id Software Confirm Summer 2004 Ship Date for Doom 3


Sep 11, 2003
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Activision and id Software Confirm Summer 2004 Ship Date for Doom 3

"This summer we're sending game fans on a first-class trip to Mars -- with a layover in Hell," said Todd Hollenshead, CEO, id Software. "DOOM 3 is coming to the PC and delivering the most atmospheric, terrifying and visually mind-blowing gaming experience ever conceived." :bounce:
Man how sweet is this! Finally words from id itself!
wayne white said:
now thats a game with no crappy screenshots!

must i dig up screenshots of pixelated/blocky enimies, shitty texture work, scenes lacking detail?
NOOOO!! not Doom3 vs 'the other' again. Please let's all be happy for us gamers get to be spoiled this summer

*cumbaja mylord, cumbaja* blablabla
Xtasy0 said:
must i dig up screenshots of pixelated/blocky enimies, shitty texture work, scenes lacking detail?
SURVEY SAYS: the trolls won't stop, even if you do...

On the other hand, great news, can't wait to play :)
Great news!! I wouldn't be surprised if D3 and HL2 are released days from eachother.
:dozey: I can't wait to get that game. Matter of fact you know what i'm gonna do when I get it!?!? I am going to play it!
ailevation said:
:dozey: I can't wait to get that game. Matter of fact you know what i'm gonna do when I get it!?!? I am going to play it!

It's at times like this that I'm so grateful that I've 5 months off for summer :)
Awesome! I can't believe it's that close!
"DOOM 3 is coming to the PC and delivering the most atmospheric, terrifying and visually mind-blowing gaming experience ever conceived."

He shouldn't make wild claims like that. It makes him sound like a prick.
my i join in on the OMFG SWEET!?

cant wait

ElFuhrer said:
He shouldn't make wild claims like that. It makes him sound like a prick.

a lot of people would agree with him, including myself
No he's not. I could count the polys on that last Hellknight screen. Stalker looks better anyway.
And I can count the number of brain cells you have.

Just Kidding. :) :cheers: :)

But seriously, this only helps PC gaming in the long run. I hope it comes out in early to mid june. :)
ElFuhrer said:
No he's not. I could count the polys on that last Hellknight screen. Stalker looks better anyway.
Stalker won't be out before Doom3, so he's still correct. :p
He said "ever concieved"... I know it's marketing, but it bothers me.
ElFuhrer said:
No he's not. I could count the polys on that last Hellknight screen. Stalker looks better anyway.
then Stalker also looks better then HL2 :dork: . and yes he is correct, it will be the best game ever concieved.
Pitbul said:
then Stalker also looks better then HL2 :dork:

No kidding, captain obvious.

Pitbul said:
. and yes he is correct, it will be the best game ever concieved.

Been to the future, have you?
"DOOM 3 is coming to the PC and delivering the most atmospheric, terrifying and visually mind-blowing gaming experience ever conceived."
The word "conceived" infers that Doom 3 will look better than any game that is even just barely in engine development. They know what features their engine will be able to handle and, thus, they can conceive the visual quality of their final product. Doom 3 doesn't even stand up to engines that are practically feature-complete and have been demonstrated to the public already... such as Unreal Engine 3. So, how does he expect it to compare to games that won't be finished for another three years?

I think he just used the wrong word... either that or he seriously underestimates the rest of the industry.
It's just a marketing thing guys, they're supposed to overplay their games. Don't look too deep into it.
Wow, you guys sure are taking his comment seriously.

To the guy complaining about polycounts, this is really a non-issue at this point in technology. In the past, progress was measured by polycount and how many colours can be rendered, this is no longer the case. We are at a point in technology where a new paradigm is in order, and this is what JC has done. Rather than polycounts, games will now be measured by the progress of lighting technology for the most part. this is why the Unreal3 engine looks better than the D3 engine. If you look at the characters, the polycounts are as low in that game as they are in D3. What makes the engine look better is the advances in the lighting technology that will be available in a few years time.

Look at the interior of the model, it has the detail of a 250,000 to 1,000,000 poly model. With the unified lighting system lighting it, it is indestinguishable from actual polygonal geometry, even though the actual model is no more detail than the contour suggests. A tradeoff is taking place. For a slightly less detailed contour, we are recieveing a interior that is 100X higher in detail than is possible witht he old system of raw polygonal detail(hl2, stalker, +older games). For me, and most other people, this is a very generous tradeoff for us, the gamer. And when you consider that the contour changes at different angles, and changes constantly when the model is in motion, these hard edges are never appearent in-game. They only show in screenshots because the ever changing contour is frozen in time for us to inspect. If you look at other screens, namely the one with the dead marine behind the hellknight, you will notice a much more detailed contour around the head. this is because it is viewed at a different angle.

With this kind of detail available for low poly models, poly-count has effectively been made a non-issue. Someone like you, who as appearently very critical of D3, won't realize this until you play the game and see how incredible it looks. Then you will wonder where all those hard edges you saw in the screen shots are. Then you will realize you are looking at the feuture of gaming technology, and this is only the beginning.

The point being, don't trouble yourself over it. Games are progressing very nicely on all fronts, just kick back and enjoy the ride. Thats what this hobby is all about, isn't it? Riding the wave of progressing technology and enjoying the possibilities it brings us as time moves forward. Thats how I look at it, anyway.
Blahblahblah's Personal Dictionary V1.1

Marketing - The act of lying in order to hype or sell a product.
even if you don't believe him.... it sure makes you want to play the game when he says it.
the game = this summer w/ hl2? S**T S**T SH***Y S**T SH**!!! :x :bonce: :sleep: :eek: i gota get $700 for an over haul quick!!!!!! (6800Ultra + 256 extra DDR ram +590PSU for 99)
Inquisitor said:
Wow, you guys sure are taking his comment seriously.
To the guy complaining about polycounts, ....blah balh blah... Thats how I look at it, anyway.

Normal mapped models take a rather small amount of processing power to render. It's less of a tradeoff and more of a straight out advancement. The complaint is that doom3 models could be higher poly than they are, especially in places where it counts, like fingers and round heads.
I hope they release a demo soon.
Before my birth-day.:p
I'm quite interested in this game as much as Prince of Persia 2 and Half-Life 2.
The complaint is that doom3 models could be higher poly than they are

Yes, it could be higher, my point was that it simply isn't necessary for it to be any higher than it is. In motion the edgy contour of the models are not noticible at all.

It's not that the hellknight's head is just a box. Look at the other screens and you will notice more detail. You see that particular edge in this screenshot only because you are viewing it form the angle you are viewing it from.

But the whole argument is pointless, because these things are only noticible in still frames. It is not prudent to add polys to a model just to make it look better in still frames. The Imp is especially angular in still shots, but in the game you don't even notice his contour. It really is a non-issue, but some people just won't realise this until they are playing the game. They can point it out in screens, they can pause a trailer and point it out, but when playing the game they simply wouldn't notice the lower detailed contour of the model.
Lets just be friends and be happy that the "next gen" FPSs are finally coming out.

Yes, it could be higher, my point was that blah blah blah it simply isn't necessary for it to be any higher than it is. In motion blah blah blah the edgy contour of the models are not noticible at all. It's not that the hellknight's head is just a box. Look at the blah blah blah other screens and you will notice more detail. You see that particular edge in this screenshot only because you are viewing it blah blah blah form the angle you are viewing it from. But the whole argument is pointless, because these things are only noticible in still frames. It is not prudent to add polys to a model just blah blah blah to make it look better in still frames. The blah blah blah Imp is especially angular in still blah shots, but in the blah blah blah game you don't even notice his contour. It really is a non-issue, but some people just won't realise this until they blah blah blah are playing the game. They can blah blah blah point it out in screens, they can pause a trailer and point it out, but when playing the game they simply wouldn't notice the lower detailed contour of the model. Blah!


Look: I can't wait to play Doom3. Most people here can't. And frankly, the only real reason people here badmouth Doom3 is because you keep coming back here to demand that we acknowledge that Doom3 is the one true savior of all gaming, and that irritates people to no end and so they strike back.

So, okay, we get it. I'll even be happy to defend Doom3 against unfair statements. You don't need to come back and defend Doom3's honor any more. It's going to come out, it's going to look great, it's going to be tons of fun. We all know this, and we all agree.

So, can you please stop flouting the board rules now, treating bans as if they were just mild suggestions and the rules as if they were made to be broken? It sets a bad example for everyone, and hurts our enjoyment of the boards. You got banned because the mods decided that you had gone over the line in your tone one too many times: just respect that, and stay gone and stop stirring up this back and forth bickering nonsense everywhere you can find room.
The thing about Ewok that gets me is, now he defends Doom 3 saying screenshots don't do justice.. yet, when we brought up the same argument for HL2, he immediately blasted it saying "if the flaws are in screens, they'll be in the game."

What.. the.. hell :|
Does that guy ever give up....

I mean im a computer nerd....but i have some sort of a life.