I think I'm losing my touch with reality.


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
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Or you know, going crazy.

I'm not entirely sure that I'm actually writing this thread; this might be a slightly vivid dream.

Half the time, I don't remember what I'm doing. I find myself staring into space, and I don't know what I've been doing for the past 15 minutes.

I can't concentrate; it doesn't feel like I'm actually in my body. I feel weak all over, fatigued, etc. I finally get what "mind-numbing" really means. I find it hard to converse with others, I can't concentrate on what we're talking about.

Sometimes I realize I've done some things, but I don't really remember about it. Example: I've had a conversation recently about a movie with a friend, but I don't remember its contents. I didn't even remember I had a conversation until he reminded me of it. It's like this: 12:00 ~ 12:30 ate lunch. 1:00 ~ 2:00 class. No idea what I did during 12:30 ~ 1:00.

It's been on for slightly less than a week. Maybe I'm not getting enough sleep? I mean, I'm accustomed to going without much sleep, so I dunno. I'm still sure that I'm not getting enough sleep anyway. I feel depressed like hell as well.

Maybe I should sleep more sometime.
You probably should get some therapy/advice, and maybe do some more activities (Hanging out with friends, going to events, etc) to keep your spirit up.

Also, yes, you should probably get more sleep- makes you feel more awake, energized, and happy during the day.
Burn it all down! Do it now Do it.
Quick, buy me L4D2.
1. Slam head on wall

2. Fall over

3. Wake up

4. Repeat 1-3 until you feel better
Sounds like short-term memory loss... Therapy and medication for you mah friend.
You probably should get some therapy/advice, and maybe do some more activities (Hanging out with friends, going to events, etc) to keep your spirit up.

Also, yes, you should probably get more sleep- makes you feel more awake, energized, and happy during the day.

The thing is, I hate "events". I hate concerts, and festivals and things like that: I've never been a real fan of crowds, and I've never been passionate about such things. Also, my schedule prohibits me from hanging out with my friends too often.

I guess things have been going downhill ever since I came to university. I despise change. And the friends I no longer see everyday... I find myself clinging to those old friends instead of trying to make new ones. People I can trust, you see. People I know.

Also, where the heck would I get therapy anyway? :p

I seriously want to make something explode: I'm not even sure I'm alive, and sensory overload might make me feel otherwise.

1. Slam head on wall

2. Fall over

3. Wake up

4. Repeat 1-3 until you feel better

I'd like something that doesn't involve brain damage, thank you. :p


Sounds like short-term memory loss... Therapy and medication for you mah friend.

I'm not too convinced that I should see a doctor. I "can't be arsed" to do it. Besides, I don't know where to start.
The thing is, I hate "events". I hate concerts, and festivals and things like that: I've never been a real fan of crowds, and I've never been passionate about such things. Also, my schedule prohibits me from hanging out with my friends too often.

I guess things have been going downhill ever since I came to university. I despise change. And the friends I no longer see everyday... I find myself clinging to those old friends instead of trying to make new ones. People I can trust, you see. People I know.

Also, where the heck would I get therapy anyway? :p

I seriously want to make something explode: I'm not even sure I'm alive, and sensory overload might make me feel otherwise.

I'd like something that doesn't involve brain damage, thank you. :p

If you need sensory overload, the best way to do that is to go to a concert and get front row seats... Otherwise you cause destruction and that's hardly ever good.

...Join the military?
If you need sensory overload, the best way to do that is to go to a concert and get front row seats... Otherwise you cause destruction and that's hardly ever good.

...Join the military?

Again, I've been to about 3 concerts my entire life. And all because my friends were going. I don't want to jump up and down as if I care some singer is here, nor do I want to scream my head off and get ear damage. I mean, I feel no passion at all. About anything, for that matter.

Sometimes I'm worried if I have something seriously wrong with my personality, because I simply can't act like those people you see on TV with good news: jump up and down and scream and smile as if the whole world is yours. I smile, I laugh, but that's about it. I don't do the whole jump up and down celebrating thing. I'm extremely reserved, you might say.

I can't feel any "burning passion" or desire or whatever they say that a young man should be feeling at my stage. It feels like all my energy has been zapped out of me. I'm starting to wonder if my capacity for emotion has been damaged - lately I've been feeling a whole lot of anxiety and nothing much else. Of course, when I went to the movies last night with my friends it felt good and happy, but after that.. nothing.
Very few people literally jump up and down with good news. And lack of desire to do things is a fairly common thing. Maybe you're just burnt out and have become out of touch with events and people around you. Stuff like that happens. If you find yourself "staring off into space" and lose track of time, not being able to really focus on what people say, might be you're just bored/not interested in what's going on around you.

I don't think you need to worry about being crazy. You might want to get more sleep though, and try to find things that give you back that "burning passion." If you don't like concerts, y'know, don't go to concerts because that's not going to excite you.
Sounds like depression to me. I wouldn't let any doctor prescribe you drugs for it, but reflect on things that made you happy in the past, and bring yourself back to them. You might rekindle that light, and find some new ways to have fun, and keep the flame going... Or find a girl to **** you. That always makes me feel pretty damn happy. XP
Did you leave anyone/anything behind when you went to Uni that you miss? If so, pretend you're starting over. You're starting with a clean slate, so you're going to be missing some stuff, but glad that other stuff is gone. Make some new friends; some will be massive assholes you'll find and you won't want to associate with any longer than necessary, but you'll make some new buddies as good or better as the ones you had beforehand.
Very few people literally jump up and down with good news. And lack of desire to do things is a fairly common thing. Maybe you're just burnt out and have become out of touch with events and people around you. Stuff like that happens. If you find yourself "staring off into space" and lose track of time, not being able to really focus on what people say, might be you're just bored/not interested in what's going on around you.

I don't think you need to worry about being crazy. You might want to get more sleep though, and try to find things that give you back that "burning passion." If you don't like concerts, y'know, don't go to concerts because that's not going to excite you.

I mean, I find myself having to feign enthusiasm - for almost everything. My mother calls from time to time and I have to purposefully put a little bit of laughter into my voice to act as if everything is happy happy. This seriously has me worried. I mean, you know that line in The Hurt Locker (which actually was the movie I watched with my friends yesterday) which said something about how as you grow up things stop being of interest to you? I think I'm at that stage. And I can't find anything new. I mean, I don't want to start going into Iraq and disarming bombs in a suicidal way, but still. It might have been cliche to people, but it really struck me.

And yes, I am seriously out of touch with everything. :p

I am seriously bored. I am fed up with everything. Maybe that's it. It's going to be hard finding things that interest me though.

Huh. I've never had this kind of "conversation". Don't want to worry my family with tales of how I'm losing my happiness, you see. Man, who needs therapy when you have helplife2.net. :p
I mean, you know that line in The Hurt Locker (which actually was the movie I watched with my friends yesterday) which said something about how as you grow up things stop being of interest to you? I think I'm at that stage. And I can't find anything new.

Whoa. I watched that yesterday too and felt the same thing. There's only a few things which I truly care about now, and only one major one.

This is what I'm doing: Try to broaden your spectrum. I'm not much of an athletic kind of guy, so I've taken up swimming, running, and soon to be rock climbing; I love it. Take up something new, and if it sucks, don't do it any more. You need a lot of self-discipline to keep doing new stuff when it all sucks, but it's worth it in the end.

I used to spend hours just sitting around doing nothing - video games sucked, books were boring, music wasn't enough and was more irritating than helpful - feeling sorry for myself like you are rather than doing something. From experience, that's the wrong way to go.
Get some sleep or do some cocaine.

Actually, I think I know why people turn to drugs: nothings makes them happy anymore.

Sounds like depression to me. I wouldn't let any doctor prescribe you drugs for it, but reflect on things that made you happy in the past, and bring yourself back to them. You might rekindle that light, and find some new ways to have fun, and keep the flame going... Or find a girl to **** you. That always makes me feel pretty damn happy. XP


Girlfriend, huh? I hope I get one one day, but I'm not a very social person, you see? :p

Did you leave anyone/anything behind when you went to Uni that you miss? If so, pretend you're starting over. You're starting with a clean slate, so you're going to be missing some stuff, but glad that other stuff is gone. Make some new friends; some will be massive assholes you'll find and you won't want to associate with any longer than necessary, but you'll make some new buddies as good or better as the ones you had beforehand.

Yeah... I know that I need to start making new friends, but it's a bit hard to start getting close to people. I knew my friends for years, I knew what problems they had, I knew what they liked, I knew that I could trust them, I could rely on them, and they knew they could rely on me. Meeting new people - it's a daunting task for me.

Whoa. I watched that yesterday too and felt the same thing. There's only a few things which I truly care about now, and only one major one.

This is what I'm doing: Try to broaden your spectrum. I'm not much of an athletic kind of guy, so I've taken up swimming, running, and soon to be rock climbing; I love it. Take up something new, and if it sucks, don't do it any more. You need a lot of self-discipline to keep doing new stuff when it all sucks, but it's worth it in the end.

You know what? I think that's a good idea. The 2 problems with it is that my school makes me do too much work, and I don't know how I would start doing such activities. How did you start?
You know what? I think that's a good idea. The 2 problems with it is that my school makes me do too much work, and I don't know how I would start doing such activities. How did you start?

To be completely honest? A girl that I am trying to get with. I just started about a week or two ago. That coupled with my annoyance at myself for being such a little bitch made me suck it up, and since I'm not exactly strong or anything, build myself to be more attractive. After figuring out how out of shape I was, it just pushes me to get in shape so I can be that much better.

I think the larger factor was just doing nothing -sucks-. As I'm sure you've experienced. If you have reservations about something, forget about it. Ever tried to go swimming in a cold pool/lake? Yeah, it sucks when you first try to get in, but if you just do it it's not bad at all. Sometimes you just gotta jump in; if you find out it really is too ****ing cold, then you can swim out no problem; nothing really lost except figuring out that it really is too ****ing cold, and you can move on to something else.

Edit: And like Darkseid said, if you're doing it with a few other people it's a lot harder to slack off and say "Well, I really don't have to do this today..." and instead do nothing since you have people expecting you to be there.
Girlfriend, huh? I hope I get one one day, but I'm not a very social person, you see? :p
I wouldn't worry about it; you're already feeling bored and fed up with things, getting a girlfriend will just suck the life out of you further.

Yeah... I know that I need to start making new friends, but it's a bit hard to start getting close to people. I knew my friends for years, I knew what problems they had, I knew what they liked, I knew that I could trust them, I could rely on them, and they knew they could rely on me. Meeting new people - it's a daunting task for me.
A good thing to do is, like myself and Kinslayer said, try finding something that interests you, and from there you can start meeting people who have the same interest. It's one of the easiest ways of making friends because you already have something in common.
I see.

Step one: Try new stuff

Step two: Find something that interests you

Step three: Find people who share same interest

Step four: Profit!

I do hope I can find something though.
step3.5: find some money.
Why am I Numbers?

Seriously, this is pretty much where my head is right now, its scary.

Maybe we need to start actually having emotions rather than putting a brave face on things and, in my case at least, actually thinking about what I want how I feel rather than stopping and analizing everything before I do it - which means I don't do it at all.

The only time I don't feel anxious is when I've resolved a thought as apocalptically as possible - if I've taken it there then it can't get any worse and I don't need to worry about it. I've completely written off all sorts of things because I simply decide that there is no way they won't end badly.

Don't mean to hijack, but this really is very similar to what I'm failing to deal with effectivly at the moment.
Why am I Numbers?

Seriously, this is pretty much where my head is right now, its scary.

Maybe we need to start actually having emotions rather than putting a brave face on things and, in my case at least, actually thinking about what I want how I feel rather than stopping and analizing everything before I do it - which means I don't do it at all.

The only time I don't feel anxious is when I've resolved a thought as apocalptically as possible - if I've taken it there then it can't get any worse and I don't need to worry about it. I've completely written off all sorts of things because I simply decide that there is no way they won't end badly.

Don't mean to hijack, but this really is very similar to what I'm failing to deal with effectivly at the moment.

No no, I'm kinda glad that I'm not the only one with issues on starting things.

I'll be asleep for the next 4 to 5 hours or so, so this thread's all yours. :p
kim jon il is testing a mental ray on you to turn the people of south korea into mindless zombies!

if you dont resist it he will use it on the rest of the country!

cmon numbers resist it! for the sake of your country!
See man, you need more than 4-5 hours of sleep. Go for 7-8. Actually go for 12. 12 sounds good.
See man, you need more than 4-5 hours of sleep. Go for 7-8. Actually go for 12. 12 sounds good.

Yea. Sleep does help. And if you start doing this, you should also attempt at lucid dreaming, too. It's pretty awesome, and people tell me it actually helps them out a bit, being able to do whatever they want with no consequences, and that it has "Healing Powers".
Sleep deprivation is nothing to joke about. I've seen a documentary where they showed the results of a long term "sleep deprivation experiment". Suffice to say that the test subject went from being a friendly out going person at the start, to being violent, short tempered withdrawn and paranoid at the end of the experiment.
You're driftin' outta touch, Doc. You're turnin' into a flake.
Damn Numbers, reading your posts makes me think I wrote'em.

These days I have problem finding the energy or motivation to do even things I like, such as playing games.

I'm hoping that my new internship will give me some new energy, I hope you find something that gives you renewed energy to do stuff as well.
I'm all for nihilistic discussion about the pointlessness of all human endeavour, but tbh Numbers you just sound like you're not getting enough sleep. Don't underestimate the damage that sleeplessness can do. 4-5 hours is not enough.
I'm afraid that sounds like a very communist frame of mind numbers. You should turn yourself in to the authorities for correctional education immediately.
Girlfriend, huh? I hope I get one one day, but I'm not a very social person, you see? :p\

Not necessarily a girlfriend, perhaps a friend with benefits deal... Just don't go for a 10 if you catch my drift.

But, perhaps that sounds suggestive, all I'm saying is, when you shoot a wad, life aint so bad anymore. :p
I went through the same thing last year. Get more sleep, trust me, it helps. Try new things, find something that interests you. If you're at Uni, then there's more than likely some kind of student club devoted to activity X. If you live on campus in dorms, then get out of your room and meet your neighbors. If you live off campus then find out where people hang out and go there. Preferably someplace that doesn't play loud music, like a coffee shop or something. Get some exercise, I prefer swimming, it helps to increase your metabolism and get to sleep faster.
exercise cures thousands of ailments, you probably should get some weights or go to a gym. you'll feel better and sweat it out. people have this notion that exercise only helps you body but it does wonders to your mind and well being as well. go for a jog and clear your head. if your not getting enough sleep get some. listen to your body. also add some more protein to your diet. you body may be deprived

-Doctor Warped

P.S. if you are bored, create something. maybe you are being fed so much garbage your mind can't take it anymore. so instead go create something; art, a song, website, you name it. hell even go plant a tree or adopt a pet
Yeah, you and me both Numbers. I've been having similar problems except disorientation.
Its like Im feeling bored all the time. Ok, boredom, sure - I say, but when I drop my ass behind the computer screen with the hope a game of HL Deathmatch would cheer me up, it ends up putting more oil into the fire. At one time I'm looking forward to play a game, but when I start playing It, It goes back to being boring again, you know, like zap.

I better start getting more sleep too, It's getting rediculous.
yesterday i was staring at numbers all day at work (not numbers from this forum but actual numbers) and i froze up towards the end of the day. like my mind went blank and shut down for about 20 mins. sometimes i get flashbacks and brain freezes like i was high or something but i haven't touched a bong in years. anyway its probably a phase but let me add that if someone offers you shrooms just stick with weed and alcohol. its safer
Definitely get more sleep Numbers. 4-5 hours is not enough for anybody. Also, try joining a sports team or doing some other sort of group activity. Not only will it help you meet new people, but it will make you feel invested in whatever that group's goal is, and that way you'll feel actual happiness when you accomplish it instead of having to fake it. It's ridiculously easy to become disconnected from other people or even the outside world in general, and when that happens, you stop being affected by it.
Numbersss :(

GET MORE SLEEP (at least 8 hours per night). Wake up. Stretch. Do pushups and situps, as many as you can manage. Do them again. Shower. Eat something that contains very few simple sugars and fats (cereal is the closest you should come to manufactured foods), and make sure to have some fruit as well. Relax for a little bit. Go for a jog. Read. Pick up a guitar. Read about something you've never thought about before. Do something new!

DO IT. You will feel tons better. If I were better at taking my own advice, I would be doing it all too, but I've maxed out at doing pushups and showering before I eat breakfast or turn the computer on. It takes work and it sucks, but I know I'll start feeling better soon.
Sounds a lot like a derealization episode.


But I can definitely relate to some degree. I normally just sit there and space out when i'm with people, and don't really pay attention to what they're doing. I'll be listening to what somebody says and realize halfway through that I have no idea what they're talking about, cause I was thinking about something completely different. Sometimes I don't notice people who've sat next to me, and sometimes I don't even notice how we got where we're going when we ride bikes through the city.

But I think i'm just super spacey. Maybe we're ****ing psychos though.
You're not losing touch with reality numbers... you're merely experiencing the altering reality of the simulation you have been living in caused by a depletion of vital elements from your blood. As soon as the proper nutrients are delivered to your body through the tubes tapped into your veins, you will experience a destabilization of perceived reality. Do not forget, you are in this for the benefit of all the great research minds in South Korea. Do not let them down.
You're spending too much time in front of a screen. Get off the internet for a couple days