I will die on

Friday, July 18, 2053

Nice. I'll put it in my diary.

It's such a shame, the 'WINTHELOTTERYCLOCK' had me down to win £2billion on Saturday, July 19, 2053.

Lifes a bitch.
Hey at least there is a few days to blow all the cash on wine woman and fun. :)
Hey you will die in 2053 and ill go in 2057.

Leave all the remaining money to me. :)
Everyone dies when their 80 according to this clock if i remember correctly.
Well, at least some of you guys might make it in time to play Half-Life 3. We all know that Half life 3 will be released on Saturday, January 19, 2053. Ah crap Pobz, your screwed. You die the day before HL3 comes out.

The sequal to Half life 3 will be called "Half-Life 1 ka-jillion ¼." But it won't be released until the year 3067. Gabe will still be the same age because he is really the G-man in disguise. :eek:
sabre89 said:
Everyone dies when their 80 according to this clock if i remember correctly.
Not me! :)

Saturday, April 26, 2081

Wow... :D
Letters said:
Not me! :)

Saturday, April 26, 2081

Wow... :D
Actually he updated the clock once everyone caught on.
I noticed the BMI factor. I only got 1,860,544,072 seconds left to live and im wasting them posting on this forum!!! :eek:
Saturday, September 21, 2058 for me...gee, that's not very long, but I spose 73 aint too bad a haul :)
Wtf!?! I am currently a smoker and it said i would die in 2040...

But then I used all the same info and clicked non-smoker (for the hell of it) to see how many years longer I would live... and it said 2038!??!

so your telling me that smoking will make me live 2 years long! YES! wait till I show this to my parents!!!

Friday, March 15, 2083

keep clicking "check" and it changes ;p
what? i have a bmi of 16, im a non-smoker, and just because im pessimistic im gonna die in 2042?(dec 7). bullshiiiiiit.

were i sadistic i would die in 2025. Thats ****ing 37 years old.

pessimism(a light dose) is actually more healthy than optimism, because if you are always looking at everything to be good, your gonna get a face full of shit and hate yourself.(if one were truly optimistic and saw everything in a positive light optimism would be better. but then theyd be all: "so um yeah, your mother and brother were killed in a plane crash, and your wife was molested mutilated and chopped up into cubic inch pieces" "really? wow.....hey, at least there will be fewer mouths to feed!")

id say im realistic,(not pessimistic to the point where everything is shit, but pessimistic where i dont have too high of expectations, etc, and optimistic when considering results(provided it is appropriate)), which is really the best of them all. so, ill multiply "optimism" by my own little factor here(based on the other factors) *fumbles hands* and, voila! i will die on: march 1st, 2095. thats a good age i guess....107.

except im going to die in a crazy accident(burning car, 200+ mph, blazing through a 69 foot loop-de-loop onto a 100 foot high ramp(250 ft long) and over it off a 4000 foot cliff, where the car will explode just after my ejector seat blasts me out, the attached rockets firing, wings unfolding, where i will execute insane barrel rolls and end in a magnificent corkscrew that i will pull up out of at an altitude of 20 feet, diving out of the seat onto the ground, where i will do a diving commando roll, kill 27 lions with a portable grenade machine gun, running away from 4 cheetas, finally firing off my backpack, which will be a solid steel container with a charge of AP powder exploding backwards(killing the cheetas) and igniting 200 bottle rockets. the gigantic AP explosion will knock me off my feet over another cliff, rupturing my eardrums, making my eyes bleed, and i will freefall off this cliff(6000+ feet) until i almost reach the ground. at an altitude of approximately 27 feet i will pull a cord igniting the rockets inside my shoes, landing me safely at a downward force of 1.5g. stripped down to my ninja gear, i will fight katana, nunchaku, shuriken, psi, and fist against a horde of 180+ of the worlds greatest ninjas, samurai, and martial artists(of whom i will of course be the best), finally meeting my doom when i am overcome by 27 katanas piercing my body simultaneously(after being struck by dozens of knives, darts, shurikens, and minor wounds from swords and staffs), instantly emptying my body of all its blood while my brain suffocates in approximately 11 seconds.) when my life has reached a point where i cant do crazy shit anymore.
A complete random gimmick..... Playing on peoples curiosty with there own mortality. :rolleyes:
Friday, August 21, 1992

Hmmm....I did get rather ill that year.

Monday, September 2, 1985

Oh my...thats just over a month before i was born.
Cool, so it also tells you when you 'should have' died. I can see how that could be useful... not!

It would be more useful if it could tell you how you will die, too though...

I guess this means im invincible until 2053 - so I can have some fun with trains! :D

If I die tomorrow im going to sue the guy that coded it.
Tuesday, June 7, 2061

Heh, that would mean i'd die at the age of 70... :p
Tuesday, December 6, 2072

Kick ass. 68 more years, which means = age 84. :D
Friday, October 17, 2059 , i guess not too shabby for a smoker lol.
Hmm for me it doesn't matter whether I've got a BMI of <21 or one of >45, and I could smoke and still die in 2061. This rocks!
Tuesday, October 5, 2060

Tobad u guys, ur gunna have to live me for a lonnnngngngngng time :)
if im optomistic: 2080

if im pesimistic: 2049

so if im happy, ill die 31 years after than if im sad...

Im going to live to "this page cannot be displayed" oh yeah! I can never die! :p
the seconds seem to move a lot slower when your optimistic and faster when your sadistic. But shouldn't it be the other way around, happy people's lives fly by, depressed SOB's feel like every second takes forever.

ah well, silly fun none the less.
Saturday, February 8. 2059.

And I am going to die by a freak Accident

It should have more variables to make it more precise, i.e. Current Health problems, do you live in the city?
Tuesday, June 11, 2080.

That's... 96 years old...

Except by them medical science may be able to make one immortal...

"I'm gonna live for-ev-a! I'm gonna learn how to fly!..."
Tuesday, December 30, 2059. I'll be 73yrs old according to this.
Omg I dont get to see 2060. :x
Scary stuff, depending on whether I give up smoking, drinking and boinking loose women I barely know, I'll depart this mortal coil either in 2014 (aahhh!) or 2063 (better). Better tell Candie and Sherrie that I've joined the monkhood and lay off the moonshine.
Hey adder I didnt know you where back.

Send the moonshine to me and give me candie's number. :)
btw if you haven't already, then check some of the hate mail the guy gets....some people are just...doh!
June 8 2079 mwhahahha
or April 28, 2063 --im between Optomisim and normal
Seconds left to live...


:O :O :O :O :O :O
I don't want to die a virgin :(