idea for a half life 2 mod



my friend and i came up with this idea but we cant work on it so i would like to see someone else make this mod (and let me beta-test it :-D) and you can have full credit but i want credit for the idea.

its called "shock media" and you are basically a ninja photojournalist, you look like james bond, you have a nice suit on and stuff but when you go on missions you wear all black and look like a ninja spy.

anyway the idea here is that you start catastrophes (wtc maybe? maybe that is too controversial but its an example) and you use a camera to get the best shots to sell to the media (since you already know its going to happen) and anyway you fight against a group of people who are against you for starting these horrible things.

you eventually join them and use your knowledge to defeat the people who you were working for (who you didnt know much about).

when you snap a photo it will save a screenshot on your computer and you can go through them in-game and they can be automatically added to newspapers or whatever in-game (superimposed on something like maybe a billboard) and the better the picture, the better the price you can charge for it (maybe the models will have points attached to them or something.

The more you get in one shot the better, im not sure how the points will be determined) and then online there will be a male and female model and you can take snaps of things just like this (each map will take up the entire amount of space possible, basically each map is a section of a city) other things would include blowing up schoolbuses and destroying churches, you know, horrible shit you see on the news.

Then, online, people can take photos too which would maybe be saved on the server temporarily and points will be determined automatically for how much of the bus is in the shot and how well you can see the flames or something, this is the only part your mod team will have to really figure out.

Then you can kill other photojournalists and steal their floppy disc (all ninjas use digital pictures) and then get it developed at one of the computer terminals in the random apartment buildings you can break into, then points are awarded for the pics and the one with the most points wins!

The best part is people can go on the (virtual) computers and look at other peoples pictures and maybe the server can set a point value at which to keep the pictures and not delete them automatically so that they can look through the best shots and put them on their website or something.

It will also include a team of all bots which will be security guards and stuff like that, i think this will make for an interesting online as well as one player game and whoever posts first that they want to work on this takes the project on, you must find modelers and all that im just the idea-guy, also please mention larry k in the credits or something. thanks.
sounds great! are you planning on putting up a web site and have you started putting this writing down etched on stone, or are still working out the basics?

btw, are you from Dolphin/Pulse?
i just came up with this idea, im just a kid im not with pulse or anything like that, i habve no plans for doing anything with this idea and i am GIVING THIS IDEA AWAY TO ANY MOD TEAMS WHO WANT IT because i want to play this game, and all the points are based on the quality of the photos (also you can only fit maybe 15 pics on a disc and i dunno, make something where you cant erase the disc and you need to find more or maybe you use film and need to buy more film, the mod team should come up with this part too) any mod teams want to take this on? there are a few technical things that you will have to figure out but im sure this mod is 100% possible
heres another bump... come on someone give me some feedback
Sounds Real Cool

I like the idea

Im a advanced novice coder and am learning fast. It would be nice to work on a cool idea like this when i get better :D
if you can get a team together, then the idea is yours. whoever wants to take this on needs to make their own team and they should claim this idea officially in this thread so that 4 teams arent working on the same mod or something, also if it works out well i may be able to come up with other ideas for new mods.
im bumping this back from the dead for a few reasons:

there are a lot of new guys right now, someone may want to take on this mod idea.

and also i am seeing dumb ****ing ideas like redoing final fantasy, morrowind, GTA, in source. this is gay, if you make a mod make something NEW. USE MY IDEA! ITS GOOD!
Why is he a ninja again? :LOL: This sounds alot like pokemon snap. Although not the best theme, it was an entertaining game.
i guess its sort of like pokemon snap, but instead of taking pictures of weird animals while you are on a tram ride, you are running around, creating big explosions and taking picture of thsoe, then fighting the toher guys and killing them, stealing their pictures, and selling the horrific images for millions of dollars. much better than pokemon snap in my opinion.
maybe that should tell you what people think of your idea... :p not that it looks that bad but, maybe you should actually make it yourself.
Brilliant. That is comedy at its best; a ninja photojournalist.

Honestly, that is the worst idea for a mod I've ever heard. Just terrible. At first I thought it was a joke...seriously, you have to make this.

Ninja Photojournalist. Excellent.

I want to be a cyborg-ninja lumberjack called Jack Lumber: Destroyer of Trees