I want to visit Valve... How?

I am going to Valve next week either Monday or Thursday. This is so sweet!!!!! WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT I am so pumped right now I will take lots of pics dont worry guys what shuold i take pics of yes this is sweet rad yes

For hosting go to


Can upload any file as long as it's under 15 MEGABYTES... Otherwise you have to get special permission :) and you don't have to do any of that copy-paste into address bar or anything... it's 100% free :) for all files and not just pictures.. I use it all the time.

Go dressed up in a cardboard HEV suit, or make a quick and dirty headcrab (I remember someone here was making a latex headcrab a long while ago) and wear that in :) that would be so awesome!

good luck! :D I wish I could go :\

*edit* merc that is awesome!!!!!!! You lucky son of a bitch :D :D :D

video = ownage

*edit2* Oh and make sure you bring a long legal pad with some hotly debated issues in the forums, like will HL2 be available on DVD or something, or can Gordon do the splits......... only the most important issues of course :D :thumbs:
Iced_Eagle said:
Go dressed up in a cardboard HEV suit, or make a quick and dirty headcrab (I remember someone here was making a latex headcrab a long while ago) and wear that in :) that would be so awesome!

Who has a cardboard HEV suit?

*waits for thousands of obessesive HL2 fans to start talking about their suit*

patten said:
They actually let a class from my school go and visit them. They all came back with signed posters. My teacher, the one that went on the trip with the students, said they were pretty cool about it and said they got to see a lot of things. He couldn't tell me anything about the game however .

Your school sounds so cool. (hey it rhymes :))

merc : You better bring back something. :cheers:
If I had the money, and the power, i'd hire a small group of recently retired S.W.A.T team members to deck up in lifelike looking Combine gear with voiceboxes, and(of course with the permission of the local police department to wield replica guns*airsoft would do, since they are 100% realistic looking*) have them raid Valve headquarters. Of course they would have video and picture cameras hidden somewhere on their persons so that we could see the shock and reaction as a squad of combine storm their offices to get at gabe.

:rolling: :LOL:
Who has a cardboard HEV suit?

probably those people who made that 4,000 dollar exact replica of the halo suit :D :D :D heh except their suits are made with sometihng better than cardboard :p

plus it would take you probably 3-4 hours to make one of those things....... get out the spraygun and paint boxes orange and just put boxes on, and some clear plastic as the viewing hole... even tho you would look totally stupid.. but I laugh at stupid things (which is why wild boyz owns on mtv!)
Raziaar said:
If I had the money, and the power, i'd hire a small group of recently retired S.W.A.T team members to deck up in lifelike looking Combine gear with voiceboxes, and(of course with the permission of the local police department to wield replica guns*airsoft would do, since they are 100% realistic looking*) have them raid Valve headquarters. Of course they would have video and picture cameras hidden somewhere on their persons so that we could see the shock and reaction as a squad of combine storm their offices to get at gabe.

:rolling: :LOL:

hahaha... total.....ownage.....

Gabe would absolutely piss out his morning coffee he would be so scared!!!!!! and then doug would be like all "wtf?" and then the modeler who made the combine would be like "dude am i stoned or is that really what i made?" :rolling: :E
Are you kidding? Doug would probably say, "Get back in the boxes you losers, you're not ready for shipment yet!"
I know where Valve's building is, it's about 15 minutes from my house. When HL2 goes gold, I'm going to bring them a treat of some sort to be determined later. I'm hoping I'll get a couple autographs for my trouble. :)

Have fun, merc!
merc said:
I am going to Valve next week either Monday or Thursday. This is so sweet!!!!! WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT I am so pumped right now I will take lots of pics dont worry guys what shuold i take pics of yes this is sweet rad yes

Oh, and just for the record, there are a lot of people who say Valve doesn't care about their gamers, or that they're pricks, or that they're secretive, or that they sacrifice goats to their heathen lords, or whatever.

Note what just happened: random person sends Valve a request for a tour. They go "Sure, these days work for us. Come on over!" Just like that.

I hope everyone realizes how mind-numbingly awesome these guys are. They're in a major push to get HL2 out the door, probably working 60-hour weeks, frayed nerves, haven't seen their families/friends in forever -- and they make the time in their busiest hour to have regular old fans like you and me over for a chat and a dog-and-pony show. It's rare to find good friends who'll drop everything for you like that, let alone a company that's trying to make money and a quality game.

Props to you, Valve. You guys f***ing rock. :cheers:
Raziaar said:
If I had the money, and the power, i'd hire a small group of recently retired S.W.A.T team members to deck up in lifelike looking Combine gear with voiceboxes, and(of course with the permission of the local police department to wield replica guns*airsoft would do, since they are 100% realistic looking*) have them raid Valve headquarters. Of course they would have video and picture cameras hidden somewhere on their persons so that we could see the shock and reaction as a squad of combine storm their offices to get at gabe.

:rolling: :LOL:

Gabe can see you. :D
Here is a picture of the crowbar I found in my yard and painted up.. I am going to give it to Gabe when I go :)


GorgeousOrifice said:
Oh, and just for the record...

Props to you, Valve. You guys f***ing rock. :cheers:

That was, *sniff* so touching...

No really, you hit it just perfect. No one but Valve could be so cool.
merc said:
Here is a picture of the crowbar I found in my yard and painted up.. I am going to give it to Gabe when I go :)


Is that small or is your foot big. :p
it is pretty small, it fits in your hand quite nicely.. i have it set up next to my computer as a memory of my half life playing days :cheese:

They'll think you're a rabid fan trying to kill Gabe with a crowbar because HL2 was delayed and arrest you :upstare:
uhh? did ur toes have to be there? its a bit discusting u know
marty905 said:
uhh? did ur toes have to be there? its a bit discusting u know

O nos, people have feet. Disgusting! :) lol
marty905 said:
uhh? did ur toes have to be there? its a bit discusting u know

because his belly wasn't big enough to hide them?
Heh you could have moved your toe like 1" down a bit more to get it out of the picture, once the picture even loaded that was the only thing that I really noticed because it stood out. I bet Gabe has gotten a crowbar each time someone has visited valve, probably has a room with crowbars just tossed in there.

Remember to wear the Gabe Newell=God T-Shirt!
You MUST get a t-shirt and some printable iron-on transfer paper. Print out pics from the "Booth Gabe" thread, add some appropriate text/whatever to tie it together (a witty slogan?) and wear it there. Bring an extra as a gift. :)
Merc, awesome ^_^

Make sure you bring a piece of Valve back to the forums.
omg omg........ I'ma ask LionHead Studios in the UK if I can have a tour :D
Gabe would give more tours, but he can't pull himself away from World of Warcraft long enough to talk to anyone.

It's true. Look at him at E3, he just played WoW the whole time. Those poor guys standing around him really want a go.


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So hes too busy playing WoW rather than working on HL2?...

goodbye community
Hehe I remember seeing a picture of a japanese girl a few years back. She had what appeared to be a cowboy hat on her head (well kind of). But the interesting part was that she had strapped around 10 digital cameras (or ordinary ones. Don't remember that) it & then linked them to 1 trigger button. Therefore, she could take panorama pictures wherever she went. Quite cool actually.

Plz do that if you go there :D Bet Valve would really laugh :)
Joeyslucky22 said:
So hes too busy playing WoW rather than working on HL2?...

goodbye community

Hello? Gabe's a gamer like us too, he doesn't want to work like a robot 24/7 on HL2. He has all the right for his leasure.
Poor Gabe, he barely fits into the seat... :)

Damn you Blizzard, bring WoW to the UK Now !
Oh, and Merc what a shit crowbar.. u got gorgeous feet though ;-)
He's wearing the same shoes I bought to mow my lawn with.
merc said:
Here is a picture of the crowbar I found in my yard and painted up.. I am going to give it to Gabe when I go :)



You sure they will let you through security if you start wielding a crowbar? Whatever you do, if Gabe is waiting for you at the doors, DONT Run at him with the crowbar shouting HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERES MERC!!!! COME 'ERE GABE!!!

The last thing we need is the game to be delayed because of an FBI investigation on how a community member got beaten to death by the Golden Valve crowbar.

dura said:
He's wearing the same shoes I bought to mow my lawn with.

You mow the lawn with shoes?
dura said:
He's wearing the same shoes I bought to mow my lawn with.
Somehow I seriously doubt that. Why would Gabe wear your shoes? And at E3 too?
I know why Valve are on the forums, they are all doing community service after being convicted of producing confused masses of fans.
ya i think he should crop hes foot and that toe nail ... it makes me shiver