I think the 15th for America...


Jul 5, 2003
Reaction score
Hl2 will be released on the 15th of November in America because Australia and other Southern Countries it's a day ahead. Australia always gets worldwide released games first.

Edit: Maybe offensive to some
Not.. Funny..

And no, that's not how it will work.

I mean, Valve IS in the U.S...
So Australians will have to wait a day till they can play the retail. Sorry to say but no they won't have to. I don't know the law with this but if the game get's released on the official day in Australia on the 16th and people can't play it. That is kinda illegal isn't it? So they will unlock half-life2 early...You watch. Quote me on it...
Does it really matter if australians play it on the 17th?
Err... You are making this so complicated.

HL2 will be available in the US (Valve time) on the 16. On THAT DAY for U.S. time, it will be released to the world. At the same time.

So basically, yes, some people will get it "early" if you want to call it that, but we are really getting it at the same TIME. What does it matter what date it is?

Basically, no one is getting it BEFORE anyone else.
It may LOOK like that on a calender, but it's not.
I really wonder how they will do the unlocking. Since i'd have to wait AGES before getting to play HL2 if they unlock it sometime on the 16th Valve time. (ATI voucher thingy).
MaxiKana said:
I really wonder how they will do the unlocking. Since i'd have to wait AGES before getting to play HL2 if they unlock it sometime on the 16th Valve time. (ATI voucher thingy).

Yeah it's gonna be a loooooooooooooooooong day hehe.
Yep to the Calender it's the same day. But technically in real life time Australians get it a day early. lmao. So ner ner.
Kamakiri said:
Yep to the Calender it's the same day. But technically in real life time Australians get it a day early. lmao. So ner ner.
Umm... To the calender it's a DIFFERENT day.


Kamakiri said:
So Australians will have to wait a day till they can play the retail. Sorry to say but no they won't have to. I don't know the law with this but if the game get's released on the official day in Australia on the 16th and people can't play it. That is kinda illegal isn't it? So they will unlock half-life2 early...You watch. Quote me on it...

thinking about this is making my head hurt.
Seems like understanding the different timezones is too hard ;)

At the same time is at the same time, it doesn't matter where you are. If I shout now, I shouted everywhere at the same time, no matter where you are.
guess what, we're a day ahead of you, so that means we're in the future. We have flying cars, aids is cured, and anarchy has ensued Canada. The future is crazy. Too bad you're a day behind us.
|Jz| said:
Seems like understanding the different timezones is too hard ;)

At the same time is at the same time, it doesn't matter where you are. If I shout now, I shouted everywhere at the same time, no matter where you are.
Right! Exactly! Yes! Good! On we go!
will the specialedition come as same time as normal version in australia? RETAIL?
scarecrow1 said:
will the specialedition come as same time as normal version in australia? RETAIL?
Err.. If you could form those words into proper sentences, I could answer properly...

But from what I could translate, yes, the "Same Time" rule applies to that aswell.
No. The collectors edition will be released (atleast in Finalnd) on the 30th november.
VU has a huge head office in Australia. Bet they have it now. :D
A nice and simple way to solve this would be to either

A. find out what CSCZ was released like on steam (h2 will probly be the same)

B. ask valve.

not just randomly guess and confuse a load of people.
yep already sent Gabe a email. Rubbing it in to vegeta897 pending...
Kamakiri said:
Yep to the Calender it's the same day. But technically in real life time Australians get it a day early. lmao. So ner ner.

Er nope they wont. I think you will find they are in front of Amaerica and therefore they will get it after as it will be 12hrs into the day in Aus. Allthough technically we all get it at the same time as whenever it is released we all get it day night.....whenever
let them get it first, they are behind is everything else ;)
Aphex Tw][n said:
Er nope they wont. I think you will find they are in front of Amaerica and therefore they will get it after as it will be 12hrs into the day in Aus. Allthough technically we all get it at the same time as whenever it is released we all get it day night.....whenever
no im pretty sure they are in front, as they celebrate new years pretty much first in the world

edit, after rereading your post i am tottaly lost and dont know what u are trying to say, so what i just said might make no sense, ummmm :bonce:
mutt said:
no im pretty sure they are in front, as they celebrate new years pretty much first in the world

edit, after rereading your post i am tottaly lost and dont know what u are trying to say, so what i just said might make no sense, ummmm :bonce:

I live in the EASTERN time zone.
If I were to send an E-Mail to someone in the CENTRAL time zone, it's not like they will get it an hour later.

Kamakiri said:
yep already sent Gabe a email. Rubbing it in to vegeta897 pending...

going by ur logical...NZ will get it first.... but no... it gets released in USA 16th, NZ 17th. Which are the same day.

anyway, steam will get it at the same time as who ever the hell gets it first.
I'll be playing HL2 12:01am on November 16th...so you're not getting it first ;)
vegeta897 said:

I live in the EASTERN time zone.
If I were to send an E-Mail to someone in the CENTRAL time zone, it's not like they will get it an hour later.


Veg, people realise that.

What they are saying is that technicaly the australian retailers will have the game first since they open first.

so either steam will luanch Hl2 according to auss time or theres gonna be a load of angry non aussies wondering why they have to wait.

personaly im not fussed, got college tueday anyway so meh...
When Valve release HL2 on the 16th of november (midnight) U.S time (Pick a time zone :) ) in the U.K where I am it will be the same day at around 08:00AM (in the morning). In Australia it will be around 16:00 hrs approx (afternoon) All on the same day and at the same time.

Sorry to go on :angel:
US DVD/CD/Game releases come out on Tuesdays. It's going to come out Tuesday the 16th, not a day or two before or after. Places like Best Buy (I work at one) hold new releases in the wherehouse and put them out for sale on Tuesdays.

There will probably be a couple retard stores that sell it as soon as they get it shipped in, though (ala Doom 3).
Kamakiri said:
Hl2 will be released on the 15th of November in America because Australia and other Southern Countries it's a day ahead. Australia always gets worldwide released games first.

Edit: Maybe offensive to some
Argh. Note to people from other countries - Not all Australians are this stupid.
Jackathan said:
guess what, we're a day ahead of you, so that means we're in the future. We have flying cars, aids is cured, and anarchy has ensued Canada. The future is crazy. Too bad you're a day behind us.

awww! i wanna live in the future!
Alright, listen up. This is very simple.

Midnight, November 16th is indeed some time on the 17th in Australia.

However, for retail purposes the worldwide release date is the 16th. This means copies will reach Australian (and other respective countries) stores by their very own November 16th. This means that if a store in Australia releases the game on November 16th, they are technically following the global release date even though it is only the 15th in the States. Understand? It has nothing to do with time travel or kangaroos or anything. Just take a moment or two to catch up.

However, what ramifications this has in light of a Steam release have yet to be determined. Similarly, it's all too common for the date to be adjusted to reflect the international date difference (i.e. for an Australian date to be pushed back a day). There's no definite proof this will be like, say, Halo 2 which is to be released on November 9th across multiple countries, and as such will be playable in NZ first, Australia second, and maybe even a couple more before the States hit midnight on the 9th.
Thats it, I'm buyin a plane ticket to Aussie town!

Marty, its time to go Back to the Future!

(1000 posts! w00t! aww, but I'm not a prowler anymore)
f|uke said:
Thats it, I'm buyin a plane ticket to Aussie town!

Marty, its time to go Back to the Future!

(1000 posts! w00t! aww, but I'm not a prowler anymore)

come to NZ, where 3 hours in front of em :D lol
Yombi said:
come to NZ, where 3 hours in front of em :D lol

is new zealand REALLY that far away from austrailia? but they look so CLOSE on the map...this throws off my entire concept of reality... or spacial relationships, at the least