I want to visit Valve... How?

look at the pic u took ur toe nail is like yellow and ask a doctor if its an infection
I'm a little uncomfortable looking at misformed feet. Perhaps its because my feet are so perfect.
Anyone saying his toenail is ill/infected looking clearly has no idea what they're talking about..

His toenails look fine, maybe a bit oddly cut, but who cares?
Greg Coomer said:
Gabe would give more tours, but he can't pull himself away from World of Warcraft long enough to talk to anyone.

omg lmao, I can see Gabe playing that game :E
babyheadcrab like omg you can :D that's why somebody posted him a picture of him playing it :p lol

But seriously he does look like the warcraft kind of guy....

Out of curiosity, did anyone see Gabe at GuildWars booth? Or did he just sit at WoW and make his slaves do the presentations :p

*edit* Oh and guys, seriously stop talking about his damn feet... who cares? are you like all future foot doctors or something? (sorry to anyone who actually is a foot doctor :p )
We recently had some HL fans from Seattle bring us homemade cookies and ice cold milk. That was pretty cool.

lol ... Greg comes over and it's like heyyyyyyyy greg... look it's greg.... Cliffe (if indeed it's the real cliffe) comes over and it's like total silence. I think it would be better to announce thyself in the newbie section.
Can we get a mod in here to verify Cliffe :angel: ?
Shuzer said:
The second was by Algor, who I believe also simply asked for a tour.

The third was WillH.

Shuzer, you cockbite :p
I'm pretty sure I was second. or at the very least the site reported me before Algor. Not a big deal, just had to call you a cockbite.
I'm pretty sure it's Cliffe :p I mean even if it wasn't would you guys complain cause he was starting a rumor about people bringing valve milk and cookies? I hope not lol lol lol :p

If I had the time/money I would organize a road trip pickiing up HL fans from Wisconsin to Seattle (as long as they paid their share for food/gas/hotel :D )

Hey valve guys, if I give you my brothers birthday cake, can you pay for a plane ticket? I mean it's awesome cake! 18th birrthday cake, with a Buzz Lightyear! Marble cake!! Ohh Gabe I know you are salivating all over yourself by now, so just send me a plane ticket ASAP so it doesn't get old.... :D :D :D

Yea that's how you beg valve to go see their offices guys :p Use your heads!
Well it's like checking a $100 bill before you accept it. Even if you have no reason to doubt it is real, even if it looks perfectly real, feels real, even smells real, you might as well check, so you don't get screwed :p It's nothing against the bill, but you gotta check ;)
Ahhh... The Valve guys are alive after all. :D It's very fun to see Valve people on this forum.

There's a TV-serie about the code theft on NBC that starts next week.

Will they uncover the truth? Watch the exciting episodes of V-Files.
The might-get-an-award show were the search for the "REAL" truth continues.

It's REEEAL, It's TERRIFING, It's what you all have been waiting FOOOR!

Soon on NBC.

