I won't be leaving these forums

I love these here forums :D

And it's a great community, really is, have some good mates here.
including me :D...?

does not being a member of the fanclub count :| ?
ComradeBadger said:
I love these here forums :D

And it's a great community, really is, have some good mates here.

Hey man I recently read a thread where you said you had been gone for a while and came back, so welcome back.
And I have a question: What is the difference between a super mod and just a mod, and why do I see a lot more posts from mods than super mods, and finally who is the BIG KAHUNA here, of this site, you know the BIG CHEESE, THE MAN, the guy who can even ban a mod or isn't their one, is it a cooperative undertaking.
who is the BIG KAHUNA here, of this site, you know the BIG CHEESE, THE MAN, the guy who can even ban a mod or isn't their one, is it a cooperative undertaking.

dont mean to jump in,, but that would be Munro wouldnt it..?
That would be Munro. And supermods wield power over all forums, whereas mods are confined to segments.

They can ban too :)
clarky003 said:
dont mean to jump in,, but that would be Munro wouldnt it..?

Clarkey have you read my post on the "why can't you go fatser then light thread" its the last post, I would find it intersting if you anwserd. I like to know what tkind of science philosophy you follow if any.
i just answered Parrot's rather rude response to my views, but I included a little answer there for you :)

are scientist's always so inpolite..?
The Dark Elf said:
Yeah but a leaving post is taking the piss, you gotta agree. I mean yeah, people can make good friends, its just getting silly with making threads for the sole reason of seeing what people are gonna say about you.

personally i have no problems with a person making a goodbye thread as long as they are really leaving or just won't be around as much as they used to be.

my reason is simply that some times u create friendships here and then rely on this site to keep in touch.. (i know do this to keep in touch with some of u) and make a funny here and there :)

the problem begins with pple like Shampoo aka BHC who makes a goodbye thread once every frickin 2 months.. and its not even so much as to "don't reply to the thread" its more of the guy losing credibility regardless of how little a goodbye thread seems.

TDE, for instance if u left this place without a word, i'd be sad and disappointed that u didn't get to hear from me at least one more time..
Heh Freeman, I've quit this site more times than most people realise, I just never broadcast it :)

And as I say in an earlier post, people who are friends from the site would stay in touch, if they want a clean break then they likely didn't think much of their "friends" in the first place, if they don't even keep in contact with them.
clarky003 said:
i just answered Parrot's rather rude response to my views, but I included a little answer there for you :)

are scientist's always so inpolite..?

Sorry Clarkey, if I said something impolite, I didn't mean it. :laugh:
Oh yeah and do you still believe that that dude who has patented the zero point energy device is for real, cause I just went to his site and it said he did it in 2002 and he wanted it to be in production in a year, so by now shouldn't it have come on to market, and I can't find his patent on the us patent office site. So could you help me.

And DARK ELF , about that keeping in touch thing. Well the most people I mentioned I do not keep in touch, its sometimes more about like liken to read their comments and so, like lets say you read a paper and a guy/girl has a collumn, and after a while you really start to feel like you know the people, this is how this is only more personal caue you know yo ucan post anwsers to them, but if I left I don't think I would keep in touch caue it would be just wierd, would I write to them "hey its me grey fox, I rember you, you were that goofy guy on halflife2.net"it would be akward. Well I mean I could write stern if I had love problems, but thats just cause its commonly known that he is the love doctor.

(edit: now that I look at it maybe you're right, but for some reason I would still feel sad)

And about you as a hero, well have you ever read this thread http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=44255&highlight=short+story+internet
there is a guy that write cool interseting stories, I think his writing style would really match you're character. Think about it it could go like this(only a lot more dramatic and better written/spelt). "Woke up in the morning, felt like I had been drivin over by a truckload of bushmils, logged on to the internet, my friend ComradeBadger was there joking, but my head hurt so bad I didn't even notice him, And we are talking here about a guy that could give THE TERMONATOR a wedgie, anyway I logged on to my site, only to find some LMAO's had written yet another goodb thread, it was this guy's third this weak, I decided to make sure he didn't ever post again" You could be like the uber ANTI-HERO super mod!!! Do you have a blog, it would be cool, you could like keep a score of how much folks you have banned.
Im suprised you havent got a blog your always talking about yourself :P.
And I would have to say that there is no point "quitting forums" if your bored of it dont go as often and if it gets more interesting become a regular again. Thats what I do
Grey Fox said:
Sorry Clarkey, if I said something impolite, I didn't mean it. :laugh:
Oh yeah and do you still believe that that dude who has patented the zero point energy device is for real, cause I just went to his site and it said he did it in 2002 and he wanted it to be in production in a year, so by now shouldn't it have come on to market, and I can't find his patent on the us patent office site. So could you help me.

And DARK ELF , about that keeping in touch thing. Well the most people I mentioned I do not keep in touch, its sometimes more about like liken to read their comments and so, like lets say you read a paper and a guy/girl has a collumn, and after a while you really start to feel like you know the people, this is how this is only more personal caue you know yo ucan post anwsers to them, but if I left I don't think I would keep in touch caue it would be just wierd, would I write to them "hey its me grey fox, I rember you, you were that goofy guy on halflife2.net"it would be akward. Well I mean I could write stern if I had love problems, but thats just cause its commonly known that he is the love doctor.

(edit: now that I look at it maybe you're right, but for some reason I would still feel sad)

And about you as a hero, well have you ever read this thread http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=44255&highlight=short+story+internet
there is a guy that write cool interseting stories, I think his writing style would really match you're character. Think about it it could go like this(only a lot more dramatic and better written/spelt). "Woke up in the morning, felt like I had been drivin over by a truckload of bushmils, logged on to the internet, my friend ComradeBadger was there joking, but my head hurt so bad I didn't even notice him, And we are talking here about a guy that could give THE TERMONATOR a wedgie, anyway I logged on to my site, only to find some LMAO's had written yet another goodb thread, it was this guy's third this weak, I decided to make sure he didn't ever post again" You could be like the uber ANTI-HERO super mod!!! Do you have a blog, it would be cool, you could like keep a score of how much folks you have banned.
Somehow I just don't see me doing a blog. What might be interesting to one person almost never is to someone else, unless they go on about who they slept with that night, and frankly things like that shouldn't be broadcast to all kinds on the net, besides I'd get bored fast with something like that.
ComradeBadger said:
I've been thinking of doing a blog, I think I lead a mildly interesting life :o

Just give me a link to the site, if you decide to do it.
I'd love to hear how you gave Arnie a wedgie. :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :afro: