id Software Confirm Summer 2004 Ship Date for Doom 3

What exactly are you going on about Apos? Did I run over your dog? Did I date rape your sister? I must have done something to have earned this little rant of yours. I don't know if you realise this, but I just registered today. You act as if we have a history, I have never seen you before in my life.

I was only responding to what I saw as an unfair statement for a game that has done alot for this industry. Why so hostile? Perhaps you should take a few hours to go outside and spend some time under the sun, have a nice tall glass of lemonade, talk to a female, maybe get some exercise, get some perspective. Then maybe when you come back online you will be able to communicate without taking this whole gaming business too seriously. We are all here, most of us anyway, to just have fun with games. This is entertainment. No reason to bring hostility into the mox bro.

Just relax and have fun.
Inquisitor said:
What exactly are you going on about Apos? Did I run over your dog? Did I date rape your sister? I must have done something to have earned this little rant of yours. I don't know if you realise this, but I just registered today. You act as if we have a history, I have never seen you before in my life.

Bahahha.. sure sure ;)
So you think I'm some troll who registers here alot? Heh.

Believe what you will, there doesn't seem to be anything I can do about it.
Inquisitor said:
So you think I'm some troll who registers here alot? Heh.

Believe what you will, there doesn't seem to be anything I can do about it.

Well, if you're REALLY not him, then that's nice to know.
It's just the afforementioned party is anti-VALVe, pro iD, trying to get everyone to conform to his views. He's been banned over a dozen times, and keeps coming back.

The way you write is very similar, and the fact that your name is questionable AND that you just registered here to (seemingly) defend Doom 3 alone is odd.

I'm skeptical.
I'm not anti or pro anything, I find it rather useless to take sides. I just enjoy playing games, all games by all developers, if they are good. And it matters not to me who "conforms" or who doesn't. I don't know any of you, I'll never meet you in the real world, what do I care what you think. I will speak my mind though.

But I would like to know Shuzer, just what about my name is questionable? ;) Seems like an appropriate moniker to me.

And since you brought it up, I have lurked here from time to time, but I registered now because I was anticipating some healthy discussion on the topic of this hobby of ours since e3 is at hand. Normally, I honestly don't have the time to participate in gaming forums. But e3 is the equivalent of a gamers sabbath, isn't it?

Perhaps a generous mod will swoop in and solve this minor dilemma of ours. It really matters not to me, believe what you will. I will be gone after e3, back to my day to day life in the real world. Hopefully we can partake in a few usefull discussions on our mutual hobby before my departure. Cheers. :cheers:
It's a name that one such as I mentioned would come back on (Inqusitor fits the bill perfectly, in fact). If you're not really him, then that's great. I'll reserve my judgment for a little while longer :)
What exactly are you going on about Apos? Did I run over your dog? Did I date rape your sister? I must have done something to have earned this little rant of yours. I don't know if you realise this, but I just registered today.

Bwahaha: you mean.... today, almost right after the last ewok sockpuppet got banned? Color me a huge huge skeptic to think that someone who sounds identical to him just happened to join the boards just as the latest round of sergio et. al. bit the dust. Either you're him, or you have an identical twin somewhere who sounds just like you who's name is brassmonkey/evil ewok/Segio/etc. I'M SO HAPPY TO FINALLY REUNITE YOU, I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU BOTH!!!

so.... when are you going to send me the latest "Brassmonkey, who is that, never heard of him, though he sounds like a fine chap" PM? I so love those. They're.... CUTE!