i think im going insane?

I don't understand how the brain just suddenly stops producing seratonin just by a change in your thoughts.

it doesn't stop producing it through change of thought, it stops producing the chemical because it's receiving it from another source (the pill). this doesn't happen over night and it takes roughly a month before any supplement based antidepressant becomes fully effective.

I really think exercise and sunlight is a better form of getting back on track, unless you have some genetic imbalance in your brain they're just bad news.
it doesn't stop producing it through change of thought, it stops producing the chemical because it's receiving it from another source (the pill). this doesn't happen over night and it takes roughly a month before any supplement based antidepressant becomes fully effective.

I really think exercise and sunlight is a better form of getting back on track, unless you have some genetic imbalance in your brain they're just bad news.

I agree. This is why I've always been against pills. There hasn't been any history of depression/mental illness in either my mom or dads side of the family (as far as they know).

I remember actually when I was 13 sitting and talking to my mom and all of the sudden it's like she seemed really foreign to me. I recognized her but I didn't. It sent me in a weird panic and then everything around me just seemed off nothing like it used to. I honestly don't remember how long it lasted or if there was any big stresses in my life at that time I just remember my perception on everything changed.

Hopefully this is just a phase and i'll get over it, or just accept things for how they are and finally settle my mind down lol.
The guitarist in my band has Bipolar. He was on some kind of meds for a bit but I don't think he takes them anymore. Just pops the occasional Kalms pill to relax him.

I've had periods

Pills for your condition, I cannot stress enough, is completely the wrong thing to do. All they do is provide a quick, short relief from the symptoms and then throw a majority of HUGE side effects at you and overall make your condition worse. Also the pills you would be danger of becoming addicted to the medication which is also piles on more problems than you can handle.
Pills for your condition, I cannot stress enough, is completely the wrong thing to do. All they do is provide a quick, short relief from the symptoms and then throw a majority of HUGE side effects at you and overall make your condition worse. Also the pills you would be danger of becoming addicted to the medication which is also piles on more problems than you can handle.
Exactly what medications have you been on that had this effect?

Haz0r said:
it doesn't stop producing it through change of thought, it stops producing the chemical because it's receiving it from another source (the pill).
What are you talking about? Where did you get your information, from a friend who had a condition? There is no serotonin supplement; it doesn't exist.

Medications like lithium cause the brain to produce serotonin. The brain does not stop synthesizing (producing) serotonin, it creates more; people with these mood disorders often have a deficiency of serotonin.

Li+ elevates brain levels of tryptophan, 5-HT (serotonin), and 5-HIAA (a serotonin metabolite). Serotonin is related to mood stability. Li+ also reduces catecholamine activity in the brain (associated with brain activation and mania), by enhancing reuptake and reducing release.
Upon ingestion, lithium becomes widely distributed in the central nervous system and interacts with a number of neurotransmitters and receptors, decreasing norepinephrine release and increasing serotonin synthesis.

You make it sound like to just pop a pill to get past a rough spot. A "kick start" as you put it. The meds are something you would take perhaps for the rest of your life.

It's true that many mood stabilizer medications need to be gradually decreased when being taken off the drug - you wouldn't want to just stop taking them abruptly.

These medications aren't addictive in the way you describe unless they are abused. The danger of stopping them abruptly is that you will go back to being "normal" and feel terrible again or that you may not want to go without them because you have trouble coping without (for example, a sedative). Well, here's the thing - not using them, you just have trouble coping, period.

Haz0r said:
this doesn't happen over night and it takes roughly a month before any supplement based antidepressant becomes fully effective.
Yes, with many meds it takes time to find out the ideal dosage, and the meds can take time to accumulate in your system before they work as intended. What is your point?

Haz0r said:
I really think exercise and sunlight is a better form of getting back on track, unless you have some genetic imbalance in your brain they're just bad news.
Of course it's important to have all of your vitamins and minerals, but it's ridiculous to suggest that you can treat mental disorders with a bit of sunlight. Maybe diabetics can just get some vitamin D and go for a jog, right? Are you mental?

Akira said:
I agree. This is why I've always been against pills.
You agree with this guy, that pills are bad news and are "just serotonin supplements" a "temporary fix", even though none of that is correct, and even though you've never been on medication, and have absolutely no experience to suggest what he is saying is right.
Pills for your condition, I cannot stress enough, is completely the wrong thing to do. All they do is provide a quick, short relief from the symptoms and then throw a majority of HUGE side effects at you and overall make your condition worse. Also the pills you would be danger of becoming addicted to the medication which is also piles on more problems than you can handle.

wtf? even if you were a psychiatrist you couldnt possibly make a diagnosis over the internet?

AKIRA do what's best for you; dont take anyone's advice; see someone who's actually qualified
How about the fact that they carry around bags of milk like Canadians. 50% of a nutritious breakfast, built-in.
Not just functional but fun to play with.
Exactly what medications have you been on that had this effect?

What are you talking about? Where did you get your information, from a friend who had a condition? There is no serotonin supplement; it doesn't exist.

Medications like lithium cause the brain to produce serotonin. The brain does not stop synthesizing (producing) serotonin, it creates more; people with these mood disorders often have a deficiency of serotonin.

You make it sound like to just pop a pill to get past a rough spot. A "kick start" as you put it. The meds are something you would take perhaps for the rest of your life.

It's true that many mood stabilizer medications need to be gradually decreased when being taken off the drug - you wouldn't want to just stop taking them abruptly.

These medications aren't addictive in the way you describe unless they are abused. The danger of stopping them abruptly is that you will go back to being "normal" and feel terrible again or that you may not want to go without them because you have trouble coping without (for example, a sedative). Well, here's the thing - not using them, you just have trouble coping, period.

Yes, with many meds it takes time to find out the ideal dosage, and the meds can take time to accumulate in your system before they work as intended. What is your point?

Of course it's important to have all of your vitamins and minerals, but it's ridiculous to suggest that you can treat mental disorders with a bit of sunlight. Maybe diabetics can just get some vitamin D and go for a jog, right? Are you mental?

You agree with this guy, that pills are bad news and are "just serotonin supplements" a "temporary fix", even though none of that is correct, and even though you've never been on medication, and have absolutely no experience to suggest what he is saying is right.

probably should've gone into more detail to save you the effort of writing that wall of text. I'm talking about SSRIs & SNRIs (classes of drugs used for depression), both virtually the same only an SNRI acts on both norepinephrine & serotonin transmitters (in a nutshell boosting your serotonin/norepinephrine levels). missing a dose can cause a list of withdrawal symptoms, primarily "brain zaps", which in a sense is an addiction - or rather a dependency.

so now starting akria on meds would start a physical chain of events; much like a diabetic would need insulin to breakdown sugar, he would need an antidepressant to literally function normally.

also you can't really abuse an ssri/snri
You think that's a wall of text? That's hilarious.

Look, we are talking about a friend of mine here. The question is, why are you telling him that mediation is "bad news"? This claim has huge implications on Akira's life; you and Shift have encouraged him to avoid getting help. Do you have some kind of experience to even suggest that only bad can come of medication? Because I have only experience to the contrary.

First of all, we don't know if he needs medication; most of us are suggesting he talk to a qualified professional, and that's all.

Millions of people willingly taking medication for the various mood disorders. These are people that have been able to compare before and after, and they continue to take medication. Doesn't that suggest that their lives have improved with the medication? They would quit if they were worse off. You are suggesting it's because they become dependent? We are talking about seriously debilitating disorders that can effectively make people unable to work or have any kind of relationships with any people. If they become "dependent" on it, it doesn't surprise me.
Just an update.

Derealization is becoming an issue. I noticed it happens a lot when my anxiety is there. I've come to the conclusion that in the past while my anxiety has had an effect on my life it was always associated with something that i didn't enjoy aka a shitty job/shitty house/shitty relationship or whatever.

Never did I have derealization until the fact that I realized (or perhaps made myself realize) that I had no joy in anything I did lately. It started off very mild, then as I thought about it more and more it started to come on stronger that there was something wrong with me. People and places were familiar but dream like.

I began to over-analyze every single part of me and my life. Everything that happened I analyzed it "is this how you would've acted before all this?" "did this actually make you happy?" "are you faking this emotion?" until it just became meaningless.

I feel like i'm aware of everything. Too aware. I've never felt stronger about the saying "ignorance is bliss" because it truly is.

My anxiety has got to the point where everything is just meaningless now..going to see someone very soon.

I can still laugh at stuff and focus on stuff but if i think about my condition, anxiety rises and thoughts start to race all over again.

**** this lol i want to go back to how i was before but now i'm thinking, how can i after all of this? I can't just simply forget about this situation and my thought processes. My only shred of hope is the psychiatrist/psychologist knows exactly what i'm going through and has tools for me to eliminate this really strange and uncomfortable feeling.
I guess this is a temporary strange feeling in your life. It will pass away when you find something interesting to do. I often had such similar feelings before. However, I rarely have such feelings now. Maybe all the past depressions made me find my way to live. In this way, depression is a gift. Hope you cheer up soon!
I thought the same way of thinking what is the point if I die because millions of people die... did you know that 99% of all americans die at one point in their lifetime?
Then i realised how freaking awsome the world was scientificly, the power the beauty of the cosmos..........sigh......... anyway just look on the bright side of life, youre not dead is one thing, and other than phycologicly you are in perfect health, you have a job, you are getting help.