I think it is time for something original

A girl walks into confession....

"Father for I have sinned, I have called a boy a "Son Of a Bitch"

Father replies, "Why did you do that?"
"Well he grabbed my arm..."
"Like this?" Said the father grabbing her arm....
"Yeah yeah, that's it!!"
"Well that's no reason to call him a "Son of a Bitch"

"But he grabbed my breasts!"
"Like this?" said the father feeling her breasts.
"Yeah yeah, that's it!"
"Well that's no reason to call him a "Son of a bitch"

"But he took off my clothes!!"
"Like this?" Said the father stripping her naked.
"Yeah yeah, that's it!"
"Well that's no reason to call him a "Son of a Bitch"

"But he stuck his 'you know what' in my 'you know where'!"
"Like this?" Said the father demonstrating.....

----5 MINUTES LATER-----
"Yeah yeah, that's it!!"
"Well that's no reason to call him a "Son of a Bitch"
"But he has AIDs!"


Wow, that was from a long time ago...

Danimal says:
ME vs MALCOM experienced...hard as hell... says:
Danimal says:
ME vs MALCOM experienced...hard as hell... says:
Danimal says:
ME vs MALCOM experienced...hard as hell... says:
Danimal says:
Sorry, you just ruined it
Danimal says:
There was no excuse for your unfuniness =P
ME vs MALCOM experienced...hard as hell... says:
megadeth - shadow of deatj
ME vs MALCOM experienced...hard as hell... says:
(dont download it)
ME vs MALCOM experienced...hard as hell... says:
ME vs MALCOM experienced...hard as hell... says:
its not even a friggen song
Danimal says:
Danimal says:
ME vs MALCOM experienced...hard as hell... says:
u can if u want.. but..meh
ME vs MALCOM experienced...hard as hell... says:
it just sounds fully meaty at the start
ME vs MALCOM experienced...hard as hell... says:
any heavy metal songs u reckomend me to download
Danimal says:
I don't know
ME vs MALCOM experienced...hard as hell... says:

ME vs MALCOM experienced...hard as hell... says:
what do u wanna do when u grow up dan?
Danimal says:
You know what
Danimal says:
I have no clue
ME vs MALCOM experienced...hard as hell... says:
ME vs MALCOM experienced...hard as hell... says:
ignore my busy
ME vs MALCOM experienced...hard as hell...( ignore the busy ) says:
i did some cool stuff on ut yesterday.. it will sound like im braggin though :\
ME vs MALCOM experienced...hard as hell...( ignore the busy ) says:
and why would ya care anyway lol
Danimal says:
I want
Danimal says:
ME vs MALCOM experienced...hard as hell...( ignore the busy ) says:
buy it ^^
Danimal says:
Danimal says:
Also, I am saving up for a new video card
ME vs MALCOM experienced...hard as hell...( ignore the busy ) says:
just download a new one
ME vs MALCOM experienced...hard as hell...( ignore the busy ) says:
Danimal says:
ME vs MALCOM experienced...hard as hell...( ignore the busy ) says:
Danimal says:
I know
Danimal says:
Good old Stan
Danimal says:
(His mum I mean... If it was his mum that said that)
ME vs MALCOM experienced...hard as hell...( ignore the busy ) says:
ME vs MALCOM experienced...hard as hell...( ignore the busy ) says:
so.. what are u up to
Danimal says:
ME vs MALCOM experienced...hard as hell...( ignore the busy ) says:
so ur just sitting there staring at this conversation
ME vs MALCOM experienced...hard as hell...( ignore the busy ) says:
so are we just posting chats on purpose?
in that case (mine are never long)

AIM IM with nina*****
5:39 PM
ne0_shiny: omfgwtfhax! a dinosaur!
You left the chat by logging out or being disconnected.
AIM IM with jessie****
6:22 PM
Clayton Ketner: atchung
jessie****: homework time bitches
You left the chat.

i guess most people i talk to online use their first name in their screen name...
2. Access to Library & Information Services

2.1 Opening hours

(a) Hours of opening shall be determined by resolution of Council.
Is this more than you bargained for yet
Oh don't mind me I'm watching you two from the closet
Wishing to be the friction in your jeans
#Version: 1.5
#Software: Microsoft Windows Firewall
#Time Format: Local
#Fields: date time action protocol src-ip dst-ip src-port dst-port size tcpflags tcpsyn tcpack tcpwin icmptype icmpcode info path

2005-04-19 23:03:22 DROP TCP 80 3746 294 AP 1954674275 1167759194 6516 - - - RECEIVE
2005-04-19 23:03:22 DROP TCP 80 3747 1500 A 1950311695 355781807 6432 - - - RECEIVE
2005-04-19 23:03:22 OPEN TCP 3750 80 - - - - - - - - -
2005-04-19 23:03:21 OPEN TCP 3718 80 - - - - - - - - -
2005-04-19 23:03:21 OPEN TCP 3719 80 - - - - - - - - -
2005-04-19 23:03:21 CLOSE TCP 3718 80 - - - - - - - - -
2005-04-19 23:03:21 CLOSE TCP 3721 80 - - - - - - - - -
2005-04-19 23:03:21 OPEN TCP 3722 80 - - - - - - - - -
2005-04-19 23:03:22 DROP TCP 80 3723 1500 A 3129041290 3261814483 7106 - - - RECEIVE
2005-04-19 23:03:22 OPEN TCP 3725 80 - - - - - - - - -
2005-04-19 23:03:22 OPEN TCP 3726 80 - - - - - - - - -
2005-04-19 23:03:22 CLOSE TCP 3724 80 - - - - - - - - -

woot! I copy my own name!

Wow, this is one old thread
[Adidas Roteiro Euro 2004]
ball.model = "MDL/BallRev_Ball_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Adidas/Adidas_Roteiro_EURO_2004.bin"

[Adidas Roteiro Glider]
ball.model = "MDL/BallRev_Ball_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Adidas/Adidas_Roteiro_Glider.bin"

[Adidas Roteiro Sala]
ball.model = "MDL/BallRev_Ball_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Adidas/Adidas_Roteiro_Sala.bin"

[Adidas Starlancer]
ball.model = "MDL/BallRev_Ball_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Adidas/Adidas_Starlancer.bin"

[Adidas Pelias 2006]
ball.model = "MDL/BallRev_Ball_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Adidas/Adidas_Pelias_2006.bin"

[Adidas Finale 2005]
ball.model = "MDL/Finale_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Adidas_Finale/Adidas_Finale_2005.bin"

[Adidas Finale 2004]
ball.model = "MDL/Finale_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Adidas_Finale/Adidas_Finale_2004.bin"

[Adidas Finale 2003]
ball.model = "MDL/Finale_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Adidas_Finale/Adidas_Finale_2003.bin"

[Nike Total 90 Aerow Hi-Vis]
ball.model = "MDL/BallRev_Ball_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Nike/Nike_Aerow_Yellow.bin"

[Nike Total 90 Aerow]
ball.model = "MDL/BallRev_Ball_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Nike/Nike_Aerow.bin"

[Nike Total 90 Aerow Azzurro]
ball.model = "MDL/BallRev_Ball_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Nike/Nike_Aerow_Azzurro.bin"

[Nike Total 90 Aerow Freestyle]
ball.model = "MDL/BallRev_Ball_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Nike/Nike_Aerow_Freestyle.bin"

[Nike Geomerlin]
ball.model = "MDL/BallRev_Ball_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Nike/Nike_Geomerlin.bin"

[Nike Tiempo Legend]
ball.model = "MDL/BallRev_Ball_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Nike/Nike_Tiempo_Legend.bin"

[Puma Shudoh]
ball.model = "MDL/Puma_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Puma/Puma_Shudoh.bin"

ball.model = "MDL/Mitre_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Mitre/Mitre.bin"

[Mitre Giallo]
ball.model = "MDL/Mitre_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Mitre/Mitre_yellow.bin"

[Diadora Attivo]
ball.model = "MDL/BallRev_Ball_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Diadora/Diadora_Attivo.bin"

[Diadora Super Goal Blu]
ball.model = "MDL/BallRev_Ball_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Diadora/Diadora_Super_Goal_Blue.bin"

[Kappa Special]
ball.model = "MDL/BallRev_Ball_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Kappa/Kappa_Special.bin"

[Molten v2]
ball.model = "MDL/BallRev_Ball_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Molten/Molten_2.bin"

[Umbro Micro Fibra]
ball.model = "MDL/BallRev_Ball_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Umbro/Umbro_Micro_Fibra.bin"

[Umbro Digital]
ball.model = "MDL/Umbro_Digital_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Umbro/Umbro_Digital.bin"

[Umbro Digital X]
ball.model = "MDL/Umbro_Digital_X_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Umbro/Umbro_Digital_X.bin"

[Old Classic Ball]
ball.model = "MDL/Vintage_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Vari/Vintage.bin"

[Adidas Capitano Milan]
ball.model = "MDL/BallRev_Ball_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Adidas/Adidas_Capitano_Milan.bin"

[Adidas Capitano Beckham]
ball.model = "MDL/BallRev_Ball_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Adidas/Adidas_Capitano_Beckham.bin"

[Nike Total 90 Aerow Freestyle Grey]
ball.model = "MDL/BallRev_Ball_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Nike/Nike_Aerow_Freestyle_Grey.bin"

[Nike Total 90 Aerow Freestyle Red]
ball.model = "MDL/BallRev_Ball_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Nike/Nike_Aerow_Freestyle_Red.bin"

[Nike Total 90 Aerow Elektra Black]
ball.model = "MDL/BallRev_Ball_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Nike/Nike_Aerow_Elektra_Black.bin"

[Nike Total 90 Aerow Elektra Red]
ball.model = "MDL/BallRev_Ball_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Nike/Nike_Aerow_Elektra_Red.bin"

[Nike Total 90 Aerow Royal Blu]
ball.model = "MDL/BallRev_Ball_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Nike/Nike_Aerow_Royal_Blu.bin"

[Nike Total 90 Aerow Team 250]
ball.model = "MDL/BallRev_Ball_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Nike/Nike_Aerow_Team.bin"

[Nike Total 90 Aerow Team 300]
ball.model = "MDL/BallRev_Ball_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Nike/Nike_Aerow_Team300.bin"

[Puma Cellrator]
ball.model = "MDL/BallRev_Ball_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Puma/Puma_Cellrator.bin"

[Puma Icane]
ball.model = "MDL/BallRev_Ball_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Puma/Puma_Icane.bin"

[Puma King]
ball.model = "MDL/BallRev_Ball_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Puma/Puma_King.bin"

[Puma Shudoh Light]
ball.model = "MDL/Puma_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Puma/Puma_Shudoh_Light.bin"

[Puma Shudoh Dark]
ball.model = "MDL/Puma_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Puma/Puma_Shudoh_Dark.bin"

[Puma Shudoh v2]
ball.model = "MDL/BallRev_Ball_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Puma/Puma_Shudoh_2.bin"

[Wilson Phantom]
ball.model = "MDL/BallRev_Ball_mdl.bin"
ball.texture = "Wilson/Wilson_Phantom.bin"

sry just saw this thread,my paste is quite long,warbie will probably get it
I think that the right question would be "So how do Stalinists justify the mass murders of millions of innocent men, women and children by Stalin?".

BTW. how is this not spam? Fun though.
If its something everyone enjoys, I don't see why it should be classed as spam. Spam suggests no purpose... this is here to entertain.
Everybody enjoyed a couple of threads I've made, that might have been considered as spam, but they were deleted/closed. Ah well, it's the past.
Chris Is New Bassiest

Was having a laugh about someones band website with a friend. They always spell "bassist" wrong even with numerous people correcting him. Plus the site is crap.

A child is simply a metaphor to giving your most loved thing, a life that you bred, to a cause that you truly believe in.
Dwight: It's time to prove to your friends that you're worth a damn. Sometimes that means dying. Sometimes it means killing a whole lot of people.
I didn't have anything on the clip board :|

Your signature exceeds teh 4 line limit, please shorten it.
I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of being shot down (as i know you want it so badly)

Danimal, Ranga, Fluke, TDE, Shippi, Sparta and all the other dorks.


oh, i sent this to danimal........

edit: i didn't say that.
Second order homogeneous and nonhomogeneous differential equations