ice breaker

[Rapid-Fire] said:
anyone show me what this Hydra looked like or what the hell it was.
This is the best shot that's just laying about. Oddly enough, I don't think we've had any official screenshots of the Hydra since this one from an early build: you can tell it's very early, because Alyx is back in her "two-toned bodysuit" that was cut before E3 2k3 in an attempt to make her more of a stand-out character (now she has a tomboyish mechanic look). What's especially weird about this is that the first videos showed the Hydra in a later build, where Alyx was decked out in her Black Mesa Hoodie and looks like she does now, yet I can't find any screenshots from that version: If interested, search for the "sewers" video (I think).

Anyway, back on topic, here are 3 shots of the Borealis: 1 2 3

General concensus I think we can safely say: it looked crap on the interior. Looks interesting on the exterior. Notice also the prototype hud in one of those shots: these must have been from the initial batch.
looks like crap on the inside? looks awesome to me. By the way, there were zombies in the borealis too? gotta get that making the game book or w/e.
A bunch of badly textured pipes that erratically twist all over the place and plenty of Fires that have absolutely no reason for existing? Looks total crap to me. Those screenshots have the same feeling I get from bad UT2004 Deathmatch maps: Big cubes with static meshes stuck onto the walls and floors. Ugly, Ugly, Ugly.

Of course, they could have improved it and it would have looked great: case in point is kliener's lab which has the same craptacular look. But the point is that in the state it was in the screenshots, it looked damned fugly.
A bunch of badly textured pipes that erratically twist all over the place and plenty of Fires that have absolutely no reason for existing? Looks total crap to me. Those screenshots have the same feeling I get from bad UT2004 Deathmatch maps: Big cubes with static meshes stuck onto the walls and floors. Ugly, Ugly, Ugly.

How do you know the fires are there for no reason...there was a come under attack. And, the interiors look great, actually.
Samon said:
How do you know the fires are there for no reason...there was a reason...
Fires just jutting out of a metal plated floor are there for no reason. How the hell are the burning? They're just glued on because the particle effect looked pretty.

Otherwise, I can't argue with your opinion on the interiors, but I do request that you never come over and decorate my house ^^
Fires just jutting out of a metal plated floor are there for no reason. How the hell are the burning? They're just glued on because the particle effect looked pretty.

Otherwise, I can't argue with your opinion on the interiors, but I do request that you never come over and decorate my house ^^

Lol, i meant they look go for them bieng on a battered and worn icebreaker ship :p

As for the fires, i suppose, but then again how else could you do them?

and you must remember the icebreaker was created way back on the source engine, when it wasnt as shiny as it is now
Samon said:
and you must remember the icebreaker was created way back on the source engine, when it wasnt as shiny as it is now
Indeed, just like I pointed out about Kliener's Lab above. When I first saw that shot I was wondering about what the fuss was about. With work, the interior of the Borealis would have looked fantastic: my point is that in the state it was abandoned, it didn't paricuarly look that great.
Indeed, just like I pointed out about Kliener's Lab above. When I first saw that shot I was wondering about what the fuss was about. With work, the interior of the Borealis would have looked fantastic: my point is that in the state it was abandoned, it didn't paricuarly look that great.

agreed :)