'...I took the liberty choosing for you'?!


Oct 14, 2006
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Meh, I wondered wether the fact, that the Gman hasn't yet mentioned his employers in the HL² series and the quote from above led me to the thought, that Gordon's 'contract' has swapped from the People who employed the gman in HL1 to someone else, cause otherwise it would make no sense that the Gman first had Gordon accept his offer by offering him a 'choice' that had to be reaffirmated after his stasis. Of course, in HL² Gordon wasn't offered a choice, but the Gman mentioned there was one- what led me to the theory that the Gman was- in fact- not anymore employed by the people whom he was employed by in HL1 and so on....:cheers:
Gordon never had a choice. In HL1 he was just given the illusion of a choice, rejecting GMan's offer would lead to instantanious termination...
stop thinking and just play the game, its far easier that way.
Why? What if Valve are actually agents of Gman who makes these games up to challenge us to see who is able to beat the game. Thus ensuring Gman has a healthy supply of capable individuals at his disposal. :O

PS. Valve is Aperture Science, they are testing us all over again. Double :O :O
PSS. The crayon is a Nazi, but the pie is good.
I think that the g-man is a mercenary. In HL1 his employers are the Combine paying to get Nihilanth killed so that they can break through and that in HL2 his employers are the Vortigaunts/resistance to liberate Earth. This is of course, pure speculaiton,
I'm thinking G-Man is a total third-party representing a third faction (Nihilanth and Co. being the first, Combine the second) with their own empire. The third faction, however, has a problem dealing with these problems, requiring the use of a fourth-party (Freeman and probably others).

So, G-Man's empire has corned the Xen/Nih empire, and tries to cut them off at Xen. They refuse, and try to escape to Earth when the portal opens (the portal's opening seems a bit convenient, and probably involves the Xen empire). The third faction realizes the portal will open and sends the G-Man there to stop them, but it's too late, and the Xen being spill out. G-Man quickly gets Gordon (he may have some special powers or importance due to being the one who opened the portal) to stop the portal and succeeds, also destroying the Xen empire.

Here, something happens and the Combine get through. G-Man's faction stops celebrating at the death of Nih and realizes that another group is about to destroy the universe. Gordon is awakened, and sent to stop them.

It makes sense, right? Sort of?

The combine chased Nithilanth to Xen, so part of your theroy is invalid, but It's pretty good.
Hrm. Well, the point is G-Man's trying to get them both. He "aids" the Combine with the Nith threat by using Freeman, then later, when the citizens are ready for rebellion, he sends him back in. Then G-Man waits for the Combine downfall or whatever is next, but the Vorgs pull Gordon out for unknown reasons, possibly in retalliation against G-Man's empire for something.
The only purpose of the Gman is to cause an intense brain masturbation among the players, that's all. I don't think that anyone at Valve ever know who he is or who are is masters. He was put there as the strange factor, now they must have a serious headhache to find a good way to explain everything. And if they are really m... f... geniouses like in Zombie Movie they will never give any explanation!
The only purpose of the Gman is to cause an intense brain masturbation among the players, that's all. I don't think that anyone at Valve ever know who he is or who are is masters. He was put there as the strange factor, now they must have a serious headhache to find a good way to explain everything. And if they are really m... f... geniouses like in Zombie Movie they will never give any explanation!


(please :<)
Throwing all specualation aside for the moment, here's what we know:

1. G-man was looking for "recruits" in Half-Life. These would be Adrian Shephard and Gordon Freeman.

2. G-man engineered the events of Black Mesa to make Gordon his tool. Exactly how far he engineered these events is unknown.

3. G-man required permission from his employers at the end of the first game in order to "hire" you.

4. You did not have a choice in accepting the job.

5. No further mention of employers ever made.

6. End of HL2, you learn that the G-man has been receiving offers for hiring you out to other parties. He normally wouldn't consider these offers.

7. There is no concrete evidence that Gordon Freeman was hired by the resistance in the same manner that the G-man has received other offers.

This is what we've got to go on. It's not much, as you can see; it's all just fuel for a hundred different speculation furnaces. You can pretty much interpret these facts in any number of ways: the G-man had permanent employers but doesn't now; the G-man was hired to make Gordon into his field agent from some other party; G-man had a contract and used Gordon and Adrian for the "hands-on" part of that job, and decided to keep Gordon around; G-man still has permanent employers that he defers to, but since Gordon is "his," he can loan him out to other people; etcetera, etcetera.

Right now we just have too little to go on to narrow down to even a handful of legitimate theories. Speculate away, folks.
I know, GMan is Gordon from the past.

EDIT: ya rly.

You did say speculate. :p
Why? What if Valve are actually agents of Gman who makes these games up to challenge us to see who is able to beat the game. Thus ensuring Gman has a healthy supply of capable individuals at his disposal. :O

cuz if you own half life 2 and have not finished it you suck fat balls cuz as the game can be challenging its not that hard.
Kacation_man? Spell. And makes sense.

Sense good.
Well, you made sense, but I had to cross reference a little.
Throwing all specualation aside for the moment, here's what we know:


I still say mine makes the most sense :p

I had an earlier theory where he was employed by the Combine in HL1 and from another empire in HL2, but that seems to be too far-fetched. I think the main key we need to unlock G-Man's mystery is his employers (in fact, I think we know everything about G-Man himself, now we need to know who employs him).

We should make a full list of everything known and not known. Helps people understand the story at its current position. Including me (especially since I haven't actually fully played through HL1/2 for being a total pussy :<)
We should make a full list of everything known and not known. Helps people understand the story at its current position. Including me (especially since I haven't actually fully played through HL1/2 for being a total pussy :<)
What're you doing here without finishing the games? You're getting spoiler'd, y'know.

And I agree, the key to learning about the G-man is with his employers. Two things I forgot to mention that we know:

8. The G-man is referred to as an "interdimensional bureaucrat" by the Episode One website.

9. npc_gman.cpp. The most important piece of information that no one but me ever talks about. "G-man: Purpose - misunderstood servant of the people."
9. npc_gman.cpp. The most important piece of information that no one but me ever talks about. "G-man: Purpose - misunderstood servant of the people."

Where is that line located? I'm just wondering.

Anyway something else that is important is the fact that Gman at the end of HL1 says that Xen is in their control for the time being, thanks to Gordon. I would assume that would mean his employers have Xen and are using it to their advantage. Even though Gman doesnt mention his employers in hl2 I would assume that his employers are the same because the Combine pose a threat with their technology, and the Combine's attempt to master local tele. It would seem that the Combine would threaten what Gman's employers got in hl1, which is bad news for them.

Gman's end speech in HL2 sounds like he is looking for new employers, and from judging by the episodes it looks like the Combine were making a bid. But it doesnt matter because the Vorts stole Gordon. Yeah for Vorts!
1. G-man was looking for "recruits" in Half-Life. These would be Adrian Shephard and Gordon Freeman.
Well, he doesn't really recruit Adrian, merely collects him.

2. G-man engineered the events of Black Mesa to make Gordon his tool. Exactly how far he engineered these events is unknown.
It is known he used the events of Black Mesa. It is never stated he engineered them.

3. G-man required permission from his employers at the end of the first game in order to "hire" you.
And they seemingly didn't allow him hire Adrian.

We also know:
  • People who survive against all odds remind him of himself.
  • He seems to be able to avoid being attacked by Xenian wildlife (houndeyes and antlions seem to ignore him. The guard in Power Up also seems to have not noticed him (surly he would have mentioned something)).
  • He is seen:
    • Arguing with a scientist before the resonance cascade. It is unclear what the g-man says but the scientist seems to be opposed to pushing the equipment "beyond its safe levels".
    • Talking to a HECU commander
    • Talking into a mobile phone
    • With HECU troops who take no notice of him
    • Talking with Oddessa Cubbage prior to a gunship attack
    • On a television being watched by a Vortigaunt and a refugee
  • He can interact with real-world objects (ie, he is not just a psychic prodjectiong)
Yes, but I once mailed Laidlaw about the canon thingie and he replied, op4 shouldn't be considered (at least not too much) canon, also did he say he doesn't take in credit the events from the addons, only does he develop the story on the original series. The addons were kinda 'accidents'...Ps: Ever noticed Barney isn't ever acknowledged in HL² as being Barney Calhoun?!? XD I also wrote about that cause I liked the idea VALVe could actually shit on Gearbox, make their own deals with the story and create their completely own Barney!!!11one
Yes, but I once mailed Laidlaw about the canon thingie and he replied, op4 shouldn't be considered (at least not too much) canon, also did he say he doesn't take in credit the events from the addons, only does he develop the story on the original series. The addons were kinda 'accidents'...Ps: Ever noticed Barney isn't ever acknowledged in HL² as being Barney Calhoun?!? XD I also wrote about that cause I liked the idea VALVe could actually shit on Gearbox, make their own deals with the story and create their completely own Barney!!!11one
I smell a misquote. Can we see the exact words he used? And yes, it is acknowledged in the HL2 end credits that he is Barney Calhoun (not much, but what else are they going to have him do, make an off-coment about Rosenburg?)
What Roimahire said. Especially after Laidlaw has said they are canon before. Or maybe this email was old and he has retconned it?
Well, he doesn't really recruit Adrian, merely collects him.
In the end, Gordon far outlived his expectations, so there was no need for anyone else. But he was looking at Adrian as a possible employee. Like you said, even though his employers said no, he still ends up "preserving" Adrian because he reminds him of himself.

It is known he used the events of Black Mesa. It is never stated he engineered them.
I should have said that he manipulated events, rather than engineered. Bad choice of words on my part.

We also know:

  • He is seen:
    • Talking to a HECU commander
It should be said here that the G-man is possibly responsible for the creation of HECU itself, as he was seen at the base two months prior to the incident, and directly following that Adrian and his fellow marines are "recruited" for this special training. Whether HECU was an existing unit or was created solely for the impending disaster at Black Mesa is unknown.

Yes, but I once mailed Laidlaw about the canon thingie and he replied, op4 shouldn't be considered (at least not too much) canon, also did he say he doesn't take in credit the events from the addons, only does he develop the story on the original series.
Opposing Force and Blue Shift are considered canon. It's been said numerous times that they are. Many of the things that occurred during those games have played, or will play a part in the storyline; for example, Black Mesa being nuked, and the character Adrian Shephard.
Yes, Marc agreed to nuke Black Mesa, but he implied that I should simply believe he gave the orders to nuke BM to the gman himself^^ And no, the mail is not old. He also stated that the Race X aliens was an idea Gearbox came up with and doesn't have to be explicitly considered Canon. As I said, VALVe doesn't take over all the stuff Gearbox 'invented'.
Race-X is canon but they'll never be used again. So they existed...but you'll never see them again.
9. npc_gman.cpp. The most important piece of information that no one but me ever talks about. "G-man: Purpose - misunderstood servant of the people."

Which People?

Servant? Is he ultimately ensuring the survival of the human race? Or the vortigaunt race?
9. npc_gman.cpp. The most important piece of information that no one but me ever talks about. "G-man: Purpose - misunderstood servant of the people."
You realise that was probably put there by some random HL2 coder as a joke.
You realise that was probably put there by some random HL2 coder as a joke.
Doubtful. More likely it's correct information that Valve left in there for someone to find, as we end up finding all their little easter eggs. What would be the point of putting it in there as a joke anyway? It'd be a pretty terrible joke. "Ha ha, we mislead the few souls who actually found this!"

No, the real joke is how nobody knows about it, and even when they hear about it, they're not like to believe it. Everyone wants to know the truth about the G-man, and there it is, but nobody believes it or talks about it. That's irony at its best. Go on believing he's an evil alien or a time traveling Gordon. ;)
stop thinking and just play the game, its far easier that way.

Hey. posting on this forum gives ANYONE the right to ask questions, that's why i'm here, to learn about HL2 and the rest of its universe. If I wanted to just play it, I wouldn't be here. Thankfully, there are people like Samon and Darkside who help others to learn what they are interested in... If you don't want to think, and mindlessly play video games without thinking or learning ANYTHING than post some where else!
It's a nice phrase. "Misunderstood Servant of the People".

Good ring to it.

Misunderstood, eh?
Hey. posting on this forum gives ANYONE the right to ask questions, that's why i'm here, to learn about HL2 and the rest of its universe. If I wanted to just play it, I wouldn't be here. Thankfully, there are people like Samon and Darkside who help others to learn what they are interested in... If you don't want to think, and mindlessly play video games without thinking or learning ANYTHING than post some where else!
I do so TOTALLY agree with him. I know a person who owned HL1 for quite some time, and at some point I started learning about the game, especially after receiving HL², but even before, I was stuffed with information about the plotline of a game I haven't even played thru yet ;)
Anyhoo, I think Missunderstood servant of the people has some secondary meaning...We know for sure he is a servant..But rather of his random employers...But people? Does VALVe quote simple intergalactical buraeucrats, who have been employing the gman and Gordon as PEOPLE??? Weird. Missunderstood...Frankly, I dunno wtf that means. But! We all know the gman has been an object of wide speculation with many theories...of which some might be missunderstood, or rather his very own purpose...Ergo: He's a 'servant' for a wide array of people, and often, we don't know his Goals and therefore he might be MISUNDERSTOOD :p