia is (cause i did't but like 7 months ago) it like when it is inevitable that you are going to die. I watched this show about it, where all these people were for it. There was this one guy who's muscles and everything were breaking down and he could hardly move. He wanted to end his life. That kind of thing.

We are all dieing anyways(just very slowly). Its always inevitable if you think about it. But resorting to suicide in any circumstance is the worst thing possible.

GJ Reak :cheers:
Not really dying, our first 20 years we're instead becoming more and more alive(our body gets developed), but at 60 we start 'crumbling', i.e. our body starts falling apart, that's when we start to die.:)
I hate situations of suicide. I've experienced 2-3. I don't really feel comfortable talking about them.
Zakat said:
Not really dying, our first 20 years we're instead becoming more and more alive(our body gets developed), but at 60 we start 'crumbling', i.e. our body starts falling apart, that's when we start to die.:)

Well I dont think he meant literally dying, even though you are still young and developing you are still constantly moving towards your casket thats what he meant. :naughty:
I've had one particularly odd person threaten to kill herself over the phone to me on several occasions. At the time I was trying my best to be in love with her... bi-polar =/
You spent $1500 on her?? You could have bought a monster gaming PC with that much dude!
Max35 said:
Good job man, you definitely did a good thing.

As for people who want to commit suicide being "weaklings" depends totally on the situation dude. Take for example a person who has alot of physical health problems, and other issues (like myself) compared to someone who just has a general problem with life, those are two totally different situations. In some cases, a person could be hopeless and doesn't wish to prolong their misery, its common sense, not weakness.

Nah dude you're totally wrong. I've got a bone disease and i have to live everyone else around me walking, whilst i hope around on crutches and have chronic back/leg/arm pain. I'm not suicidal, i just get on with things.
And as for euthanasia, well i wouldn't know what to do if i was in that situation
I would implore people to not dismiss suicidal people as "weaklings" until you research and understand mental diseases such as depression, bipolar disorder, etc. I'm not talking feeling down or sad for a while, I'm talking about chemical imbalances that lead to severe depression and greatly affect how a person thinks and acts. Until you've experienced this sort of thing first hand I don't think anyone has a right to pass judgement on people with these illnesses.
Neutrino said:
I would implore people to not dismiss suicidal people as "weaklings" until you research and understand mental diseases such as depression, bipolar disorder, etc. I'm not talking feeling down or sad for a while, I'm talking about chemical imbalances that lead to severe depression and greatly affect how a person thinks and acts. Until you've experienced this sort of thing first hand I don't think anyone has a right to pass judgement on people with these illnesses.

I've experienced a pretty bad degree of depression and I've never actually 'wanted' to kill myself. I have thought about it, sometimes alot, but it never once sounded like a good idea in my mind.

I can't be sure of it but I think killing yourself has very little to do with the condition and much to do with the person or the situation they are facing at the time (which can trigger depression). The only two people I ever knew who tried to kill themselves are both real attention whores =/

One of them was bi-polar, had to talk her out of it a couple of times, but I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have done it anyway. She's sorted her shit out now so it's all good, the other person too.

Edit - Sorry for bumping again, I really don't intend to ressurect this topic ^^;
great job man. ive been there. i know what its like. as in, i almost committed suicide once. I hated myself for it afterwards. I still to thid day can't understand why i could be so stupid.

Just thought this might be an interesting sidenote that alot of people don't realize. Slitting your wrists is an extremely easy way not to kill yourself. Although it is the most widely publicized (movies, news) form of suicde, i would guestimate only one in 50 people who actually attempt it, succeed, simply due to the fact that it takes quite awhile for enough blood to drain from your wrists before you die, and chances are you either rethink immediately after you slit, or it clots before you bleed enough to die. I have seen some pretty gruesome photos of people who tried slitting their wrists, and then began hashing to hell out of them because they realized it wasn't working. I had a friend that was threatening to slit his wrists. So instead of intervening i let him slit his wrists. Then i knocked him out and drove him to the hospital. After he got over the embarrassment, and after the doctors told him that he likely would have survived anyways, even had i left him alone, he apologized to me. Safe to say that humbled him to a point where he has never once contemplates suicide since.
DreamWraith said:
I had a friend that was threatening to slit his wrists. So instead of intervening i let him slit his wrists. Then i knocked him out and drove him to the hospital.

Its cool and all that you saved him, but why the hell did you let him do it, he could of died, but if you just told him to not do it and everything he might not have slit his rist and would have been no chance of him dieing.
Hello, my old friend.

/me slits the threads wrists.

i didn't do it with callousness. it was extremely hard to do. but i did it because he is pig headed as i am. extremely pig headed. for the most part we don't give a rats ass about what people say. thats why i let him do it. it also helped that i know first aid very well. its not like i didnt put pressure on his wrist while i was driving him to the hospital.

if you were wondering were best friends now to... like brothers.
yes, i wouyld definately dsay that was saving someones life. I mean if she was really going to do it, and you stopped her from doing it...? plus you probally made her life so much more happy, without all that black and stuff....

and dont comment on my name. it has nothing, nor will ever have anything to do with what it implies- nor should it offend anyone in any way and if it does i am truly sorry. and if you must know, apart from the death - life thing, i have no idea why the hell i chose that name...

and WOW is this thread old. i didnt even notice until crazyharij said it.

and Suicide depends on the person and situation IMO, like what if there were 10,000 scary aliens around you all with bizarre sharp claws and acit drool... and you had a gun with one bullet in. i sure as hell wouldnt shoot the aliens with that bullet... But apart from that, i cant think of many other situations where it is necessary.

BUT what you must understand is that most people wonder about what life is at some time in their life, and WHY THE **** we have to go around a controlled enviroment, safe and protected, doing boring things and having ****ING BORING, trivial existances.

But thios doesnt mean suicide is the answer. if i felt like that (and i was old enough to be considered an adult) i would do this: i would sell my house / flat / wherever i lived. I would sell all my posesions, minus a few things that i feel are essential. hopefully this would give me about £200,000 in the bank. then, i would walk all over britan, travelling from one place to the next, sleeping on the ground and withdrawing money in every town i came across. You may think this is pointless and stupid... but its better than living in the same place all day, following a set number of chores over a week then repeating untill you feel like you just want it to end...
I save someoen's life every weekend, by taking my medication and going to anger management classes.
Lordblackadder said:
I save someoen's life every weekend, by taking my medication and going to anger management classes.

/me backs away slowly from sir edmund.

and hey, i remember this thread :D. its damn old though, i gotta say.

who the hell is it who insists on bringing back all this stuff.
Lordblackadder said:
I save someoen's life every weekend, by taking my medication and going to anger management classes.

Best reply yet.

/me involuntarily bumps topic.
Ok, you've had your fun...Its was bad enough that someone brought the topic back in the first place, but now its just spam so leave it.
(I never read anything after the first page; I went in cause I've done/witnessed alike)
hahahahahahahahaha! i laughed at the story; my brother "saved" a girl from dying. Some girl got high and passed out on some "date-rape" drug and he woke her up right before she started to vomit; any later and she would've choked to death on her vomit.

I'VE saved someone; told her not to do it and she listened...I'm not stating what the "do it" part was...let's keep that a little secret between myself, my firends at Emerica, some kid named Ahle, and the girl herself...who probably would "do it" if she read this...small things said at right times could make a difference...wow...

And to reply to the original message, it could count, but the best thing to do is to let a person be unless it's like that situation. I speak on my half of the skat(eboard)ing community and the gothic community (which I am both, more of a skat(eboard)er, though...) when I say that all goths don't do stuff like this, though they lead into it. If you want to "save" someone, go to your local bar-show place to find some and talk to them, you never know what they can, will, have, or won't do... and yes, I know a gothic person (might as well say people...) and they act like (refer to first page).

Sorry for wasting your time; I like typing a lot of BS and crap......Cya...
"I revived a dead thread this weekend"
Actually it's come back a few times. :/
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