I Want It THIS Way

lol at the kid in the back trying to ignore them :LOL:

edit: and the entire baby got book things just ****ing awshens
Look at her BIBLE it is SO HUGE
She looks like one of those Preacher guys girlfriends
Who understands those Preacher guys anyway?
They only talk to her cos she looks like Mother Theresa

My minister tried to console me, but that book you got makes me so holy.

She got grace, pretty face, she ain't goin down to the bad place.

I don't know why, but the two singing Asian kids bother me. It's like they're mocking English or something. I know they're not, but it just comes across that way. They're really just mocking the Backside Boys.
Thanks, i found this one there:


this classic Audi Quatro Group B rally car video gets my heart beating fast.

Group B was banned years ago becuase they have too much horsepower and they are very dangerous and hard to control. The snow banks on the sides of the roads actually make it safer keeping the car from flying off the road if control is lost.

this video is worth the wait to watch. It takes a while to download becuase it is 4minutes 40 seconds long video clip

I drove this car to victory in the Group B class on Collin McRae Rally 2005 -xbox/PC
very hard to control. very powerful and fast
spookymooky said:
In other news, why is there no audio.google.com ?
google is only a couple years old.

The video google is a beta (prototype)

EDIT: oops--no one has replied yet, admin/moderators sorry for double post
joule said:
Sentimental ROFL

This calls for... the video.

"My protest is about uhhh, numerous uhhh grand thefts and embezzelments."
First : Poor lad in the background, just trying tp play CS :LOL:

Second : Already saw it. Contains deadly amounts of awesomeness.