i want to buy a gladius


Nov 17, 2003
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does anyone have any suggestions on where to look? all the sites im looking at just look like shit and its hard to trust them.
Most people know it by the romans, but the romans adopted it from Iberian Celts. They respected it so much they decided to use it for their own troops =)
Is it sad that I knew it from Diablo and not the Romans?
nutcrackr said:
Is it sad that I knew it from Diablo and not the Romans?
Haha, I knew it from Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem.

I knew what a gladius was from Rome total war haha. and they say video games dont teach us anything.. i say RUBBISH
You are correct KidRock :)

You can learn all types of stuff like how to get into bullet time =P

And buildings are indestructable
Aye, the roman shortsword that forged the greatest empire the ancient world ever saw: the Gladius. A well-balanced thrusting weapon, perfect for slipping between the ribs of an opposing army.

You'd have to talk to smiths who specialize in sword making. I doubt its that hard to get one, although itll cost you some serious dough (several hundred to a thousand bucks, easily).
Kabukiavenger said:
Aye, the roman shortsword that forged the greatest empire the ancient world ever saw: the Gladius. A well-balanced thrusting weapon, perfect for slipping between the ribs of an opposing army.

You'd have to talk to smiths who specialize in sword making. I doubt its that hard to get one, although itll cost you some serious dough (several hundred to a thousand bucks, easily).

I seriously want to take up the art of blacksmithing. Can make a good living that way if you got good at it, I would think, considering how much people pay for swords and stuff for their collections. Heh.

Besides... it'd be a cool as hell hobby!
ive recently started making chainmail, its a fun hobby.
Raziaar said:
I seriously want to take up the art of blacksmithing. Can make a good living that way if you got good at it, I would think, considering how much people pay for swords and stuff for their collections. Heh.

Besides... it'd be a cool as hell hobby!

its also damned hard work, particularly for making blades, they have to be QUALITY, or they'll shatter.
Kabukiavenger said:
its also damned hard work, particularly for making blades, they have to be QUALITY, or they'll shatter.

Umm yeah... of course it would be. Where did I say it would be easy? One would have to master the 'art'.
MadHatter said:
Forget the gladius, get a hand-and-a-half sword.
shh if i get that i wont get my legionnaire costume. :angry:
Ahhh, then be sure to get your lorica segmentata and scutum shield as well. Some pila couldn't hurt either.
i wont forget my gallic style helm either. and 2 pilae ;D and a glock.
gh0st said:
that is sexy.. and expensive. ill have to save my pennies
yeah, real swords, made by quality smiths aren't cheap :(

you could buy just a bare gladius blade (blade and tang) for like half as much, if you know how to make your own handle, pommel and hilt :)
(that mainz rheingonhiem gladius is pretty sweet :O)

if you want to be a total bad-ass, forget about rome, go for the ancient lands of hyborea!!