I think I have, "The Shining" ability.

I totally knew this thread would be resurrected one day. Damn you internet precognition, you useless f*cking ability!

I possess a useless precognitive ability: I have the ability to see what is going to happen, at any time, on the internet. I shit you not. I don't believe in spiritual things, I tend to stay away from the realm of the paranormal except for reading them as amusing fiction (despite anyone's claims of them being real), so for a long time I thought it was just stupid coincidence. Something like hive mind; you share similar experiences and memes with a group of people and you end up finishing each others' sentences or having the same train of thought. That's what I wanted to think it was, because it was ridiculous.

Until I started predicting shit that could not have, in any way, come from the internet or have been a shared experience. Case in point: I sing a song one morning, an old song, hasn't been on any commercials recently or related to anything current, and I'm singing it that morning and later on I check a message board and someone's singing it. What the Christ. But that's probably just odd coincidence, right?

Not when it happens ALL THE FRIGGIN' TIME. And it's not just songs. It's anything. It's everything. It's gone from amusing coincidence to, "What the shit, are they scanning my brain?!"
I've predicted things that people will say, trends, news, all sorts of things...but ONLY on the internet. It's internet exclusive. I can't seem to apply it anywhere else.

And it's vexing because it's so ridiculous. What's the use of it? How would something like that even develop? You know the most benefit I've gotten out of it has been applying it to gaming? Try playing JKII actually using the Force. :laugh: It feels like extended deja vu. I keep wanting to explain the damn thing off as a series of improbable coincidences that could easily be explained by simple logic and psychology, but man...

And it's also annoying because most of the time it's trivial stuff. And it's completely at random. If I could tune it, y'know, if I could CONSISTENTLY see news before it happened...stocks...market trends...fack. All I'd have to do is carry a laptop around with me and stay in wifi areas and I COULD PREDICT TEH FUTARE!

Holy shit, I missed this post from before. I do this all the time too. Ill just be thinking about something totally random, and then for some reason, what I was thinking about is a big topic somewhere (not even necessarily on the internet). Like one time I started thinking about mario, and how if someone tried to jump down a pipe in real life, they would just get stuck. Then I started thinking about a poor doggie getting stuck in a pipe. That same day, when I get home, I turn on the TV, and THE FIRST THING I SEE is the news reporting on a dog stuck in a pipe.

Things like this happen to me at least like 3 times a week. I never know when it will happen, because when im thinking about things, they never seem suspicious or usually even interesting when im thinking about them, but then it turns out to be some big thing going on elsewhere. Ive just come to believe that I must somehow catch wind of these 'ideas' subconsciously, like someone far off down a hall way mentions it to their friend, and I "hear" it without consciously recording it, and it just sticks to the back of my head until I think about it, and then it just SEEMS like i thought of it first. It would make more sense that way, but in some cases I just dont think thats possible.
Well kinda interested in telling some stories my dad and I experienced so far. Wonder of anybody has this too. I learned that my fathers family has this genetic trait that can see into the future when we sleep. It happens very randomly and not often. These dreams feel like you are there, "in the moment" and are very precise. We don't know when they will happen but it's a matter of time when they do happen. My first experience was with myself running down a dark alley. All I was thinking was getting away from these people driving in this truck with fog lights behind me. I hit a dead end. Fearing for the worst I look at the people chasing me as they get out as some stand in the back of the truck. Some I recognized while others I never met before in my life. Over the course of my life, through middle school and high school I have met these people.

These people I really hated in school and just gave me and others a rotten time. Felt weird meeting one for the first time lol. Another time was a month before September 11th. My dad said he saw two planes collide into a tall building. What struck him the most was how much sadness it brought the world and people crying. It was on the news also. This made me amazed and told my dad about my experiences also. Another one happened recently of a severe tornado that touched down in my neighborhood. I remember it was a category 5 and some people died. Now I realize it though and it was the Ohio tornado's that touched down recently. Sometimes I wake up and my dad is quitely talking to my mom at breakfast about what he dreamed of. Doesn't make any of us happy either because we know that these dreams are life changing and are bad.

Anybody else have these "Shining" moments? It has to be genetic though because my mom's side doesn't have this. *Oh and vision's of the future is the path to teh dark side! :laugh:

Hey, thats great.
Look, it's really simple: when you have such a dream, write it down, then upload it somewhere where the timestamp of the upload can be checked and proved to be correct. Then, when an event occurs that you predicted, point us to the file that you uploaded which proves that you had foreknowledge. Do this a few times for consistency and to exclude the chance of it being a fluke and cash in on the James Randi prize.

Otherwise, I call bullshit because I have a hard time believing the universe (or perhaps even God :o ) felt it was necessary for you to know in advance of the people that would pick on you in high school because stuff like that really matters in the grand scheme of things and that there is no chance that you just filled in the faces of the people that you grew to hate onto the people of your dream. Claiming you knew something was going to happen AFTER it happens is completely worthless. Dreams are pretty ambiguous and you'll just try to fit whatever happened into your dream and convince yourself that you knew about it before it happened.

That we know about.


No, there isn't one. All genes do is provide instructions on encoding proteins. There is no protein for seeing into the future...
No, there isn't one. All genes do is provide instructions on encoding proteins. There is no protein for seeing into the future...
... That we know about. :O

But seriously.

The idea of foresight being a recessive gene, or encoded somehow in our DNA, is a fun idea to entertain. "Wouldn't it be cool if ...?" But pretending that it's anything more than that is absolutely without point, because there is zero proof to back up any type of future-sight, let alone any that is genetically-determined.
Well often times the event doesn't happen exactly the way it happens it the dream. Too bad it's not really windy here though. But still, how many times does a huricane or tornado touch down up North?
No, there isn't one. All genes do is provide instructions on encoding proteins. There is no protein for seeing into the future...

Yet, or that we know of. :rolling:
Well kinda interested in telling some stories my dad and I experienced so far. Wonder of anybody has this too. I learned that my fathers family has this genetic trait that can see into the future when we sleep. It happens very randomly and not often. These dreams feel like you are there, "in the moment" and are very precise. We don't know when they will happen but it's a matter of time when they do happen. My first experience was with myself running down a dark alley. All I was thinking was getting away from these people driving in this truck with fog lights behind me. I hit a dead end. Fearing for the worst I look at the people chasing me as they get out as some stand in the back of the truck. Some I recognized while others I never met before in my life. Over the course of my life, through middle school and high school I have met these people.

These people I really hated in school and just gave me and others a rotten time. Felt weird meeting one for the first time lol. Another time was a month before September 11th. My dad said he saw two planes collide into a tall building. What struck him the most was how much sadness it brought the world and people crying. It was on the news also. This made me amazed and told my dad about my experiences also. Another one happened recently of a severe tornado that touched down in my neighborhood. I remember it was a category 5 and some people died. Now I realize it though and it was the Ohio tornado's that touched down recently. Sometimes I wake up and my dad is quitely talking to my mom at breakfast about what he dreamed of. Doesn't make any of us happy either because we know that these dreams are life changing and are bad.

Anybody else have these "Shining" moments? It has to be genetic though because my mom's side doesn't have this. *Oh and vision's of the future is the path to teh dark side! :laugh:

So how do you know when a dream is predicting the future?

You'll only know when it 'comes true', mabye you have a genetically inherited trait to have a lot of dreams and the likelyhood of them becoming roughly true is high.
Just say i had a dream about getting in a fight, and then a week later i had a fight i could say i predicted it, what i might not say is that i dream about fighting every night.

I don't doubt that dreams can give you insights into the likely future, as they can often tell you things that are obviously going to happen to your subconscious mind, i strongly doubt that it can 'look into the future' however.
Well often times the event doesn't happen exactly the way it happens it the dream. Too bad it's not really windy here though. But still, how many times does a huricane or tornado touch down up North?
Why are future predictions always highly ambiguous by nature? "Oh i think i had a predictive dream where either a hurricane or tornado will hit somewhere on the planet maybe sometimes in the next several years or so!"
I had a dream last night that Hool10 was standing in a pit of fire with people around him pointing and laughing. Now it has come true. I can see the future.
I had a dream last night that Dan was standing in a dark room, alone, with only the glow of his computer screen to illuminate his shallow and lonely presence.

Now it has come true. I can see the Llama and Cheese men.
i can c futurez. srysly! i knew i was going 2 post this.
Well kinda interested in telling some stories my dad and I experienced so far. Wonder of anybody has this too. I learned that my fathers family has this genetic trait that can see into the future when we sleep. It happens very randomly and not often. These dreams feel like you are there, "in the moment" and are very precise. We don't know when they will happen but it's a matter of time when they do happen. My first experience was with myself running down a dark alley. All I was thinking was getting away from these people driving in this truck with fog lights behind me. I hit a dead end. Fearing for the worst I look at the people chasing me as they get out as some stand in the back of the truck. Some I recognized while others I never met before in my life. Over the course of my life, through middle school and high school I have met these people.

These people I really hated in school and just gave me and others a rotten time. Felt weird meeting one for the first time lol. Another time was a month before September 11th. My dad said he saw two planes collide into a tall building. What struck him the most was how much sadness it brought the world and people crying. It was on the news also. This made me amazed and told my dad about my experiences also. Another one happened recently of a severe tornado that touched down in my neighborhood. I remember it was a category 5 and some people died. Now I realize it though and it was the Ohio tornado's that touched down recently. Sometimes I wake up and my dad is quitely talking to my mom at breakfast about what he dreamed of. Doesn't make any of us happy either because we know that these dreams are life changing and are bad.

Anybody else have these "Shining" moments? It has to be genetic though because my mom's side doesn't have this. *Oh and vision's of the future is the path to teh dark side! :laugh:
Always been having it biznatch
I think it's easily possible to have these visions. I'm not sure why people say "that's crazy" when they havn't thought about how crazy it is that space never ends. or how all the stars got there. that's jsut as crazy but it still happened.