I was in a car accident :(


Sep 3, 2003
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No one was injured fortunately but my mates car has been totaled. We'd just been on holiday in Newquay for the past week and we were going home on the M1. We were just outside Nottingham in the fast lane and it'd been raining so there was quite a lot of water on the road.

Well anyway, I was sat in the front but I didn't really see much of what happened because I was reading something, but an old bint in front of us slams on her breaks and my mate had to break hard. Unfortunately it wasn't enough and it took us careening into the back of her car. The thing was there was another van behind us that wasn't keeping minimum distance so my friend didn't break has hard as he could to prevent the guy behind us from running into us which could have made things a lot worse. My mate managed to gain control of the car and get it on the central reservation but since the car wouldn't start after that the police had to stop all traffic on the North-Bound M1 so they could push the car over to the hard shoulder.

Eventually a pick-up truck came to get us and we had to endure the long journey from Nottingham to where we live and my mate had to endure £120 just to get it off the Motorway and another £300 for the tow home. They gave my friend a caution for "Driving without due care and attention" and put him on a driver-improvement scheme as well. Of course the old woman in front of us reckoned we weren't keeping minimum distance, just before she started her car and drove off with a few scratches on her bumper. I suppose the main thing was that nobody was hurt though.
mortiz said:
No one was injured fortunately but my mates car has been totaled. We'd just been on holiday in Newquay for the past week and we were going home on the M1. We were just outside Nottingham in the fast lane and it'd been raining so there was quite a lot of water on the road.

Well anyway, I was sat in the front but I didn't really see much of what happened because I was reading something, but an old bint in front of us slams on her breaks and my mate had to break hard. Unfortunately it wasn't enough and it took us careening into the back of her car. The thing was there was another van behind us that wasn't keeping minimum distance so my friend didn't break has hard as he could to prevent the guy behind us from running into us which could have made things a lot worse. My mate managed to gain control of the car and get it on the central reservation but since the car wouldn't start after that the police had to stop all traffic on the North-Bound M1 so they could push the car over to the hard shoulder.

Eventually a pick-up truck came to get us and we had to endure the long journey from Nottingham to where we live and my mate had to endure £120 just to get it off the Motorway and another £300 for the tow home. They gave my friend a caution for "Driving without due care and attention" and put him on a driver-improvement scheme as well. Of course the old woman in front of us reckoned we weren't keeping minimum distance, just before she started her car and drove off with a few scratches on her bumper. I suppose the main thing was that nobody was hurt though.

Glad to hear that you're alright.

So how far away from this old lady's car were you? Was your mate paying proper attention? Did he keep his distance?
I'm pretty sure we were @ minimum distance, but like I said I wasn't really paying attention and my mate later said he didn't break as hard as he could have.
Glad too see you're ok.

I can appreciate how crap some old people are on the road, their brains aren't as fast as they might like to think.
Harryz said:
Why did the woman slam her breaks for?

Unknown, there was something going on on the other side of the road (there was already a police van there so we didn't have to wait long on the central reservation). My mate seemed to think it was people slowing down to look at what was going on.
Owww, unlucky. I have been along that road many times, seen lots of accidents.

Hope everyone's ok.
oh that freakin sucks ..at least no one was hurt ...but ya that sucks ..jeez $600 (canadian) for a tow? that's freakin expensive
Most old people I encounter on the road drive very dangerously and shouldn't be on the road.

I think old people should take a test every 10 years.
mortiz said:
I'm pretty sure we were @ minimum distance, but like I said I wasn't really paying attention and my mate later said he didn't break as hard as he could have.

Well obviously not. If the driver didn't have time to stop he obviously wasn't far enough away.
Feath said:
Well obviously not. If the driver didn't have time to stop he obviously wasn't far enough away.

That's the problem; the driver behind us wasn't far enough away. If he'd have broke hard we'd have probably had the guy behind us hit us and have been pushed into the car in front. Being a twisted metal filling in a car sandwich is not a good situation to be in.
Harryz said:
Why did the woman slam her breaks for?

She saw an animal lolz. i think that it's hilarious that old people are still allowed to drive any motored vehicle. There have been many accidents on I4 (my interstate that i live like right next to) in the past few weeks, atleast
10 deaths caused by them, and i think that old people are the ones that are driving the damn cars
Kamikazie said:
10 deaths caused by them, and i think that old people are the ones that are driving the damn cars

Thank god for your fair and balanced judgement, Kamikazie :rolling:

But yeah, old people are teh sucks for driving.
People should keep getting tests so they can hold their driving license. It's just not right that if you get it nowadays, you can be a driver for the rest of your life.
Once you're 70, you have to take a test every 10 years I think...
kirovman said:
Once you're 70, you have to take a test every 10 years I think...
Just take a test every ten years after you got your driving license.

Maybe then people will learn what the different signs mean.

Example: You can only drive in one direction in my street. There are signs at the end of the road that you can't enter. What do most people do? Ignore it.

They even dare to shout at other cars that are coming from the other direction.

If only Munro was here to stop them...
i hate car accidents, the feeling of just being one and causing damage to your car and other peoples cars is like death
mortiz said:
That's the problem; the driver behind us wasn't far enough away. If he'd have broke hard we'd have probably had the guy behind us hit us and have been pushed into the car in front. Being a twisted metal filling in a car sandwich is not a good situation to be in.

You know what, if he would've breaked hard, he would've just messed up the rear end of his car+lady behind him would be at fault. Your friend made the wrong decision.
DiSTuRbEd said:
You know what, if he would've breaked hard, he would've just messed up the rear end of his car+lady behind him would be at fault. Your friend made the wrong decision.

Hm, nice logic. An accident involving three, possibly more cars, is better than an accident involving two? As far as his own standing he probably made the wrong decision as if he had braked hard he probably wouldn't have received the blame but as far as the safty of everyone I think he made the right decision. What's more important?
In Germany, both victims are automatically at fault. Unless you drive into a telephone poll, then you're just an idiot.
I was in a plane crash. My whole family died, and I am a vegetable. I'll be in tomorrow.

*Not exactly word for word, but its along the lines.
mortiz said:
Hm, nice logic. An accident involving three, possibly more cars, is better than an accident involving two? As far as his own standing he probably made the wrong decision as if he had braked hard he probably wouldn't have received the blame but as far as the safty of everyone I think he made the right decision. What's more important?

Saftey if you hit anyone at any speed, they will all have sore necks and maybe bruses. It doesn't matter, if he couldn't stop intime he obviously was following tooooooooo close, way too close. And if the person behind him was right on his bumper, he still shoulda braked enough to not hit the car infront of him, the lady that would've hit him from behind would've been at fault also. All 3 of the drivers need to learn how to drive correctly. You should be in control of your car at all times.
i thought it was a wreck due to rubber-necking (people watching other wrecks), in which case i would have gone off on that practice in general, but seeing as how it's just an old person, I'll go off on the elderly. They really need to begin enforcing driving ability for seniors. Sure, I hope to be old some day but if I can't drive, I shouldn't be on the road causing harm to someone else.
I agree, when (hopefully) get old I wouldn't want to hurt someone because my reflexes were too slow, or (I know this has happened in canada) I mistake the gas pedal for the break:O .