I want to be a woman

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Chicks don't need guys, infact I don't see why they go through all that crap with guys who have 5' tools when they can just go buy an 11' cucumber.
i think if you found yourself a nice enough girlfriend, you would want to be with a woman, rather than be a woman.
Lou said:
not getting laid (?) doesn't mean you are asexual... don't be so harsh on yourself. It will happen, some day :)

well true ive never gotten laid but thats not my point. And besides I'm only 16 so its not like Im some 40 year old guy.
Lou said:
not getting laid (?) doesn't mean you are asexual... don't be so harsh on yourself. It will happen, some day :)
Actually there are asexuals. It doesn't mean they havn't gotten laid yet, it means they actually don't have any sexual interests or desires whatsoever.

I wish I was one of them too, it would make life much less stressful.
Ennui said:
If I wasn't getting a kngHenry vibe before, I definitely am now.

Heh, that's the first thing I thought of when I saw the thread title.
I want to be a hunk......... MY WISH IS GRANTED!
Want to be a woman? To get a load of cawks? Sick shit.
Lou said:
Because women have it easier than men. If I was a woman I would marry a rich man and never again worry about finding a job or making ends meet. Of course, I would have 0 intimacy with that man. Just for the record, I am 99.9999999% straight.

PS: Noone is 100% straight, not even you, <enter your name here>.

You are soooo wrong. Women have the following things that make it undesirable to be them:
1) Periods
2) PMS
3) Breasts
4) You are judged faster
5) Social interaction with other girls can be mentally destructive
6) Social interaction with guys can be superficial (at times)
7) No one takes you seriously if you work in a male dominated field (eg IT)
8) Its way more difficult to be successful and make money or get into a position of power
9) Long hair
10) Takes more physical energy to do the same stuff as guys (most of the time)
11) You try and make friends with guys, but they think you're "interested" in them. (happened to a friend of mine multiple times)

and if you want to be a trophy wife, then you are a tool.

I can add more reasons later if you arent convinced.
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