I saved someone's life this weekend... I guess

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Lil' Timmy said:
also, i'm just curious, does this girl know that you've posted her picture on a public internet forum? you may want to clear that if you haven't already.

she's my background :)
Lil' Timmy said:
interesting story.

a bit off-topic, but i just want to say that i support max35 POV. don't judge other peoples actions until you walk in their shoes. besides, there can be many reasons for suicide, not just to end suffering (not that that can't be plenty of reason in it's own right).

also, i'm just curious, does this girl know that you've posted her picture on a public internet forum? you may want to clear that if you haven't already.

My sentiments exactly. You know, half the people that call you 'weak' in life don't really have as severe as problems as you they just say that to make themselves seem more mature, but as soom as they have a little problem BAM!. Sure, there are those that have it worse, but those are the people humble enough to shut up, because they know how hard it is. I am not bashing anyone, this is just my opinion.

Shuzer: No, I didn't say he was lying. I merely said I find it hard to imagine someone like that killing themselves, although I completely believed what he was saying.
Ahh, you did a very good thing, Mr. Reak.
I wish there were more people like you in this world.
Holy shit, that sounds like a movie or something, not something that would happen in real life (I'm talking about the timing of you getting into the bathroom before she cut herself)

You sir, can sit on your pedistal of greatness and shout down to your workers as they build a monument in your name, for a great thing you have truly done.

I take her out the bathtub and into her room. That’s where real fun begins.

Wow, you did a good thing! I doubt most people would know what to do in a situation like that and just get her some of psychiatric help which would make stuff just worse. But you just gave her some "shock and awe" and blitzkrieg by those quick determined actions it seems. :D
1 Question: did she admit that she was going to kill herself? or was she just fiddling with the razor?
/me gets raz0r blade and puts foot in bath

ooo mr.reak lets go shopping :paranoid:

Nah, good job man
okay i've only got a few quick things to say. good job mr reak, i've had to get friends off the suicide thoughts, and i've almost done it myself. i know what it's like man.

one thing i have a problem with is people saying that those who want to commit suicide are weak. they appear to be mentally weak from an outside perspective. but those outsiders have likely never experienced the effects of a profound depression. i would say that those of you who say there is a weakness in suicidal people have NO idea what depression of that nature can do to you. in a morbid sort of way, those who do commit suicide are very strong willed. think about it.

on nihilism. nihilism doesn't necessarily mean you don't care for the world. more specifically, it means that you have no beliefs, or you believe in nothing... nihil from latin meaning "nothing." another side of some nihilists is that they want to tear down the walls of society. they are most definitely not concerned with rebuilding, they just want to tear it down. (read Crime and Punishment to understand this concept of tearing down ie the nihilists at the end of the book. read:raskolnikov is a nihilist.) also note. those groups that say they're nihilists or ANYONE who claims to be a nihilist is most definitely NOT a nihilist. they rule themselves out automatically "i'm a nihilist." "oh yeah? you believe in nihilism." "yep." read the book "Fathers and Sons" the character Odintseva(sp?) is a true nihilist.

what else? hmmm... okay yeah goths... i know lots of goths... and none of them are the stereotypical depressed wrist slashers. i think i only saw that in middle school and highschool. so those of you who think goths are f***ed up... it's not necessarily true... a person will be ****ed up regardless of their style dress or musical tastes.
Its weird because someones problems may seem trivial to us, and often they arent really that bad but from the suicidal persons point of view, it might feel like the entire world is resting on them while they lie over a gap. A lot of it is simply down to the stories we constantly tell ourselves about a situation. They are negative or positive, suicidaly people simply tell themselves negative stories all the time, not on purpose but they still do it. I wouldnt say suicide is ever the answer, but i understand why people contemplate it. People who are suicidal need to be helped, some cases may be like Reak's but others can be less dramatic.
Depression can also be a nasty thing, because what wouldnt normally bother us just makes us feel worse. The sad thing is, is that depression so often has little to do with out circumstances, at least in the way we think. For instance, a lot of people get depressed simply because they dont get enough exercise. Thats why stress and depression is so common today, people arent living the way we were made to....or evolved depending on your view point.

EDIT: Interesting note. I was going to go on a medical study where i would get paid £2000 for them testing the interaction between 2 drugs. Anyway, long story short i didnt get on it, but whats interesting is that one of the drugs being tested was an anti depressant, and its the most prescribed drug in the country (UK). Scary thought really.

More people need this :D http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=18638
Yea Mr Reak sounds like you did a good thing..

But i have a short attention span and couldnt realy be arssed reading all that thread :)

So ill join in and say you did good :)

God im bored..
GOoch said:
Yea Mr Reak sounds like you did a good thing..

But i have a short attention span and couldnt realy be arssed reading all that thread :)

So ill join in and say you did good :)

God im bored..

You must be, considering the fact you havent posted in OFF TOPIC in....God knows how long.
Oh crap, this topic has grown beyond believe.
Once again, thanks for kind words. I don’t think I am a hero or anything, because I did a lot of bad shit in my life, that I am not proud of. You would do the same thing if your friend were in trouble, am I right? Friends should help each other out, I think.

Now I will start answering questions.

First, yeah I asked her about pics, she said it’s okay. I mean, it’s not like I have posted pictures of her being naked (not that I have any!). Why would she cut herself? I asked her that question, she said because she was being an idiot, plus she had some problems with her parents, but depressive music, stories and attitude of her new goth friends (now old) helped to push her over the edge. I still don’t know, would she commit suicide or not, but she says that she was ready. Who knows, I can’t get inside of person head that easily. We both got lucky, but she understands now that killing herself will bring only more suffering to her parents, friends. I called her several times this week, she is doing okay. Like I said, we will meet up with of group of high school friends once again during weekends, like we always do. I didn’t take her to see a doctor, maybe I should? Her parents didn’t either, they think she will be okay now. Weird as hell… Shock and awe operation.. you know why
Where I got idea? You won’t believe it, I got it from watching too much of anime drama… Yep, I got it from anime, I guess watching it finally paid off in the big way.

Oh, to the guy who started talking about romantic stuff, heh, she is just my friend, plus I have already someone special in my life. Ha, my girlfriend won’t get any spectacular present (I wanted to give her some jewelry, was going to buy it on Monday) this Valentines Day, I am broke now. Haha…

Now about Goths. I personally don’t hate them, at least not all of them. Actually, I defended them several times on this forum. Point is, there is clearly different types of them. I got invited bunch of times on goth parties here in San Francisco. While they have awful taste in music ( :) ) , they know how to have good time, and it doesn’t include razor blade at all. There are also bunch of stupid teenagers who sit on their asses all day long and whine. Them I hate.

The last thing, about judging people. I know there are people out there that suffering so much, that I would never even imagine, that I would probably put a gun to my head if I experienced their pain. But I would still call myself a cowered, I would hate myself. I guess it’s easy for me to say these things, but it’s my believe I guess. It’s mean, but it works, for me. I am still only 21, so I bet there are a lot of things that I don’t know about life, but we will see.
Sorry m8 ive been realy buisy.. :)

Ive posted in other parts of this forum. Just dont frequent this side that oftern (not realy sure why)..

And again Good Job reak.

Just thinking about Goths.. im not one i dont hate them at all.

I was at a night club/pub near were i live, And my m8 said to me oi GOoch fancy going to this ******** bar/pub (a goth bar) but the music as realy good to listern to (it didnt play all goth stuff).
any ways the night went on, Good music and the beer flowed :) I clapped eyes on this guy who had just walked in with his girl friend on his arm.

Any ways to cut a long story short he approched the bar near were me and my m8 were stood. I had to acctualy take a double take and look at his mouth because this weirdo had bloody Fangs...! (no joke) i didnt know what to do or think/ Run away/Hide/...
anyways i did what most would probley do after a fiew beers.....Oi m8 are them Fangs real or what..? He stood there and looked stunned..He said know there fake look, He stood there and pulled one of his fangs out.? WTF is going on there FANGS.?

Anyways about 2 mins into this realy weird conversation about Vampires (i got a bit edgy) His G/F strolled over she to was wereing a gleaming set of new fangs.
with a T shirt on that read Drink my blood and **** my soal......... I drank my drink and was on to the next pub realy confused and bewildered with the whole experience...
Mr.Reak said:
Friends should help each other out, I think.

Definitely. Good job, Mr.Reak. She's lucky to have you as a friend... well, anybody would be lucky to have a friend like you.
Oh, to the guy who started talking about romantic stuff, heh, she is just my friend, plus I have already someone special in my life. Ha, my girlfriend won’t get any spectacular present (I wanted to give her some jewelry, was going to buy it on Monday) this Valentines Day, I am broke now. Haha…

OMG watch out she might go after your GF!!! AHHHH

Naw j/k m8, I love anime also, so romantic and stuff :p
It's not the Goths you have to watch out for, it's the spoiled brats, or the kids with no parental guidance..
Not to put a damper on your parade, because that was an amazing thing you did, story book, but do you think she actually would have went through with it?
Baal said:
Not to put a damper on your parade, because that was an amazing thing you did, story book, but do you think she actually would have went through with it?

I still don’t know, would she commit suicide or not, but she says that she was ready. Who knows, I can’t get inside of person head that easily.

Read my above post again.
Yeah, what can I say Reak, you're pretty cool guy.

It's really hard to believe that people would try to make themselves depressed on purpose when there is enough stuff in your life to make you depressed just by doing nothing at all.
What could I say? Way to go.

IMO, eternal hell is better than oblivion, but that's just me. Pity that I'm an atheist.
You sould have raped her and then let her cut herself.

Well, you know, my sens deprived mind couldn't come up with something better.:E

Anyway. Good job, join the club! Here is a medal:

Loshadka said:
You sould have raped her and then let her cut herself.

Well, you know, my sens deprived mind couldn't come up with something better.:E

Anyway. Good job, join the club! Here is a medal:


or let her cut herself THEN rape her...
WAHA! You're my hero *_* Although I do try to sympathise I really hate people who toy with suicide, especially when they just use it to get attention. I mean, what the hell is death gonna solve that you can't do when you're alive? What pisses me off is they don't even think about how their friends and family will feel about it, things are always the worst for them, and naturally the whole world is out to get them. Then there's the friends who are never there and the boyfriends (very seldom is it gitrlfriends :p) who do nothing to support them and even worsen it by taking advantage of their weakness, but they feel as if they need to cling on to their tormentors like it's all they've got, when really they could get better. Anyway [/rant]

Reak you're a good friend and a good man, I salute you :)
Mr.Reak said:
Well thank you guys, you made me feel proud :)
Yes, she thanked me alright…

so is she just your friend now or is there more? i mean she is a beautiful girl.

EDIT: nvm i just read the 10 posts before mine that i didnt see when i opened the thread.

really incredible story.
So Mr. Reak, When is your Autobiography scheduled to release?
Also. Strange, but I always thought that russians are espcialy menatly strong people and the probability of that one will commit suicide is much smaller of that, lett's say, an american will commit one.

I guess exeptions are to confirme the rules.
Jackal hit said:
one thing i have a problem with is people saying that those who want to commit suicide are weak. they appear to be mentally weak from an outside perspective. but those outsiders have likely never experienced the effects of a profound depression. i would say that those of you who say there is a weakness in suicidal people have NO idea what depression of that nature can do to you. in a morbid sort of way, those who do commit suicide are very strong willed. think about it.

Ive dealt with depression most of my life and havent tryed to kill myself, killing youself sounds too easy of a way to get out of it thats why I call those who do mentally weak. As for the nihilism thing, thats just what I got off of wikipedia, I dont know that much that POV.
Yea I agree with the whole people who try to commit suicide are weak. My mom tried to kill herself in front of me twice, both with her ending up in the hospital and my dad tried also. It seems your friend fell pretty deep into nihilism, which is the POV that everything is meaningless/worthless. Alot of the goth bands play off of nihilism, but I hope noone has the impression that all goths do that. Im somewhat goth and have alot of goth friends, and they dont fall that deep into nihilism.

What shitty parents. Many respects on you still being a good person.
hey mr reak come over to my house and ill have a razor then you can spend $1500 on meeee!
well it can never be said enough Mr. Reak so im gonna say it just like everyone else has, u did a very brave and good thing :)

every person reacts differently in these situations and since its not an every day occurance.. we don't know exactly what to do even tho any other time u know exactly what to do.

mighty friendly of u blowing $1500 bucks on a friend.. hehe well i guess i would do the same if i had that kinda money.. but anyway, just in time for Valentines eh? i know u already mentioned having a gf.. but don't be mistaken.. Valentines ranks high on chix's list :naughty: ;)
Nothing sickens me more then suicide. Its a cowardly act, its the final solution to a temporary problem. Only the weak minded think that suicide is the best way out. They don't think of what damage it'll cause not only their family members but their friends. Although I detest it I feel that it is ones duty, if they know someone whos thinking about suicide, to help/stop them. This is something that they need to be helped through to become stronger. They become a better person after they relize that its wrong and shouldn't be done. Thanks to Mr. Reak this girl is now a better person. I'm not saying she wasn't before this happened but shes better now then she has been taught that suicide is not the answer. She has become stronger mentally and has gotten rid of that weakness.
Well, I'm sure your GF will think what you did was "sweet" and that will give you more brownie points than any lame piece of jewelry you could have bought her.
Reak I think max was talk about the euthanasia side of suicide. For those of you who dont know what euthanasia is (cause i did't but like 7 months ago) it like when it is inevitable that you are going to die. I watched this show about it, where all these people were for it. There was this one guy who's muscles and everything were breaking down and he could hardly move. He wanted to end his life. That kind of thing.

I don't know if i would have done the same things if i was in your possition (slapping her, throwing away all of her stuff, spending 1.5k on cloths but that's just because i dont have that much money laying around) but i dont know the circumstances. I hope you are helping her. and If you are good job.
Good that you saved her life, Otherwise you'd been really sad, a friend of mine killed himself last year, around July, I couldn't save him, I got a frantic email from him during the night, where he said that he was gonna kill himself etc, and unlike some others mail I had recieved before from him, this one seemed very serious, he was an internet friend but it still hit me hard, I even tried finding a way to contact the 911 service but sadly, it was too late, I got to know later that day that he had died only some 4 minutes after I recieved my mail :\
Couple of quick questions

1. Did you ever find out why she was in the bathtub with the razor blade? Sure its all well and good to trash the thing, tear up her stuff and take her shopping but what put her in the state in the first place? Shopping isnt likely to solve her problem any more than suicide is. Which leads me to number 2.

2. Was she attempting suicide or was she using pain as a means to handle something emotionally wrong. Ive known people who handle physical pain much easier than emotional and use physical to cope with emotional. Not exactly healthy but are you sure it was a suicide attempt? Was she holding the blade across or down her wrist? Does she have scars from previous wounds?

Oh well, good job regardless. Whatever it is, if your around as a friend a supportive influence can help her get through whatever it was.
Sorry I didnt read any of the posts other than the first one, and I must say that was a very respectable thing to do. Yes you saved someones life. I'm very glad you did what you did, your hero for a day in my book. Very repectable.
Wow, Mr. Reak should win the Most Honorable Friend Award for this month ;)

Good job man...college changes people, some in bad ways, some in good ways.

PS. She's hot. :)
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