I swear god hates me.......

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Tredoslop said:
Have you paid any attention to the previous posts, Oxygenetic?
Meeklo's girlfriend is someone who either leeches of him/annoys him/irritates him.
Irritating/annoying vs. kick-ass game.
First hand knowledge, or have you just inferred this from his posts?
Is anyone readng meeklos post? He's into video games, he plays for a bit and his girlfriend(who lives with him cuz she doesn have her own place) bitches at him and says that games are for losers. Would you stay with a chick like that? I sure as hell wouldnt.

I'm gonna break down here and say..

Dump the bitch.
Death.Trap said:
Dump the bitch.

Agreed, if she isn't into what you enjoy, she can hit the curb. Go to Quakecon and get your sh*t on there, sometimes those quake nerd chicks can be hot.
Lep said:
First hand knowledge, or have you just inferred this from his posts?
Tredoslop said:
I agree, dumping a girlfriend for a game is pretty aweful. But dumping a girlfriend who irritates, annoys, leeches off of you is a different story.
Now, I'm not saying that Meeklo's girlfriend is all that, but from the first post, she fits one of those things.
Meeklo said:
Shes atleast two of those things...
I don't feel like typing now...
Oh man. You need to sit down and talk with her. If she does not want you to do what you enjoy, then throw her out on the streets. from reading this thread it sounds like she's a self-centered leaching bitch.
I mean, she knows you play games, and she says games are for losers right to your face?
you gotta remember that looks arn't everything. You need a girlfriend that is nice and takes you into consideration. I'm sure there are many ncie girls, it doesn't matter if they are the most beutiful person in the world.
I say talk to her and let her know that you are not willing to sacrifise your enjoyment for her.

Not a bad post from a loser gamer who has no gf, huh? :p
I can't believe how fricken popular this thread is.
Don't depend your relationship on a girl. Decide whether she's right for you or not. This has been said many times before.
Homer said:
Dump the bitch.

Exactly. There is no compromise to what you like and what she does and doesnt.

Relationships, procreation, ect....

Do what feels right...

(beside, if you even considered this ,which you did, it speaks true of your nature in the matter...so go with the flow)
Your social status will plummet if you dump her. She will tell everyone that you are a zit-ridden nerd that plays video games all day every day, and no girl will ever speak to you again. Face it HL2 is just a game, that will last you months. This is a PERSON that may last you YEARS. She may determine the next 40 or so years of your life, while this game only touches the next couple of months. Think about it man.
This is pathetic. You've taken geekiness to a new level :eek:
muka3d said:
Your social status will plummet if you dump her. She will tell everyone that you are a zit-ridden nerd that plays video games all day every day, and no girl will ever speak to you again. Face it HL2 is just a game, that will last you months. This is a PERSON that may last you YEARS. She may determine the next 40 or so years of your life, while this game only touches the next couple of months. Think about it man.
And he can tell people that she's an irritating person who won't let anyone do anything.
If she doesn't like you playing games..That's her fault. That's a NORMAL thing in a guy..:rolleyes:
Relationships are supposed to be about comprimise, and from what I've read so far, your girlfriend doesn't seem to have a grasp on that concept. Have you tried explaining to her the joy you get by playing games? A good partner would not want to knowingly strip the joy from their significant other's life, and the fact that you have to ask a forum filled with strangers whether or not you should dump her tells me that there is something wrong. I believe that it would be in both of your best interests to break up if this is really a nagging issue playing in your head, or if knowingly ripping the small joys from your life does not bother her. Although, I have been wrong before. Good luck!
muka3d said:
This is a PERSON that may last you YEARS. She may determine the next 40 or so years of your life, while this game only touches the next couple of months.
Shes shallow and he doesnt love her. Of course he shouldnt break up with his girlfriend over a game. But he should break up with this girl anyways.
muka3d said:
Your social status will plummet if you dump her. She will tell everyone that you are a zit-ridden nerd that plays video games all day every day, and no girl will ever speak to you again. Face it HL2 is just a game, that will last you months. This is a PERSON that may last you YEARS. She may determine the next 40 or so years of your life, while this game only touches the next couple of months. Think about it man.
Social status is worth jack sh*t. If people can't accept that you play games, screw them. Need proof that social status != happiness?

I have a friend who used to be a pretty big geek. D&D, Counter-Strike, all those sorts of things. He was an acceptable guy, funny, interesting, and I generally enjoyed being around him. Then in high school, he takes drama as a first-year class. Fast-forward to grade 12. In lieu of staying the way he is, and accepting the fact that maybe he's not the coolest person in school, he renounces gaming in every way, shape and form, and he's turned into a wannabe macho-jock-popular guy. Now he's obsessed with rugby, working out, and doing everything he can to dispel his "uncool" image. All he cares about now is popularity, and he keeps bragging to me about how "since I stopped being a geek, my social status has skyrocketed, I suggest you do the same," and "You're never going to get a girl if you play so many video games."

This is why I don't talk to him anymore.

People get so stuck up with trying to be popular that they will dilute their personality and change everything about them in order to become cool. I don't really give a flying f*ck about being cool. I have my own friends. No, I don't have a girlfriend, but I'd rather have my games and my geeky friends than have a girlfriend who hates what I love to do.
stigmata said:
I don't really give a flying f*ck about being cool. I have my own friends. No, I don't have a girlfriend, but I'd rather have my games and my geeky friends than have a girlfriend who hates what I love to do.
Good man. Coolness is relative to the crowd you're in anyways.. a matter of confidence and personal style. Shallow people thinking you're uncool does not make it so.

Girls are important tho ;) but theres plenty of sexy girls out there who know better then to strive to be normal/average.
What it all comes down to is ...

Is she someone who makes you a happier person to be around???

If she's just a mediocre girlfriend who irritates you and pesters you about things ... Then why put up with it in the first place? It doesnt even matter if a games involved ... If you dont like her as a person, despite whether HL2 is gonna soon be part of your life, then dump her ... Simple as that ... What's gonna bring you more happiness?? This woman ... or Half Life 2 ? ;)
Wow thanx everyone for your opinions...im sorry if i came off as an idiot to some of ya'll. I really think were not gonna last to much longer, not only becuase of HL2 but for the simple fact that i dont think we have as much in common as i thought we did and if she acts like this over a game just think what it could be like with something more serious later in life...

Thanks everyone for helpin me out with this problem! :)
MAN am I lucky to have a girlfriend that also plays a literal shitload of video games! Too bad she's in Germany at the moment, but that's a whole nother story....

This guy has a pretty delicate situation. Maybe if he told us a little bit more about his girlfriend we could give him a few more educated opinions...
Simple, just get up a couple of hours earlier every day.

Sure you'll be tired and be drinking more coffee, but then you can squeeze more time with your girlfriend, and play Half Life 2!
My peers on the internet is where I turn to get all the answers to my life's problems.
Hectic Glenn said:
Moral of the story kids...never pick a game over a girl, because from there onwards your life gets worse, and you wont get another girl. Go on dump, her and feel the emptyness. HL2 wont go to bed with you or give you company like a person.
Damn good point. I can't wait for HL2, but I would do just about anything to have a girlfriend right now... I'd give up a bit of gaming time to be with a girl I care about, but like you said meeklo...

Meeklo said:
I really think were not gonna last to much longer, not only becuase of HL2 but for the simple fact that i dont think we have as much in common as i thought we did and if she acts like this over a game just think what it could be like with something more serious later in life...

Thanks everyone for helpin me out with this problem! :)

Yeah, just do what you think is right, but I warn you that you probably will end up missing at some point...

Later dude.
Marius said:
Sex > Any game.
Love > Sex
Sex in love > Sex without love
Finding someone you love > Stuck in a shitty releationship
f|uke said:
Love > Sex
Sex in love > Sex without love
Finding someone you love > Stuck in a shitty releationship

YES ... that is RIGHT ... ON!!! ... well put Fluke ...
f|uke said:
Love > Sex
Sex in love > Sex without love
Finding someone you love > Stuck in a shitty releationship
I agree with you there, I was just being generic in my previous post.
It seems to me that the fact that you brought this question up means you have already have an answer in mind.
She said:
something called love?

Offcourse, we girls are just for "entertainment purposes"..
Dump and get a new one.. and when you get bored with that one,
dump her too and get another one..


wow..I can't believe I agree with she here. You said that you miss her so you i'm guessing you have feelings for her, don't give up. Look, hl2 will fade away, video games will fade away, everything will probably fade away except for love. You're probably gonna find out sooner or later that it is the ultimate purpose in life. The entire universe works on love. A million soldiers fought for helen of troy dammit, can hl2 do that? huh.....

ok i'm going overboard haha, but anyway, i dont know...ask her to join you in what's possibly going to be the greatest virtual adventure ever. hey u never know, maybe hl2 might suck her into gaming.
Gaming>Bitchy GF

Ive been through it. I cant believe I even lasted as long as I did. When you are a gamer, you feel like shit all the time when you dump gaming for a GF. There is no denying who you are.
there are many girls out there, but playing hl2 when it comes out is not something that can be replicated. you won't be a loser for choosing hl2. just remember theres always someone out there for you. *cue epic soundtrack*
if you dont want to break up with her
just have a talk with her about how if she doesnt stop bitching then you will dump her
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