id Software talks DOOM 3 and beyond (PC)


Aug 20, 2003
Reaction score
Good find. :) Interesting read. I like how they informed everyone within the hour that they had finished the game.
Cool. I will download that picture later... What did they use to capture that thing....
I'm not gonna drive down to DC to pick up the game as early as possible. I'll leave that to the insane fans.
Tork, thanks alot man.

Looking at that it seems like they just enlarged it....
Yeah, it's huge! :eek:

Prolly make a neat desktop background, though...
The head of that monster looks like it was copied and pasted onto it's body. I hope that the in-game skins are smoother than that.
I wish i had a video card that could play doom 3 at that res :D.

Is it just me or does that thing look terrible. I know its harder to notice in real time, but its head isnt smooth, eyes look terrible, theres something weird about the neck, and the fingers also suck. I still think the moddeling is no contest for hl2. But it is something to play while waiting for hl2 to go gold!
GameSpy: Should we assume the release date for the Xbox version is still "When It's Done"?

Tim Willits: Of course! We're not going to tattoo many dates on our arm. (laughs)

OOOhohoooo makeing fun of the Bungie guys now I see :P
lol that was good, no joke though, i bet a lot of other companies are laughing at them not just valve, it was quite ridiculous IMOP. Why not be done talking about HALO 2 and start walking off stage and be like "Oh yeah almost forgot, HALO 2 comes out Nov. 15th" (or whatever the date is) and just smile and walk off....something among those lines.
Tim: Well the great thing about DOOM 3 is that all the tools that we used to develop the game like the map editor, the map compiler and thing that makes all the monsters smart ships with the title. Then we even went one step further. We're actually shipping all of the source maps for the game. No game has done this and no game is going to do this. If you're making a mod and you want to see how we did something, load up our source material. That's a major advantage to modmakers that we have in DOOM 3 and it's very exciting because it really gives everybody the same tools we used. It makes me really excited to see the great mods that will be available soon.

Neutrino said:

That's sort of not true. You could open and edit the map files for the Unreal games. I know they're not source files exactly, but still, you could do it.
Feh, true mappers use Notepad ;)

The big pic looks a bit awful ;(

But the game will be great :D
ComradeBadger :smoking:, the community's :cheese: most :E emotional :O mod! :) :D
i am excited about this. i will buy and test my system. :D
Shuzer said:
ComradeBadger :smoking:, the community's :cheese: most :E emotional :O mod! :) :D

Heheh, but i'm the happiest.

Seriously... does ANY other member on this forum have a smilie face in their name? lol :cheers:
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Heheh, but i'm the happiest.

Seriously... does ANY other member on this forum have a smilie face in their name? lol :cheers:

that could also mean ur on teh happy pillz :E ;)
wow 4000x3000 resolution screenshot..nice ;)
KagePrototype said:
That's sort of not true. You could open and edit the map files for the Unreal games. I know they're not source files exactly, but still, you could do it.

And you could do that with quake, quake2, quake3 maps but they were not the actuall source files ... and there is a big big difference ... at least with a decompiled quake map from the source map, I am not sure if that holds true for Unreal but it would about have to.
I'm a bit behind, Is there any demo like thing planned for Doom 3 or not?

I'm not a fan of having to wait 10 days after it's released in the UK just so I can play it. Still it's not as long as the wait for Deus Ex: Invisible War.
Eywanadi said:
And you could do that with quake, quake2, quake3 maps but they were not the actuall source files ... and there is a big big difference ... at least with a decompiled quake map from the source map, I am not sure if that holds true for Unreal but it would about have to.

Yeah, but the Unreal engine uses a unified file format. There's no .map or .rmf for editing, and .bsp for use in the game. That's why I said it was sort of true, because they weren't specifically source files, they were just the game maps. :)
Feath said:
I'm a bit behind, Is there any demo like thing planned for Doom 3 or not?

I'm not a fan of having to wait 10 days after it's released in the UK just so I can play it. Still it's not as long as the wait for Deus Ex: Invisible War.

Obviously I meant to say US instead of UK. Oops.
Feath said:
Obviously I meant to say US instead of UK. Oops.

It goes without saying that we'd be left behind anyway. Bloody Activision.
Doom3 looks awesome... I hope I get my computer parts intime

Doom3 won't be released the 5th here...somewhere around August 10th :(
Consider yourself lucky, I have to wait until the 13th
The rumor that DOOM³ will be shipped with ATI card's.
And it cant be true because they already have a deal with Nvidia, and doom3 runs better on Nvidia cards so that would be pretty bad marketing for ATI
EVIL said:
The rumor that DOOM³ will be shipped with ATI card's.
And it cant be true because they already have a deal with Nvidia, and doom3 runs better on Nvidia cards so that would be pretty bad marketing for ATI

Thanks for explaining. Ya, that sounds like a pretty ridiculous rumor.