I think I know who we play as in Portal.

A Big Fat CoW

Jun 1, 2004
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Since it was announced, Portal has been the subject of much discussion. What's the setting? Is it just a tech demo? Is it related to Half-Life? Who do you play as? All of these questions have been asked (several, several times... often in the same thread :p), and few have been fully answered. Valve has trickled out very little information regarding this title, and so us fans have been mostly left in the dark. What little we do know, just raises more questions.

We know that it is set in the Half-Life universe.
- But then, when and where? Is it during Black Mesa? Is it during HL2? After? In-between somewhere? Is it a test by the Combine? Quite simply, how does it fit in?

We know that Valve has deliberately kept the identity of Portal's protagonist a secret. Evidence being this interview. Kim Swift says that Valve will be revealing his identity "at a later date", yet this answer was unsolicited, suggesting that it's to be kept a secret.
-But why? Do they want to surprise us? Most likely. Who could they surprise us with, then?

We know that the acronym for the teleport gun is ASHPD.
- Which is awfully reminiscent of "A. Shephard", who was the protagonist of HL: OpFor, which also employed a teleportation gun. Does this mean that we'll be playing as Shephard? If so, how did he break out of the G-Man's imprisonment? Why is he working for Aperture Science Labs? How do you explain the unsightly bald spot on the back of the player's head in this picture?

Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe I have our answer.

Do we play as Adrian Shephard? Of course not. No, but I think we will be playing as another already-established character in the Half-Life universe. One who has an even greater fondness for teleportation, and a much greater bald spot, than Shephard. Someone who's a scientist, a person that would make sense to be under the employ of Aperture Science. Someone who's been a part of Half-Life from the start.

Doctor Isaac Kleiner.

I have nothing further to say. :)
First time I saw that bald spot pic, and I gotta say it looks like Kleiner. It makes sense this would be the testing phase of the portal gun before it appears in Opposing Force.

So why is he wearing orange prison togs?
Yeah would make sense with this screenshot. He's already balding!

Well, you are a test subject for the Aperture Science Laboratories, so I think Kleiner is a feasible guess.
I just watched that Portal tech video. Wow! That could seriously change gameplay tactics in FPSs.

The Portal video and subsequent screenshots are from the original game, right? Before it was 'integrated' into the Half Life universe? Because they're using the same engine, they may have taken a Kleiner model and 'younged him up'. I'm under the impression that Valve will use the portal tech to add a few hours to their next episodic release - if it's a prequel, I'll buy that it could be a young Kleiner, but if it's basically the next day or two after Gordon and Alyx escape the exploding citadel, I don't know.

Man that looks fun!
The Portal video and subsequent screenshots are from the original game, right?
No. The original game, if I understand your meaning, was called Narbacular Drop, and featured graphics that were slightly better than Quake..

Before it was 'integrated' into the Half Life universe?

No. Valve hired the group of Digipen students who made Narbacular Drop, (which, by the way, featured a young Princess No-Knees and her quest to escape from her mountain-y prison), and they set to work a few years ago making an entirely new game, which was set in the HL2 universe from the start.
I'm under the impression that Valve will use the portal tech to add a few hours to their next episodic release - if it's a prequel, I'll buy that it could be a young Kleiner, but if it's basically the next day or two after Gordon and Alyx escape the exploding citadel, I don't know.

Not exactly. Valve is releasing it packaged free with Episode Two, but it isn't a part of Episode Two any more than Team Fortess 2 is. We don't know when and where Portal takes place, but it will almost certainly not be tacked on to the end of Ep2 (which, by the way, is a direct continuation of Episode One).
Man that looks fun!

Agreed! :)
I don't think the theory works because than everything is way too advanced in there to be before the Black Mesa incident :| You'd be implying that Kliener, doesn't age but infact gets younger over time :p

I mean you have black mesa which needs reactors and what not to form portals, and than theres the Portal gun in OpFor, but even that was really messy as you had no reliable way of teleporting to an exact location, and the primary fire which seemed to make a portal killed people instead.

I just find it hard to believe that this facility existed before the incident, I mean if it is kliener, than surely he would've taken what he knew from testing the gun and applied it to the stuff over at black mesa right?
I don't think the theory works because than everything is way too advanced in there to be before the Black Mesa incident :| You'd be implying that Kliener, doesn't age but infact gets younger over time :p

I mean you have black mesa which needs reactors and what not to form portals, and than theres the Portal gun in OpFor, but even that was really messy as you had no reliable way of teleporting to an exact location, and the primary fire which seemed to make a portal killed people instead.

I just find it hard to believe that this facility existed before the incident, I mean if it is kliener, than surely he would've taken what he knew from testing the gun and applied it to the stuff over at black mesa right?

The portal gun and Black Mesa's teleporters work in completely different fashions. The portal gun makes two holes on any two surfaces that lead to one another. Black Mesa's teleporters instantly transport someone from Point A to Point B over great distances (and even across different dimensions). So naturally Black Mesa would require a lot more power, equipment, and charge-up time to get to work.

Besides, we don't know what happens during the course of Portal; Maybe the portal gun is destroyed, or maybe it causes hair loss and so they disband the project. In any case, I could be wrong, but I think this makes a lot more sense than any of the other theories currently out there.

I guess we'll see later this year, though. Either way, thank you for rationally explaining your doubts, instead of just saying something like "ZOMGg TIHS SUX!!1". Challenge spurs productive thought, so hopefully someone will "produce" better answers to your concerns.

And thanks to everyone else for accepting my theory. Posting speculation about HL2 and Valve and getting to page 2 with only one negative comment is, in my experience, almost unheard of on these boards :p

Guess we'll find out the truth soon enough, though.
The portal gun and Black Mesa's teleporters work in completely different fashions. The portal gun makes two holes on any two surfaces that lead to one another. Black Mesa's teleporters instantly transport someone from Point A to Point B over great distances (and even across different dimensions). So naturally Black Mesa would require a lot more power, equipment, and charge-up time to get to work.

Alright, so seeing the amount of power Black mesa takes to create that portal, your saying this little gun is harnessing, lets say 1/4 of that energy, and your saying that it takes place before black mesa. I mean I would think that it would still take a considerable amount of energy to produce a portal in the first place.

Assuming its kliener lets start at HL2, Im gonna assume he is around his early to mid sixties around that time. Now, The time frame between HL1 and HL2 is about 10 years (although I've seen some people say more, lets just keep at 10 for now). This would put Kliener in his early/mid fifties at black mesa. Now your whole basis for this theory is that the guy in the portal, and Kliener are both balding. Now the guy in the portal still has black hair. This would probably put kliener into Late Thirties/early Forties, which would be about 15-20 years before Black Mesa. Now your telling me, that this Company with thier fantastic portal technology existed 15-20 years before Black Mesa? :p

A Big Fat Cow said:
Besides, we don't know what happens during the course of Portal; Maybe the portal gun is destroyed, or maybe it causes hair loss and so they disband the project. In any case, I could be wrong, but I think this makes a lot more sense than any of the other theories currently out there.

I never said he took the gun, I'd imagine if he was testing it he'd have to understand some of the basic functions and mechanics of it :| So assuming he knew this information about the gun why hasn't he applied it to anything he does now?
Wait I'm confused, somebody enlighten me. How can it be Kleiner if hes already fully bald? Do you mean its him but in the past (well before the black mesa incident)? Like AT black mesa?
Alright, so seeing the amount of power Black mesa takes to create that portal, your saying this little gun is harnessing, lets say 1/4 of that energy, and your saying that it takes place before black mesa. I mean I would think that it would still take a considerable amount of energy to produce a portal in the first place.

Assuming its kliener lets start at HL2, Im gonna assume he is around his early to mid sixties around that time. Now, The time frame between HL1 and HL2 is about 10 years (although I've seen some people say more, lets just keep at 10 for now). This would put Kliener in his early/mid fifties at black mesa. Now your whole basis for this theory is that the guy in the portal, and Kliener are both balding. Now the guy in the portal still has black hair. This would probably put kliener into Late Thirties/early Forties, which would be about 15-20 years before Black Mesa. Now your telling me, that this Company with thier fantastic portal technology existed 15-20 years before Black Mesa? :p

How is that hard to believe? Like I said, the portal gun and Black Mesa's teleporters work in completely different ways. The only similarity is that they move something from one place to another.

I'll spell out the differences, though, since there seems to be some confusion;

Black Mesa - Anything in the teleport chamber can be teleported.
ASHPD - Only things smaller than the portal can be teleported, and the portals must be deployed on flat surfaces.

Black Mesa - Can potentially teleport anywhere on earth (or further), and can teleport between dimensions.
ASHPD - Can only place portals where you can shoot them.

Black Mesa - Instant teleportation, transporting anything instantly from Point A to Point B
ASHPD - Gradual teleportation, slowly transporting objects as they enter/leave the portal "doorway".

As I said, they're completely different systems, and there's nothing to suggest that they have to follow the same principles. That's like comparing a shotgun to a crossbow and expecting them to behave the same way just because they fire projectiles.

And again, as I said before, for all we know the ASHPD might get destroyed, or Aperture Science might get shut down, before the end of Portal. Fact is, though, it's already confirmed by Valve that Portal takes place somewhere in the Half-Life universe. Obviously it can't take place after HL1, because it wouldn't make sense for there to be some super-corporation testing a portal gun while the Combine are invading, and I can't believe the theory that Aperture Science is a Combine training division (it's just too unlike the combine to compare the two.)

So that means it has to take place before Half-Life, which means that regardless of wether we play as Kleiner or not, someone's going to have a hand-held portal gun during the time of Black Mesa.

And no, my theory is not based on just the bald spot. The side of the character's face also bears resemblance to Kleiner. Kleiner works with transporting technology, which would explain his involvement in Portal. Valve is apparently trying to keep the identity of the character a secret, and the only reason they'd do that is if it were someone we already knew. Shephard doesn't make sense, the Gman would be a stupid idea and the character looks nothing like him. Kleiner seems to be the only logical choice.

If you have a better theory, by all means, let's hear it. I'm not saying that I'm absolutely right, and I'm not trying to force you to accept my idea. I'm just saying that, given what we already know, and using some basic reasoning and critical thinking, that Kleiner is the most logical choice I can come up with. But if you have something better, I'd be glad to hear of it.
It would be cool to be set back in black mesa, like in one of their testing phases. None the less, theres no much to suggest its kleiner, except that hes bald and he works with teleporting technology. Even then, hes a scientist, not one of black mesa's lab rats... and theres nothing to suggest that he ever was one.

Plus, (as you state) the two technologies are totally different... so why would kleiner have experience working with the portal technology? You first state that the two are totally different, but then suggest that kleiner worked with both in his years at black mesa and for some reason he hasnt shown any knowledge of it or put it to use in HL2 prior to the combine's arrival...
Its just as logical a choice as shephard,G-man, or Gordans Love child.

I acknowledged the fact that there 2 different things, but the fact is there both making PORTALS. From what we've seen in teleportation it takes an extremely large amount of energy. Now the portal gun, like you said does not create these grand portals that take you across huge distances, but they do make portals. I would have to assume that just to make a portal like the one we see in the trailer requires a large amount of energy, lets not forget this thing probably has no ammo to worry about so not only is this little gun making portals, it has an infinite energy source. I'd say the tecnology would have to pretty damn advanced to make a gun like that. I never compared how they make portals, Im simply talking about the technology, and energy that would probably be required in making one.

Your missing the point about what im saying about the ASHPD thing and Kliener. If he used the gun, tested it, and all that nonsense, he would probably have a general understanding of the mechanics and function of the gun, How it works and all that mumbo jumbo. So assuming he knew all this information about the gun why hasn't he applied it to the portals he's making right now?

And who's to say it isn't the Combine? I mean it doesn't neccesarily HAVE to be a training division. Like you said the mechanics of the portal gun, and the portals we know of our completely different technology, so technically the combine developing this gun isn't out of the realm of possibility.

But im just gonna come back to what I said before, the technology seems way to advanced to be happening during or before black mesa.

Heres a theory for you, remember that line one of the people told you when you first start HL2? About the water making you forget? Assuming he was telling the truth, this would imply the combine have ways of making people forget things. So what if this Aperture lab place really is a Combine Testing Facility, in which the Test subjects have been brain washed to thinking they really are testing something for a company? I mean what company would put there test subjects in those kind of situations? Sounds like something the combine would do :|

Edit: I totally love that theory I just thought up. Im making a thread :D
It would be cool to be set back in black mesa, like in one of their testing phases. None the less, theres no much to suggest its kleiner, except that hes bald and he works with teleporting technology. Even then, hes a scientist, not one of black mesa's lab rats... and theres nothing to suggest that he ever was one.

Except for the character in Portal bearing an uncanny resemblance to a younger version of Kleiner, and that we, as of yet, know little to nothing about Kleiner's history.

Plus, (as you state) the two technologies are totally different... so why would kleiner have experience working with the portal technology? You first state that the two are totally different, but then suggest that kleiner worked with both in his years at black mesa and for some reason he hasnt shown any knowledge of it or put it to use in HL2 prior to the combine's arrival...

Kleiner's field of research is teleportation. Teleportation is his goal; the portals and BM's teleporters are just two different means of accomplishing it.

Like a microwave and a toaster, the goal is to cook food, but both do it in extremely different fashions, and have different uses and limitations.

Its just as logical a choice as shephard,G-man, or Gordans Love child.

You're ignoring the evidence to the contrary. I've already shown the evidence supporting my theory, whereas those other theories have no evidence. How, then, are they equally logical?

I acknowledged the fact that there 2 different things, but the fact is there both making PORTALS.

No, they're not. The portal gun makes doorways in space. Black Mesa transmits matter across dimensions. One makes portals, the other teleports. There is a very distinct difference between the two.

From what we've seen in teleportation it takes an extremely large amount of energy. Now the portal gun, like you said does not create these grand portals that take you across huge distances, but they do make portals.

Yes, it makes portals. It doesn't teleport. See above.

I would have to assume that just to make a portal like the one we see in the trailer requires a large amount of energy, lets not forget this thing probably has no ammo to worry about so not only is this little gun making portals, it has an infinite energy source. I'd say the tecnology would have to pretty damn advanced to make a gun like that. I never compared how they make portals, Im simply talking about the technology, and energy that would probably be required in making one.

Except portals have never been handled in the Half-Life universe, and we have no idea how much energy they would actually take. You're assuming that portals and teleportation are the same thing, which, as I've said before, they are not. They accomplish similar goals, but they do so in completely different manners.

Your missing the point about what im saying about the ASHPD thing and Kliener. If he used the gun, tested it, and all that nonsense, he would probably have a general understanding of the mechanics and function of the gun, How it works and all that mumbo jumbo. So assuming he knew all this information about the gun why hasn't he applied it to the portals he's making right now?

Who's to say that he hasn't? Again, you can't learn much in the ways of making a microwave by using a toaster. Just because they accomplish similar goals doesn't mean that Kleiner would suddenly be able to create more efficient teleportation chambers just because he had experience using a portal gun.

And who's to say it isn't the Combine? I mean it doesn't neccesarily HAVE to be a training division. Like you said the mechanics of the portal gun, and the portals we know of our completely different technology, so technically the combine developing this gun isn't out of the realm of possibility.

What evidence do you have to back that up, then?

My theory is backed up by facts. Yours seems to only be backed up by ideas. If you want me to admit that your theory is credible, then show me some facts.
Except for the character in Portal bearing an uncanny resemblance to a younger version of Kleiner, and that we, as of yet, know little to nothing about Kleiner's history.

how exactly is a BARELY sideview of a brown-haired baldING man an uncanny resemblence to a young dr kleiner, when you dont even know what dr kleiner even looks like young!

My theory is backed up by facts. Yours seems to only be backed up by ideas. If you want me to admit that your theory is credible, then show me some facts.

your theory is actually based on ideas... that is, the idea that kleiner's research in teleportation also delt with portals, and the opinion that the character in the trailer looks like a young dr. kleiner
Except for the character in Portal bearing an uncanny resemblance to a younger version of Kleiner, and that we, as of yet, know little to nothing about Kleiner's history.

I honestly do not see any resemblance, besides the obvious signs that the guy is balding.

Kleiner's field of research is teleportation. Teleportation is his goal; the portals and BM's teleporters are just two different means of accomplishing it.

Like a microwave and a toaster, the goal is to cook food, but both do it in extremely different fashions, and have different uses and limitations.

Right, so he's a reasercher not a tester. I mean thats what your implying here right? Why would he be testing something for another facility? Wouldn't it make alot more sense that he would be part of the staff researching the technology in the first place?

You're ignoring the evidence to the contrary. I've already shown the evidence supporting my theory, whereas those other theories have no evidence. How, then, are they equally logical?

The "evidence" you've given is just as credible as the "evidence" other people have been using in thier portal theories :|

No, they're not. The portal gun makes doorways in space. Black Mesa transmits matter across dimensions. One makes portals, the other teleports. There is a very distinct difference between the two.

Do you remember that part in HL1 where it was a bunch of (lol)Portals? Where you had to time which one to go into to fall on the revolving platforms. I forgot the name of the chapter, but this wasn't like the Teleportation we see in the chapter Red Letter day in HL2. These were doorways in space, but the technology obvisouly wasn't sophisticated enough for you to go back through said doorway.

Except portals have never been handled in the Half-Life universe, and we have no idea how much energy they would actually take. You're assuming that portals and teleportation are the same thing, which, as I've said before, they are not. They accomplish similar goals, but they do so in completely different manners.

Seeing as HL1 did have portals in it where were they located? By the giant reactor of course! I mean what other way would there have been to power them but with an extreme amount of energy :| Infact, even when you go into Xen the before hand when your in the Lamda core, you jump into a PORTAL :|

Who's to say that he hasn't? Again, you can't learn much in the ways of making a microwave by using a toaster. Just because they accomplish similar goals doesn't mean that Kleiner would suddenly be able to create more efficient teleportation chambers just because he had experience using a portal gun.

The portals we see in black mesa 1. Need a large amount of energy 2. Do not allow you to go back through. Wouldn't it make sense that if Kliener had worked with this gun, he would've retained the knowledge on how to avoid either one of those problems?

What evidence do you have to back that up, then?

My theory is backed up by facts. Yours seems to only be backed up by ideas. If you want me to admit that your theory is credible, then show me some facts.

No its not. :| Repeadetly stating that the 2 technologies are different, while being a fact, doesn't support your theory, that we play as Kliener, and you still haven't showed any facts proving otherwise.
This...doesn't make any sense. This kind of portal technology was NOT, NOT, available during or before Black Mesa. Let me emphasize the NOT.

There's nothing to discuss here. There is no reason to type long winded paragraphs about this theory. The damn game doesn't even take place in Black Mesa :|.
And again, as I said before, for all we know the ASHPD might get destroyed, or Aperture Science might get shut down, before the end of Portal. Fact is, though, it's already confirmed by Valve that Portal takes place somewhere in the Half-Life universe. Obviously it can't take place after HL1, because it wouldn't make sense for there to be some super-corporation testing a portal gun while the Combine are invading, and I can't believe the theory that Aperture Science is a Combine training division (it's just too unlike the combine to compare the two.)

it can take place, before, at the same time, or after hl1. we a dealing with serious time travel, multi dimensions, and stasis here after all.
it makes perfect sense for there to be some super corporation testing a portal gun. who do you think the gman works for? look at the turrets, they are more advanced versions of the combine turrets. energy balls? where do you think the combine gets its tech? the gman obviously deals with arms sales, be they rocket launchers, or human.
who is the only character to be "taken" by the gman besides gordon? its already known that the gmans bosses didnt want shepherd, what better way to test him or get rid of him, then make him a test subject. and btw afaik we never see shepherds face or hair for that matter. sheperd is a grunt, a pawn. kleiner is a genius. do you really think they would waste him as a test subject?
me thinks it is someone completley different, not before seen in the half-life universe, being tested by a Combine proxy-company, or by another corporation related to the Gman.

But the kleiner idea is a good one.

Kleiner did, afterall construct both black mesa teleporting technology and the gravity gun. The portal gun is a rudimentary teleporter as well as a rudimentary gravity gun, so its plausible that he was trained to use this prototype and used this knowledge to advance work at Black Mesa. However, the energy balls and turrets are very similar to Combine technology, so perhaps it is being run by the combine.

We won't know until valve reveals it to us.
Logic > Bald spot

Yes, the portals are different from those seen in HL1+2 but the technology is not completely superior. Both sides need to be created by the same device and need to be relatively close to each other. So I don't think it's necessarily more advanced than anything in Black Mesa.

who is the only character to be "taken" by the gman besides gordon? its already known that the gmans bosses didnt want shepherd, what better way to test him or get rid of him, then make him a test subject. and btw afaik we never see shepherds face or hair for that matter. sheperd is a grunt, a pawn. kleiner is a genius. do you really think they would waste him as a test subject?

This is why I don't think it's Kleiner. None of the Black Mesa folks would test someone in this manner. But while the Shephard theory seems more plausible, there's no real evidence to back it up.

Don't you guys think it's possible that the player model seen in the trailer is just a placeholder? If the interview suggests a secret that it's someone we know, and presumably someone we would recognize, I wouldn't think they would show the real player in the trailer.
I think its MUCH more plausable that Valve hasn't overlooked things and put the model there as a placeholder to better keep the player's real identity a secret, which makes all of this speculation pointless.
Hmm. I came in here expecting some cock'n'bull theory, and got something that actually makes sense! I'm disappointed :p
Interesting theory about Kleiner.
Keep in mind, we "know" very little about how this game fits into the scheme of things in the HL universe.

What can be inferred (relatively)
-The Portal video is an "instructional video" for a research department, Aperature Laboratories. You would think that the Combine wouldn't bother with naming a company and providing it with a logo (which is featured on the boxes in-game) for their research. The video almost seems like a promo to some degree. It also contains a humanoid voice. Whether or not it is actually human remains to be seem...but nobody can deny that it doesn't sound anything like the Combine forces yet encountered in HL2 or Ep1.

-However, the level of technological prowess apears rather advanced. The portal gun seems to be more advanced than anything seen at Black Mesa. What appears to be a plasma ball is featured in one scene.

-The sentry gun appears to be quite advanced, more so than the ones seen at Black Mesa. While they function the same presumably (trip the laser) they apper quite different asthetically. Also of note is the fact that the gun speaks in a humanoid voice. In the scene where the character picks up the gun and chucks it, you can distinctly hear "Searching..." Again, it seems like something that the Combine wouldn't bother with (and from what has been seen in HL2 sentries, they haven't)

-The tests seem to run a reasonable chance of severe injury or death while running them. That would imply a certain maliciousness or disregard of life to the people administering the test. The Combine certainly fit this bill. I also wouldn't put it past the G-man to risk hurting or killing some person in a research experiment. Also, I could forsee crooked scientists using people as guinea pigs. But on a rather large experiment that presumably had more than one person working on it (again, an assumption), it would be somewhat difficult to get a multitude of people to be ok with putting someone's life on the line. And no researcher would voluntarily go through a fatal gauntlet (presumably). They would get someone of lesser importance. Someone with nothing to lose. Kind of like the Running Man...stay in jail and die slow or risk death and possibly be freed. And that orange jumpsuit does remind me of convict uniform...

**Possible OP4 spoiler**
And didn't Shepard's tale end with him sitting in a jail cell??

Look, I'm not saying, nor do I believe my theory is correct.

But it is fun to hypothesize.

If I were a betting man, I'd break it down like this

The character you play in Portal is
90% someone new to the universe
5% Adrian Shepard
2.5% Someone from the existing universe (Barney, Kleiner, Odessa, Grigori, some random Rebel who gets conveniently elevated in the story (much like Eli))
2.5% The model is a placeholder
Well, thats pretty much the same thing :| He's being contained either way, whether its on the Helicopter, in a jail cell, or in candy mountain.
One thing we can most likely take away is the fact that the "lab rat" is just that. Serving civil service, or captured by the G-Man, either way...

I do like the idea of the G-Man selling off one of his "weapons" to a testing facility, it links well to his ideals...