i talked to a ati rep at game stars live,and got a good date on hl2.

Doesnt seem smart to have to wait for a cs source beta if a freaking multimillion dollar game is finished and ready to go to mass production and sent out to stores. Freaking game problaby isnt even done yet, I wouldnt put it past Valve. If I had a completed game I would be advertiseing the damn thing all over the place and start preselling it all over the net. I dont see that happening. Im guesing December if we are lucky. Freaking Best Buy doesnt even have a release date,and they always give out those dates way before the game gets to stores.
Will1967 said:
Doesnt seem smart to have to wait for a cs source beta if a freaking multimillion dollar game is finished and ready to go to mass production and sent out to stores. Freaking game problaby isnt even done yet, I wouldnt put it past Valve. If I had a completed game I would be advertiseing the damn thing all over the place and start preselling it all over the net. I dont see that happening. Im guesing December if we are lucky. Freaking Best Buy doesnt even have a release date,and they always give out those dates way before the game gets to stores.

Wtf??? dude ... you know nothing ... shutup :angel: :angry: :afro:
sept 30th is a thursday. someone please name one game that was released in the u.s.a. on a thursday. games are always released on a tuesday, always.
Will1967 said:
Isnt that the point u dork, we dont know anything.

Well, we know somethings ... Those things are how we base our estimates ... Obviously with your minimum number of posts, you have not researched anything regarding the release date. Pay more attention! :cheese: :cheese: :cheese: :farmer: :cheers:
I have made the asumption that anyone who says "it'll be done when it's done" is a complete jerk-off. It's an un-inspired opinion that could be summed up as a simple F**K you from the writer.

I am getting tired of the repetitive "Up yours" comments that you try and make look witty. Get a brain, clue, or lesson in modern shanangans so at least I don't see right through you.

The youth of tommorow are so un-creative.

The # of post I have basically shows the amount of time I spend in front of my comp. Just haveing alittle fun dont take it so personal.
nvrmor said:
sept 30th is a thursday. someone please name one game that was released in the u.s.a. on a thursday. games are always released on a tuesday, always.

Madden was a Thursday.

PS Wonkers it is Shenanigans. I usually dont correct stuff like that, but it happens to be one of my favorite words :bounce:
seinfeldrules said:
Madden was a Thursday.

your sig. is designed to be subliminal right? Or that's the way it seems to me. I don't think it's really funny. Bush is a NAZI. Then again it's actually really funny. Offensive stuff on the internet is the driving force of the new world.
your sig. is designed to be subliminal right? Or that's the way it seems to me. I don't think it's really funny. Bush is a NAZI. Then again it's actually really funny. Offensive stuff on the internet is the driving force of the new world.

Take it to the off topic forum.
Hay wonkers... so you doge his comment by atacking his sig??? what kind of logic is that???

BTW: sienfeldrules i hope you dont mind if i use the bush part of your sig :)
uziholda said:
no they did not have half life 2 there,but i`ll let you all in on a little secret,i was not gonna say this,but i talked to a ati rep,and he told me,that hl2 will definatley make sept 30th,he also told me,as soon as cs source beta finishes,they will be sending the rc to vinvendi for final bug checking,and if all goes well it will be gold.

now i was skeptical,because i thought he was just taking guesses,but then later on that day,i asked another ati rep,and he also said,valve are aiming for a definate end of spet release,i said is there any chance it will be out earlier,he said that depending on the bugs situation,and if they approve it first time,we could have it even sooner,i can feel half life 2 its so close.

and this is not bs,i swear down on everything i know,these ati reps knew a lot about the realease,but they also said,ANYTHING could happen between now and then,they said lets just hope it all goes smooth because they are also awaiting it to come out so they can promote the x800 xt harder than before.

i also got a firegl neck band,its there new card coming out,sounds sweet to be honest.

thx for info.
No offense but Kerry should win. Bush is just......dumb. really dumb. Look at some of the clips of him bumbling through press interviews. He can't think on his feet and he's giving the USA a bad rep.

Four years is enough, let's move on

And that's all I have to say about politics on a HL2 forum :dozey:
Hey, you could also try to diminish somebody's thread by criticizing their grammar.
seinfeldrules said:
PS Wonkers it is Shenanigans. I usually dont correct stuff like that, but it happens to be one of my favorite words :bounce:

he was just doing it nicely because he likes that word... not like he is corecting every little thing every one says... :rolleyes:
Raziel-Jcd said:
thx for info.

no problem :) just telling you what i heard.

see people have been replying to me like i was the one who said this date,well no,i talked to a ati official to hopefully get us so new info,i did this for you all,and yet some people still choose to be rude,well sorry,next time maybe i wont ask and try and get us some new info,so many immature people here making sarcastic comments and being negative,yet al this thread was about is a positive bit of info,i dont need comments such as "ati are not valve" and things being said in a rude way,all i was trying to tell you was i talked to someone from ati and this is what they told me.

why cant you all just say thanks like this man,at least hes mature,i respect that very much.

And people can talk about my grammar as much as they want to its not like im trying to write perfect sentences to impress you,i am rushing my typing and not paying attention,and it is so shallow to try and down someone on grammar,its on the same level as momma jokes,and i think we are past 5th grade dont you?

i am 21 years old,i dont have to justify the way i type over the internet,and i dont have to prove how good my grammar is,i type how i feel,see how this thread has just turned to a flaming war,this is why the hl2 community is falling apart because people think its intelligent to run off at the mouth with smart ass comments,and all it causes is problems you flame when valve do something you flame when people try to help you out with hl2 news,jesus its like 70 percent of this community is 12 and below. lets grow up shall we?
Jeesh, I corrected one little thing. I believe I gave a reasonable explanation, no need to get your panties caught in a bunch.

PS Wonkers it is Shenanigans. I usually dont correct stuff like that, but it happens to be one of my favorite words

Oh and Bigcheese just spread the love, the more supporters the merrier! :)
uziholda said:

And people can talk about my grammar as much as they want to its not like im trying to write perfect sentences to impress you,i am rushing my typing and not paying attention,and it is so shallow to try and down someone on grammar,its on the same level as momma jokes,and i think we are past 5th grade dont you?

i am 21 years old,i dont have to justify the way i type over the internet,and i dont have to prove how good my grammar is,i type how i feel,see how this thread has just turned to a flaming war,this is why the hl2 community is falling apart because people think its intelligent to run off at the mouth with smart ass comments,and all it causes is problems you flame when valve do something you flame when people try to help you out with hl2 news,jesus its like 70 percent of this community is 12 and below. lets grow up shall we?

I was asking a simple question, I dont care how old you are. Also as far as I can see there are hardly any flames in this thread.
I reckon it'll be October, even if this ATI thing is the most accurate date we have (Who knows anymore?). It could take the same amount of time between Gold and Release Date that Doom 3 had. COULD
uziholda said:
no they did not have half life 2 there,but i`ll let you all in on a little secret,i was not gonna say this,but i talked to a ati rep,and he told me,that hl2 will definatley make sept 30th,he also told me,as soon as cs source beta finishes,they will be sending the rc to vinvendi for final bug checking,and if all goes well it will be gold.

If ATI says so, it MUST BE TRUE!!!
DarkStar said:
I was talking to myself earlier and I told me it would be coming out next week.

I was talking to a guy who knows this other guy, who knows two guys, one of them has a dog who's walking alongside some other dog who was barking that he knows the dog who lives next door to Gabe Newell, and that dog barked that Gabe himself was at home ironing out bugs, so it could'nt be ready for September 30th, because with the amount of bugs in the game and at the rate they were going, it would take exactly 29 days, 2 hours, 12 minutes and 5 seconds. So this could mean that the game could slip to november or something, I guess. But, mind you, we're talking about a dog barking, and as far as I know, that dog has only basic 3d programming skills, so it could mean he's wrong.

24 days to not only print a few hundred thousand copies, but distribute them and have them advertised and such for a sufficient release of one of the most anticipated games in PC history?

I'm sorry, but logistically I don't think it'll happen. I hope so, though.
I was with a prostitute last night and she told me HL2 will be released tomorrow SO IT MUST BE TRUE OH MY GOD!!?!?!?!!!++++++++++++++++++++++
believe and get sad due to miss again? or just say........PULL A DUKE NUKEM FOREVER!!!!! It will come out when it comes out.....gawd I wish that game would finish. DN3D ruled....*sigh* I miss the 2 legged kicking while running around. Dancing is so fun
I think it will come out between 1st Oct 2004 - 14th may 2043
This sucks balls man when the fukai are :flame: they gonna release this shit
There's way too much spam in this thread.

I know of quite a few people that have heard similar rumours but we'll just have to see. It could indeed just be a rumour or it could be out within the next three weeks. Either way, it's really not that far away. :)
Septemeber 30 is still possible, rather unlikely, but it's not impossible. I don't care that much whether Half-Life 2 comes out in Septemeber or October. Although if it came out in Novemeber or December I had the whole two weeks of holiday to play.